Should also take a look at the Boomkin and Destruction Warlock raid bosses in the Arena raid.
This still isn’t a reasonable boss and is much, much, much harder than it was with the cheese strat and is still debatably harder than the version the RWF guilds killed.
The Tactical Destruction bait logic makes this boss miserable across all difficulties.
This boss fight isnt working at all. There is simply no way to down this boss before the traps overwhelm the players unless the players are geared for Mythic raid. Majority of my team mates are already geared for heroic and their is simply no way mechanically we can clear the traps in time as there simply isnt enough golems and even just focusing on those in the center of the room. In 3mins or less we are still over run with traps and the healers just can not keep up despite pumping over 100k HPS each.
The boss mechanics are just simply overtuned, plain and simple.
I don’t think it’s random, I think it’s based on the largest cluster of players. That means you can control the spawn position, you just can’t drag the boss by himself across the room in order to spawn it away from the group.
The pattern is the same, just triggered by the raid team, not by a single player. The whole group has to do the group mechanic now. There’s a wind up on the spell and a simple lock gate or roar/windrush is enough to get to safety.
Is it even possible to run out of room in 3 mins if you ignore all the traps?
i think this change should be postponed until immediately after my guild kills it. i think we can all agree that’s the fairest decision
The change we live last week. The fix made the boss fight even harder even when you didnt try the cheese mechanic.
The RNG on this boss is nonsense, it’d be great if you could just explain what on earth did exactly the one that programmed this boss wast thinking about when they made it, the mechanic is so badly done and it’s so random that gives no chance to even think about an strategy other than burn it down on dps, and guess what? There is no way to finish gearing up as this boss is a nonsense hard wall to get through
RNG and boss design on this boss is really annoying. Count me as unsatisfied this this boss. Please gut the fight or make it easier to complete. These nerfs are just the tip of the iceberg. Please consider more nerfs
Not going to lie tough, this seems a bit punitive to those attempting the fight; and those who beat the fight using the exploit get to keep that progression.
All kills for the boss should have been invalidated, all the keys that contain the boss dead should have been reset.
This in every sense, “Pulling the ladder up behind your self”
they should force-reset IDs when they make such changes.
Maybe they should break being able to extend at all and just improve how skips are handled a bit.
Do many people enjoy the “extend until done” method anyway?
i personally feel the ‘extend’ was meant so you dont lose 80% of your raid every week re-clearing but it lead to an even worse thing.
i wish each ID can only be extended once. then the third week it is forced-fresh.
I don’t think anyone but me speaks out against infinite extensions right now, and i’m not very vocal about it because my guild doesnt extend but … I hate it. exactly because you luck into killing a boss once and never return to it or any boss before it.
you cant farm boss #4 but you’re progressing on boss #7? no
Can we get a nerf on this boss so its comparable in difficult to the boss the HoF guilds encountered. Not only is it incredibly rng, variable timers, and then the boss also randomly bugs out.
still waiting changes to this boss??? Like are they kidding with this, this is going to kill so many teams
The fight is killable. You just need good RNG and have to waste 80-120 pulls to learn the fight.
It’s still a terribly designed fight. Blizzard has been dragging their feet bad on nerfs this season.
Still waiting on those changes.
Is everyone on vacation or what? Where are the zskarn changes??
In an effort to give some constructive feedback, the worst parts of Zskarn happen between the 2nd and 3rd tactical destruction. The main reason for this is that there are 3 trap spawns (i.e. 12 total traps with 6 random spawns and 6 on the boss) between these tactical destructions while every other pair has 2 trap spawns (i.e. 8 total traps) despite having the same number of golems to disarm the traps (4). On top of that, 2 of the 3 trap spawns happen at problematic times. The first trap spawn in this period happens during the movement for tactical destruction 2. This would normally be fine; however, the amount of time you have to move the boss varies based on what I assume is spell queueing. Sometimes you just do not have enough time to move the boss to the edge for the trap spawn. This means that the tank traps need to spawn in the tactical destruction and be dispelled afterward. As alluded to earlier, the 4 trap disarms the raid has are incredibly valuable and are virtually required to be used on random trap spawns for a pull to not require good RNG, thus the positioning of these tank traps is instrumental to having a good pull and just isn’t consistently possible with the current design of the fight. The other problematic traps spawn is the 3rd trap spawn which happens directly before the 3rd tactical destruction cast. At this point, you likely have no more trap disarms because you have already had to deal with 4 random spawns. On top of that, your group has already had to call where the bait will occur, so sometimes this random trap spawn can just immediately kill your pull. I think if these issues are resolved, the fight is in a perfectly fine (but still hard) state. I would propose delaying the 1st trap spawn following the 2nd tactical destruction cast and completely removing the 3rd trap spawn in this period. This would put this pair of tactical destructions in line with every other pair and make the fight significantly less RNG based, being able to be completely overcome by perfect tank positioning and good play from the raid.
The fact there are no announced tuning changes for next reset is mind boggling.
Blizzard learned to not speak when they don’t want to give in, and just hold radio silence until the complaining goes away.