The vindication of Sylvanas

Not really, I don’t think it would be lazy. And more than anything it would be consistent. I am tired of you wanting the whole wow verse to bend itself around this piss poor character, that was never even good. When Sylvanas says “Yes”, I want the whole wow cosmos to grab her, squeeze her, and tell her “No”.

I expect them to be more right than a genocidal, narcissistic nihlist, if that isn’t too much to ask for.

Fine with that. Let her live to die another day, scarred by us, awaiting the inevitable.

Nice description for mmo players.

You need a psyh evaluation, it’s not normal to feel this violent and angry towards a fictional character. What loss is it to you if she wins? Maybe she deserves to win.

I get it you feel “beaten down” by her actions against your faction. You are a worgen, you have been force fed anti-Sylvanas propoganda in your racial quests.

What boggles my mind is that you actually believe it without stepping back and taking an objective look at the bigger picture. I played a Forsaken and their narrative is skewed against the Worgen as filhty land stealing insurgents and yet I was still able to empathize with the Worgen on my Worgen playthrough. I don’t understand why anyone would become so emotionally invested in one specific faction to the point that they could ignore all other conflicting PoV’s.


She does deserve better treatment than what blizz has done with her so far, and some people are just unhealthy angry when it comes to well written female characters like Sylvanas




That is very rich coming from you. And uncalled for.

I hate fictional characters that do terrible things. Hardly abnormal. You’re meant to hate them. What’s not normal is feeling unironic admiration for such a character, like you do.

Besides competely annihilating whatever investment I still have in this universe and permanently mar my good memmories of it, nothing.

If a character that does what Sylvanas does deserves to win, then that story is fundamentally broken in my eyes. It would be like writing fanfiction where Hitler won ww2, and the aftermath of that, all the while portraying him and his actions in a positive light. No thank you.

I don’t think you understand, so i’ll be simple. The worgen are justifed in their anger, the Forsaken are not. One invaded and blighted the others homeland, the other then retaliated in a bid to reclaim it. One is justified, the other is not. I’m right, and you are wrong, concerning this. That’s really all there is to this discussion. Alright?


I honestly wouldnt mind if Sylvanas died in the raid, but I want it to be like Darth Vader, but with Lilian Voss in the role of Luke, and I want Sylvanas to go out saying “Tell my sister… I was right…”


Any time new information that is presented to you, when it clashes with your own point of view, Do you examine it to see if there are truths to that information? or do you just throw out all information that doesn’t conform to you opinion?

because that, my friend, makes a world of difference when it comes to critical thinking.

I do indeed. You could learn to do it aswell.

I have read every single anti-Sylvanas but you are right there are places where I can improve. Thank you for pointing that out.

I have read them all. Anti-Sylvanas opinions are not new.

They don’t have to be to be correct. Similarly, you could write a novel and you still would not be able to justify why Sylvanas deserves to win. In fact, you could write ten books on the subject, and you would still not succeed. Not without endorsing bending the story asunder, and validating an abject monster of a character.

The real question is? Which sister does she care more about being "right’ to?



Im sorry. I empathize with the Worgen and the Forsaken, because I play both and I can understand them and separate myself from them. I am not a zombie, but sometimes I roleplay as a zombie in a video game. I want to kill the living, but especially my neighbors from the other side of the greymane wall. The ones who closed the gate while I was consumed by the scourge. My zombie is not a good guy, and thats ok. My character, and all forsaken are angry, and they dont need to justify their anger to be interesting.

My worgen is angry and also a little confused. He doesnt know how to feel about the greymane wall, now having seen what being a part of the Alliance is. Silas Savagemaw is a proud Gilnean, but the actions of the Night Elves, and seeing what cooperation can achieve, there is a twinge of guilt. That said, the only thing more important than holding the lighthouse and the waterworks, is killing undead.

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I see nothing here contradicting my claim. Your Forsaken can feel all the anger he wants, the Forsaken were still not justifed in invading and blighting Gilneas, with the intent to kill all of it’s citizens. That’s all there is to it.

But the Worgen are very, very justified in their anger at having lost their homeland because of the Forsaken. And very justified in trying to take it back.

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To an extent, yes.

The big change is moreso in regards to how she views her own people. Like yeah, she don’t care for the Horde one bit, but she still very much valued her own Forsaken, even if they were “arrows in her quiver”. It was still seen as much her top priority to preserve them.(y’know cuz of the Bulwark against the infinite) There’s also her taking pride in the idea of free will all the way up until BfA, which got blatantly 180d on when she decided that free will doesn’t serve her interests in BtS.

Like yeah, her core personality of “cold, ruthless, pragmatism “ is largely the same, but alot of her motivations and ideals have been drastically warped to make her as evil as possible.

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I had a really dour thought. I know some people feel WoW should have a storyline where the villain wins to try to add some gravity back into the setting, but I wonder how they’d feel if the victor wasn’t the jailer, but just Sylvanas.

She specifically says that “No fool Orc will squander them” when referring to them as her Bulwark. As well as that they “needed to be used wisely”. She never states however that she can’t squander them, provided she see’s it as necessary. I should also remind you that while good archers can and will reuse arrows, Sylvanas Windrunner has never once used that phrase in reference to an arrow she intends to return for or reuse. Ever. Frankly, if you didn’t come of out of EoN wondering what would happen to her Forsaken should they ever become as valueless to her as her Arrows did? I don’t know what to tell you.

And what is it a Bulwark Against the Infinite does? Well its a meatshield to protect her and her interests? What did said Bulwark fail utterly in its role to do in Legion? Fail to protect her in her interests? Man, I wonder why they lost their value so much…

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Everyone is justified in their own mind. The truth is, the Forsaken didnt want Gilneas. Garrosh did and forced the forsaken to move on Gilneas. Sylvanas showed up after the invasion was already underway to effectively take over for the sake of the Forsaken who were practically catapault ammo to Oshkosh Garrosh.

Sylvanas was happier with the Gilneans quietly on the other side of a wall Genn so nicely built for them.

With that said, my point was that right or wrong, justified or unjust, doesn’t matter for character motivations. In fact, its better for a two faction game if both sides feel vindicated all the time. The complaint of Alliance players shouldnt be that they dont have a good villain on the side of the horde, but that they won’t when Sylvanas dies.