First… when did Evoker get that advanced warning?
Second… Copied account data (or at least I think it did. It did it’s loading then stopped) but when I try to copy a character over, it says copy failed
First… when did Evoker get that advanced warning?
Second… Copied account data (or at least I think it did. It did it’s loading then stopped) but when I try to copy a character over, it says copy failed
Yay a lua warning
Anyone else only seeing These Go At Eleven server? I know its a max level server and Copy Character does not work on this realm, but since it seems to be only option…
no character copy and creation fails.
Keep at it, I can see Alleria and Khadgar now and couldn’t at first…
live? dont even work? lol tf you talking about
Evoker has the advanced warning on betas because the level 50 toon requirement is disabled. It’s a hold over from the DF beta.
Thank You!
The endless loop.
Looks like they took down the servers for a bit…
Ah. Thanks for the info
Still show up for me. Just can’t get in.
Yeah mine say unavailable now. Seems like they are still a bit unstable…
Still a queue… When the queue pops, either gets stuck at “Retrieving Server List” or the list populates but all say “Incompatible”
Imagine being the person going through all the error logs that are spamming right now XD
yall need lizzo
Was it noted how long this beta will be?
No. /10char
20 years of an active sub, not veteran enough I guess.
The “incompatible” thing is because you’re not on the Beta tab (see bottom of realm list).