The vindication of Sylvanas

Äh, Nop, she came back because otherwise she would be tortured forever. not because the forsaken need her, because she wanted to be free from this torture.

Are you an Ethriel Alt?

no, but you are SOOOO damm wrong in your assumptions that it hurts. EON, the return of Sylvanas was not because of the FORSAKEN, if she had not ended up in hell, she would never have come back, she would not have cared. It was only when the situation got bad for HER that she came back and made the deal.

Sylvanas was and will be allways a practical ego centric person, if its in her interest, she´ll be on your side, otherwise, you´ll be tricked and betrayed.

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Sylvanas isnt a logical, well developed character.

She is a stupid awful character.

Her character arc right now makes as much sense as Kerrigans story in sc2.

Hell I would say a dictator becoming an ice cream truck driver makes for a far more better written story than the clown show that is Soyvanas.

I just don’t agree. I’m sorry. I think you are wrong. let’s agree to disagree.

Where? When? They literally dump her in hell, and only then does she changer her mind. The show her what is going to happen to them before she ends up there and she still abandons them. She also then returns and literally states she’s intends to use them. Could you be ignoring the order of events any more than you are?

Also, projecting about headcannon much? Like, seriously, we know nothing (even now) about what her true motivations with Eyir were in Stormheim. Only that Eyir could be used to make Val’kyr, and one of the purposes of those Val’kyr could be used to improve the quality of life for the Forsaken. They could also be used to enslave the Forsaken by turning them into Val’kyr, but we just don’t know. And you are lying if you say otherwise. Sylvanas was also making deals with Helya, an established servant of the Jailor. And is actively working for the Jailor himself. She also implied heavily in A Good War that she wanted Tyrande dead, was visibly upset that both Tyrande and Malf weren’t on the field to be killed in the WoT, and had Nate try to kill and enslave her in the Darkshore Warfront.

is this a typo or intentional?

“Sylvanas Windrunner had her vengeance. The vision that had driven her and her people for years had finally been realized. And not a single fiber of her desiccated, animate corpse cared where the world went from here.” (INclude the forsaken btw ;))

she even declared here, she didn´t care about anything in this world anymore.

source, Page 1. And no, i can´t, because your headcanon is disgusting. And i will allways challenge disgusting headcanon.


I want her to go out saying “Tell my sister … she’s a bi—…”


and btw: edge of night and sylvanas/forsaken, here is sylvanas REAL VIEW from the Forsaken since second one!

Now, as sudden as the last, a third memory. “Rightful heirs of Lordaeron!” Sylvanas called out, holding her bow aloft. Her forearm, still slender and muscular, was now a shade of blue-gray. Dead. The scene was very different now. This vision had the cold sheen of a memory lived after death. Before her waited a grotesque, quivering mass of corpses, their armor piecemeal, their bodies broken, the stench unimaginable. Their plaintive, desperate gazes reminded her suddenly of children. They disgusted her. "

Edge of Night aswell. I mean, wtf, how blind can someone be?

Sylvanas true problem with this entire Situation is revealed aswell in EON:

“She drew cold air into her lungs, her eyes suddenly alive. “I will not be judged!” she cried out, turning away from the edge to face her accusers. “Not by you. Not by anyone.” Her fury welled up inside her. Would her banshee’s wail work against these… things?”

She was judged, and think this judgement is Unjust


I mean, even when she was ‘supposedly’ a good guy, it’s not like she had her people form a cult of personality around herself, creating statues of her and treating her like she was some sort of demi-god.

Because those are things that people who don’t have big egos do, right?

dude. that’s what she thought of the Forsaken in the end of WC3’s undead campaign. it’s a flashback. Like Mawthorne has said previously. SHE’S EVOLVED. you literally see her evolution on this topic over the whole story.

Her mental state in WC3 just after she broke free from Arthas wasn’t that stable. She didn’t want to lead a country of corpses she wanted to get away from the Scourge… but then as she evolved and the Forsaken grew as a race, they developed an identity that set them apart from the Scourge.

She developed by barely that her goal was reached wanted to leave everything behind and actually cared about nothing more? I mean, she didn´t care after arthas defeat about a SINGLE bit, not the forsaken (Her arrows), not family, not the horde, nothing.

Sorry, again, only headcanon, the forsaken were never more as…her personal pawn for revenge.


She didn’t do that though. She never encouraged the Forsaken to worship her, she explicitly has said that on multiple occasions. She hates that they built a statue to her in Brill.

Sigh … I dunno man.

Regardless, I am still fairly comfortable in the belief that she is getting played here. Both by the Jailor and her own Primes. That her Hel was a terrifying, painful … lie. A convenient one created to get her to act in convenient ways for someone else (the Jailor). The exact same type of manipulative tactic she’s used for ages on the Forsaken. And the Horde for that matter. Reinforced by her apparent genuine belief that the Arbiter is the one that threw her in the Maw; as well as Mueh’s hyper reluctance to give out the details of how she became Warchief (something that would not matter if she already knew. Especially now that she is not Warchief any longer).

Long story short. She’s in a raid this early to get “Arrow’d in the Jailor’s Quiver”. Will get abandoned, and then probably it will be revealed that he and her Primes were behind her trip to the Maw. That she turned herself into the LK in service of a lie. Then “maybe” she’ll get set on some redemptive path afterwards. But she wont be proven right. Her actions wont be validated. And her means will not turn out to justify anyone’s ends but Zoval’s.

I am gonna need to ask you for a source on that. Because if Sylvanas did not want a cult of personality to surround herself, I think she could have done more to discourage it.

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I mean, thats statement is even in EON:

“Sylvanas thought about her people. They had come far from their decimated origins, the yearning, confused mob of fresh corpses huddled about the ruins of Lordaeron’s wrecked capital. The Forsaken were truly a nation now: a fetid, gore-caked, hideous mass of lifeless husks, skilled in combat, devastating with the arcane arts, and unhindered by fetters of morality. They had been honed into the perfect weapon. Her weapon. And they had struck the killing blow for which she had built them. She cared nothing for their fate.

The forsaken were only her weapon, nothing more.

Forsaken was, are and will be only merely sylvanas pawn, nothing more, she don´t care about them since hour 0 and never developed a feeling more then a needed weapon and later bulwark against the darkness

i use sylvanas own words here:

“Let them perish!” Sylvanas cried. “I am finished with them!”


She even outright states her intent with them at the end of the story.

The army of undead that surrounded and protected the Dark Lady was still hers, body and soul. But they were no longer arrows in her quiver, not anymore. They were a bulwark against the infinite. They were to be used wisely, and no fool orc would squander them while she still walked the world of the living.

My GOD could it be any more transparent than that? And this entirely internal monologue. She intends to USE them, and while they do hold value enough to her that she wont allow Garrosh to squander them … they are still a tool for her personal use. And as a note, she’s not walking the land of the living anymore.


I got the impression from War Crimes that Sylvanas as a person is separate than the image she projects. The Banshee Queen is a mask, it’s evident in how the banner of the Forsaken is a shattered mask of her face. That leads me to question if she’s really embraced this as her personality or if it’s just a mask she wears. Proof of that happens when the mask slips, when her humanity shows.

the story dialogue encourages this “has the Banshee Queen eclipsed the Ranger-General?” Even Anduin sees that Sylvanas hides her real self behind a mask, why can’t you? She’s a multidimensional character.

Don’t you guys ever get tired of cherry picking Edge of Night?