The vindication of Sylvanas

Of course you do. Because you somehow take a known deceptive and manipulative liar’s words as the Gospel of Truth. And you are giving way WAY more credit to the writing team that gave us BfA then is warranted with her.


there are paralles between Sylvanas and Arthas.

There are parallels between Anduin and Arthas.

There are parralels between Anduin and Sylvanas.

It’s all part of the narrative story that they are weaving.

Sylvanas did a 1:1 re enactment of the fall of quel thalas with delaryn. There is no parralels between her and Anduin.


Ty 4 the assist, pal. I was not going to read thru that tripe again just to prove a point that most human beings have already accepted.

BfA Sylvanas=/=Most depictions of Sylvanas b4 that.


Beyond the ones she herself has created reprising her role as Arthas in that parallel. Because her apparent “choice” was to do the equivalent of what Arthas did to her. The exact same thing she did to Delaryn. But remember, she needs preferential treatment because she’s Arthas’ victim, and her victims are “simply justified means to an ends”.

There are significant parallels between Anduin and Sylvanas. Maybe they are not on the surface but they exist. They both have empathy and a desire to change the world for the better, and I’m glad the No Lies cinematic and the Sylvanas’s choice cinematic highlight these parallels.

Anduin on trusting Sylvanas:

“whatever Sylvanas had or had not done, Anduin was certain that this was the right path. And sometimes the right path was a painful and dangerous one.” -304 Before the Storm.

The Blizzard writers are fully aware of the nuances they are crafting into their own stories, whether or not we the viewer choose to see them. They know where they are going with this story, and I trust them.

If that makes me a fool and the end of the day than that makes me a fool, it doesn’t matter either way. What matters is they tell a good story. [ “Good” being highly subjective and up to interpretation and criticism]

Wait, but doesn’t that quote from BtS totally reinforce both BfA Sylvanas AND EoN Sylvanas? That she’s their manipulative abuser just using them as tools for her own personal objectives. Thus control over them is the priority, until she no longer needs them … and thus abandons them?

LMAO. Dude she is championing the guy who is bent on torturing innocent souls and destroying them to drown all life in death. This is exactly like saying Gul’dan wanted to make things for the better. She committed genocide and sent her people to die just to feed that machine.
Everything she has done for the Jailer is the furthest from empathy or making things for the better.


Thats right, Billy! That’s Darth Vader! He’s the bad guy! Don’t worry little Billy, its just pretend.


Sylvanas represents feminism or women as well as darth vader represents the jedi.

Other than that… Is luxio continuing to being stupid or did he get a relevation?

BfA isnt really that bad. Each story individually is pretty good. The writing is easily better than BC. People just dont like it because the audience has become really cynical and nerds need to entertain themselves by dissecting the content (of which Im guilty) and in the US especially that means listening to content creators tell them all the reasons they should hate something.

The writers are also attempting to tell this ambitious, long form narrative. Those work really well when they lead to a well timed, satisfying conclusion. But in a game like wow, satisfaction is a death sentence. You dont leave your audience feeling satisfied, you want them hungry.

Fans of the current story are hungry for answers… they want to see the mystery revealed. They want to understand the motives, and they want insight. You would satisfy them by revealing all the answers. By clearing up all the confusion.

People who hate Sylvanas as a character are still consuming the story because they are hungry for revenge. The only way to satisfy them is to kill Sylvanas in a brutal and undignified way.

If you completely satisfy both parties, then the hunger for the story goes away. Best case scenario is completely satisfying no one. Delivering story developments in the form of appetizers, which lead to drinks, which never get to a main course but remind us about another type of appetizer, starting the cycle over again.

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BC is by no means the greatest masterpiece ever, but that comparison is so laughable in itself.

Out of context or not.

Blizzards story has been going down so far that if it was a chart

That is a good explanation

Post mop ending it is basically

No they don’t. Not in the wow universe, and not in real life either. Every character who believed that, whether it be Deathwing, Algalon, Arthas or Sargeras have one thing in common. They all got stomped into the dirt by Adventuring heroes. Sylvanas will be no different.

we shall see.

Don’t cry “bad writing” if that’s not what happens.

I feel like a mad man that I look at BfA and think “god, this is such a mess on a functional writing level”. Too many plot lines; not enough resolution. Too much focus on spectacle pieces; not enough on the consequences of those pieces. The Horde was forced to be the aggressors in a war they are told from the offset they could never hope to win; with no actual motives to do so, let alone valid ones. Then forced to completely ignore the Teld throughout the entirety of the story (the one battle we had to win to be labelled the villains from then on), because Blizz could not figure out a way to justify why the Horde would not rebel against Sylvanas because of it. So they were forced to sit on their hands until they were “allowed” to do so with Derek.

While the Zandalari questing, and most of the minor stories were pretty ok, my god the overarching Meta story (and every single thing related to it) was an unmitigated mess. And if you want the perfect sample of that, look no further than the Xal’atath questline. God that was so bad lol!!!


we have never gotten a war story.

I know that no matter what happens, Sylvanas will not be proven right. She might realize her mistakes and try and atone for them, as much as that would anger me. But she will not do what you want her to do. It would simply be antithetical to 16 years of wow writing. Soz.

writing her as just another villian saying the same thing about the cosmic war and getting the boot just because her PoV didn’t jive with the player character’s Titan influenced PoV, would be lazy writing.

You just pointed out what is exactly wrong with the player expectation. You expect your player character to be right and have 100% good judgement, 100% of the time. While that may work in an RPG and the game mechanics force us into this one PoV it doesn’t work for good story telling.

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We actually don’t know what blizz has planned for her, but she’s most likely surviving the raid encounter next patch.

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You’re an actual insane person, aren’t you?

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