The vindication of Sylvanas

Her Primes were apparently shackled to the Helm of Domination. Which is why they weren’t overtly fond of remaining that way when Bolvar sat in to keep them in line. As if they are working with the Jailor, then they would be bound to the one opposing him. If there is any truth to that reality, it seems unlikely that their influence could have stretched beyond that tower unless Bolvar willed it.

EDIT: Not that splatting yourself against Old God Blood is a good idea regardless of primes.

Well, that’s not the whole of it. That’s like cherry picking. the whole conversation is as follows:

No, Saurfang concluded instantly. He rebelled against that thought, but every counterargument he could think of died quickly. Orgrimmar was more exposed than Stormwind. Its port was outside the city walls and thus was vulnerable. The civil war against Garrosh Hellscream had proved that. It would not be simple to crack open Orgrimmar again—Saurfang had spent years making sure of it—but it was possible, and he knew how it could happen. Draw off our navy, land troops in Durotar and Azshara, isolate the city, begin the siege from two directions, wait for the city to starve . . .“It’s my duty to make sure that doesn’t happen, Warchief.”

“And if it does?”

Saurfang laughed bitterly. “Then the Horde charges into battle and dies honorably that day, because there will be nothing else left for us but a slow death inside these walls.”

Sylvanas did not laugh with him. “It is my duty to stop that from happening.”

Both Sylvanas and Saurfang disagreed on the best direction of the Horde but they both valued protecting the Horde. I encourage you to read A Good War again.

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General rule of thumb for Sylvanas. Disregard the lesson from EoN that portrayed her as someone who will say and do one thing, but be thinking something completely different. Take every single thing she ever says in public at face value, taking it as representative of her true character. And read entire short-stories between the lines of every awful internal thing she thinks, to twist them into something positive.

Remember, she is the most honest, open, and transparent character to ever exist. And even though she was never given a sufficient motive to actually start caring either for her Forsaken or the Horde as people, more than their need to be tools for her … she does care about them both. For reasons! :smiley:


Vol’jin. Her comrade in arms and rebellion against Garrosh. That was the real turning-point of Sylvanas character.

Everything else you said has merit, but to claim that her character development didnt make sense seems to suggest you didnt really follow her character development.

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is the maw really that bad? I havent been there in so long.

you can throw out whatever canon you want.

Here we are posting actual dialogue and actual canon. It’s hard to just throw that all away as just lies. but that’s your prerogative. You have continuously shown that you are okay with disregarding canon for your own headcanons.

You have no special insight. We too are reading between the lines, we are just not putting things in between those lines that don’t exist.

yes! that’s the problem with Driote, they have really good takes except when it’s about Sylvanas. It’s like they get everthing BUT her. It’s tragic really.

Oh, do tell? When did such a change happen within her due to Vol’jin’s Darkspear Rebellion? And how did that change translate into her coming to care for her Forsaken? Because she used an opportunity to rid herself of Garrosh when she had it? Like she did in War Crimes with Vereesa? Because last I checked, Sylvie had zero relevance in MoP until SoO … when she showed up with Lor’themar at the Orgrimmar docks. Even the wiki for her in MoP is “Vol’jin makes a passing mention of her when the rebellion started”.

EDIT: In fact the only comment she makes about Jin is “she’s going to test him (give him a hard time)”.


Maybe I should also read Before the Storm again as well. :thinking:


I’m not throwing anything out. I’m just taking her spoken dialogue when others are around with a grain of salt; which IS a good idea with how Blizz wrote her. EoN portrayed her as a character that requires that scepticsm. If you want to take everything she says at face value, or twist her internal dialogue to make it more flattering to her … that’s all you. But don’t expect me to sit here and pretend that what you’re doing is not doing your damdest to always give her as much benefit of the doubt as possible.

She gave arguments to Saurfang that she felt would work on Saurfang to get him on board with the War. There is nothing to suggest that she shared those same sentiments. Repeatedly in A Good War she actively does or suggests things that run counter to the very plan she inspired Saurfang to create. And part of Saurfang’s ENTIRE internal crisis in BfA was him realizing he made a horrific mistake when he assumed he knew what she wanted from this conflict. But, hey, don’t let me rain on your image of Sylvanas.


Luxio are you a Blizzard employee by any chance?

Its funny how you mention race and xenophobia, when they are still to this day very present in the story… Hell even sexism is, and not in a good matter either, Blizzard managed to convince alot of you that it is this “Super Progressive Company” with the trends of Feminism LGBT stuff and so on, but portrays the story with alot of Sexism, and racism at almost every corner.

They propped up Sylvanas as an “Empowered female charaacter” and made the night elf people - A predominantly Female portrayed race, turn into distressed damsels and literally street woman of Stormwind.

Its like saving one person from a fire by making a pile of alive people as a ladder. Both literally and figuratively.

Do I even need to touch on daelins racism that is validated by the actions of BFA?

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Even if i take the time to give you examples you won’t honor me or give anyone a shot by actually listening to the evidence we present so why bother.

This is an example of a good question to ask, and I’m eager to answer it honestly but it’s a trap. You won’t put aside your own personal bias to hear to hear what I have to say or objectively look at the evidence I present. Your question and interest in this topic is disingenuous you just want to argue.

Until you listen to understand and not listen to respond im not going to engage with you any more on this topic. It’s wasting my time.

Maybe you should get yourself examined, just because some don’t like a character for various reasons doesn’t make them a sexist or racist and I would ask you to refrain from such insinuations in the future. Otherwise you should just as well have to put up with being seen as a genocidal mass murderer because you like Sylvanas.

If you don’t want one, don’t do the other.


No I’m going to continue to call out sexism and racism in these forums. In Shambala’s simp thread many of these anti-sylvanas commenter say this is not a “safe space” and that goes for them too.

If you don’t like what I have to say mute me.

So, then you are a genocidal massmurder-Fan? Nice to know :wink:


Yup. In this one fictional setting I am.

Maybe if we just own it, you will leave us alone? Yeah I know it’s a bit of a pipe dream but now I understand why Everien says things just to spite people.

I love killing night elves. I sleep good knowing they are all in the Maw… I kill Alliance for fun… it’s called pvp… you should try it. It’s why I rock my Alliance Slayer title with pride.

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You forgot constantly mistaking voice inflections and facial expressions in select cinematics as sufficient substitution for expansions worth of character development.

She shows vocal and visual concern over the sight of Vol’jin being stabbed at the Broken Shore, so I guess that means they’re totally cool now and all differences between them has been settled despite them never having interacted all that much by the time of Legion. Maybe they had a ted talk during the original Battle for Undercity or something, who knows.

She has that entire speech at Vol’jin’s funeral pyre where she inspires the Horde and vows personally to avenge Vol’jin’s death and sends us a fleet to help us acquire the Aegis of Aggramar. But darn, the fleet got blown up by a vengeful Greymane. Whatever will she do;

A.) Postpone her personal agenda to personally assist us. (Great leader+)
B.) Order Nathanos to personally assist us while still going after her personal agenda (Good leader)
C.) Order the force allegedly pre-established at Dreadwake Landing to assist us while she and Nathanos go after her personal agenda (Ok leader)
D.) Take what remains of the destroyed fleet to aid her personal quest while leaving, like, 1 or 2 npcs who help out with a single leg of the journey to acquire the aegis before ditching the PC. Then literally encounter the PC TRAPPED IN HEL WITH THE PERSON YOU’RE MAKING A BARGAIN WITH, and NOT attempting to help them escape.

I guess she was off avenging Vol’jin elsewhere, and we just didn’t see it. Maybe the Jailer was feeding her invisibility powers and she flying through space disrupting Legion worlds and their operations so that they became disorganized enough so that we could eventually assault them on their own terf.


My favorite part is the different dialogue she has depending on the Faction in Hel.

If you’re an Alliance PC she literally pulls a direct homage to Arthas’ “New World Order” line when he betrayed and killed Terenas. She ONLY says this to the Alliance PC, while she also abandons the Horde PC as you said. Sure lol! She was meant for such good things as Horde Warchief! She’s not presented as a villain at all. She cares just so much about the Horde and the Forsaken. That change happened entirely offscreen in MoP!!! :smiley:


sylvanas dindunuffin