The War Within: Dungeon and Affix Updates

this is a Trash concept.
Making certain affixes favor classes is a VERY very bad concept, so I wonder if Blizzard makes the game for Competitive Teams or for 95% of its normal players?
Whoever is “Genius” reconsider and discard this concept.


I would take back literally any affix except afflicted to have Bolster and Sanguine removed instead. Bursting probably also, but it’s not as bad as the other two.

The new affixes sound like they will be a nightmare combined with Fortified, and I’m not sold at all on random damage types being buffed once a month.

EDIT: as a 10% damage buff to only some mobs this might be getting blown out proportion. And it never applies to bosses.

My concerns with Fortified remain however, and I still think there could be a more inclusive version of the kisses.


affixes are not hard to figure out. retune scaling to make the fortified/tyr health pools to be the deciding factor on timing. take out all negative affixes. install only positive affixes. now no one complains about affixes feeling bad and oyu have a genuinely positive feeling going into a dungeon. positive affix examples, all players are stealthed when out of combat; all melee auto attacks cleave non cc’d mobs; all aoe capped abilities also heal party members for a portion of their damage; all enemies take 10% more damage while not moving. all that happens is that the level of key that is doable will go higher, so you tune the tyranical or fortified affix to bring them back in line. no one complains about an affix. people have fun doing the content. the content feels different from week to week because you can actively play differently.


Really like the idea of swapping affixes to be more about altering what kind of DMG types and profiles are valuable on a week to week basis, but there are a few gaps in the execution here. 1st one is DH benefits from 100% of these buffs as they deal Chaos DMG, and we obviously already have a metagame rules by VDH so that’s likely to exacerbate some issues. Second is the buffs being localized to very specific DMG types is not only likely to cause fomo in the best case and ostracization in the worse case, but even when working as intended are only engaged with by a small subsection of the player base week to week. The dynamic isn’t “how can i build differently this week to maximize the affix” its “oh i didn’t get the buff this week, sadge”

I honestly do like the general idea of what’s going on here, but I don’t envision this iteration causing more fun that it does frustration. The dynamic these create should be similar to tyran and fort where you might change 1-2 talents on a given week so everyone gets to engage with it every week.

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This. For the love of God, This.

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Please just get rid of Tyrannical and Fortified. They aren’t fun to deal with, there is no counter play, and they’ve been around forever.


I only do dungeons up to +10, so my enjoyment of a dungeon comes down to how annoying the week is so I don’t have problem with 90% of this, but things like sanguine and bursting just have to go, I never had fun those weeks.


These new affixes may be one of the dumbest things you have cooked up. You are going to alienate 80-90% of specs each week.


The idea of increasing the damage of certain spell schools would be marginally more interesting if there wasn’t an entire class whose singular dps spec did primarily Chaos damage


Guess this is our reward for being the only 2-spec class in the game


Can affixes just be removed? The dev team has been playing around with affix balance for years at this point and it has not gotten any better.


This is just another expansion where blizzard misses the mark with affixes. We had a key last expansion where the affixes somehow didn’t load and it was honestly the best key I did all dragonflight. Being able to focus only on the dungeon and it’s mechanics was so refreshing.


Looks good. Dmg amps should be pretty minor in terms of overall considering they only affect certain mobs and not bosses, plus putting bit of power into the mobs themselves rather than external affixes is a really great change.

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These are incredibly uninspired. Nobody wants affixes like this. You can not actually play world of warcraft and think people want weekly damage type bonuses. This is only a payoff for playing a half dozen alts, theres no interaction for any individual character. You are either playing a class that benefits or not, playing a class that is punished or not. You cant take a talent to do anything about it. You cant push a button to interact. And you removed Afflicted, Entangling and Incorporeal, three affixes that you CAN interact with on most characters (and one of the major points of feedback on afflicted is how dog it feels to be on a class that cant interact) and replacing them with completely passive and uninteresting affixes that you can do nothing about except log out.

These were not designed by someone who enjoys doing mythic plus please hire one person that does. You cant convince me a single person that plays more than 4 keys a season thought this was a fun or interesting addition to the game.


This is the opposite of what you guys are trying to do with this buff affix system. It will be make pple complain to each other about what specs they are playing and what class they are. Im going to main a Fire mage for the first time cause I really like the new hero talents. But this makes me very sad and upset. I wanna play Fire, not Frost, not Arcane but FIRE! I dont want to be yelled at that I need to be a different spec cause of what week it is. I want to be a fire mage with the cool pheonix pets… Your making so I can only get into mythic+ one out of every four weeks! This is bad game design for a system pple already try to min max even at the normal casual level.


bad, try again, but less dumb this time plz


As long as fire does more than 10% more damage than arcane in AOE (which will likely be the case because of how their base kits work), you’ll be fine on the 1 week where it’s relevant.

Honestly, I just want them to stop trying at this point. Delete all the affixes and make all the dungeons scale in an expected mannor. No one is going to miss affixes. The dungeons rotating every season keeps them fresh. If you do need to keep affixes. Then just bring back a seasonal and scrap everything else.


Payback for THE sacrifice

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Thread theme:

Thank you Blizzard.

Obviously the Curse portion of this will depend in performance based on the tank (although I do think that Prot Wars might get the short end of the stick here, but we’ll see).

Thank you for listening. If we are wrong and these kiss/curse affixes are failures, I will apologize.

I also realize that you guys may want to cook some affixes that are a lot more interesting than just +10% damage to a specific type of damage, but you’re also experimenting to see how we like these affixes before you try anything crazy. Don’t worry, we get you.

I truly do hope people end up loving these because if the crazy kiss/curse affixes you’ll cook up are half as good as your hero trees, we are in for the best M+ experience of all time. **** Legion, The War Within is in.