The War Within Beta Test Now Live!

First… when did Evoker get that advanced warning?

Second… Copied account data (or at least I think it did. It did it’s loading then stopped) but when I try to copy a character over, it says copy failed

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Yay a lua warning

Anyone else only seeing These Go At Eleven server? I know its a max level server and Copy Character does not work on this realm, but since it seems to be only option…

no character copy and creation fails.

Keep at it, I can see Alleria and Khadgar now and couldn’t at first…

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live? dont even work? lol tf you talking about

Evoker has the advanced warning on betas because the level 50 toon requirement is disabled. It’s a hold over from the DF beta.

Thank You!

The endless loop. :loop:

Looks like they took down the servers for a bit…

Ah. Thanks for the info

Still show up for me. Just can’t get in.

Yeah mine say unavailable now. Seems like they are still a bit unstable…

Still a queue… When the queue pops, either gets stuck at “Retrieving Server List” or the list populates but all say “Incompatible”

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Imagine being the person going through all the error logs that are spamming right now XD


yall need lizzo

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Was it noted how long this beta will be?

No. /10char

20 years of an active sub, not veteran enough I guess.


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The “incompatible” thing is because you’re not on the Beta tab (see bottom of realm list).