The valor system is ONLY for people who run mythics. You can’t use valor point without mythic gear. Just a heads up

It drops from callings AND by running m+.

135 per completed key, regardless of level. Want to farm it? Join every single 1-6 key and blow em up. m1-3 dont have any affixes, so pull hard and fast like its heroic mode and collect valor at the end.

Two weeks in a row raiding heroic with zero drops.
M+ 4+ dungeons per week. 1 drop over the last 4 weeks and it was something I can’t use.

If it weren’t for the great vault, I’d be stuck with begging people in my raid for gear.

This is the ten thousand dollar question. What am I supposed to do with these points I’m getting from callings? I raid classic & retail. I don’t have time to mess with M+ but it would be nice to use these points for something.


Blockquote What am I supposed to do with these points I’m getting from callings? I raid classic & retail. I don’t have time to mess with M+ but it would be nice to use these points for something .

It really seems to exist to remind those of us who have family guilds that don’t raid and don’t PVP that we are playing the wrong game. Don’t give me currency for something I’ll never get.

Valor is yet another feature that is rubbing my face in the fact that this game is now totally built around the elite powergamers. This a social system problem, not a gaming balance issue. If you don’t have the mythic equipment, you can’t get into a mythic raid/guild. If you don’t get into a mythic raid/guild, you can’t get mythic equipment. We’re shut out from the start.

This is what comes from having devs who don’t really understand the gaming experience for the people who don’t play WoW the same way the devs do.

Blizzard, you really need to do focus groups or have a user panel, or something to do service to your customers who have been with you since the start, and you keep leaving behind or making us feel like we’re not playing your game right.

There’s enough room in this game that you could include all of us who pay and play. It’s just really poor management on Blizzard’s part to not to even try.


Valor can upgrade m0 gear to 200 ilvl with no achievements required. This would allow you to work towards getting your stat weights right and improving your weapons. A 200 ilvl character with proper weights and better weapons is way stronger than someone just wearing covenant gear with lfr weapons.


Sadly, that is a more accurate title for modern wow. They barely even care about raiders anymore even, let alone causual players.

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So let me try to understand this: So everyday I am going to receive at least 35 units of a currency that I will never be able to spend.


The developers want everyone running M+ sadly. It is fun to watch this game finally crater due to current developers directionless course for the game. The current trend for Blizzard is chasing e-sports, which is for sure driving away casual players. What will be the next fad that Blizzard is going to chase?


You can buy mats and sell it on the AH. Unless they changed it.

Jokes on you homeboy! Im running mythics and all my alts and gearing fast.

I just went to the vendor/upgrader and I don’t believe that I can purchase anything, only upgrader gear that I will never get.

Thank you anyway

Why are they giving valor points for doing dailies if they only upgrade gear from Mythic and Mythic + dungeons? They must really need players to give out valor points like this. I never have the time to waste on those dungeons and will never do one. Why not give something folks can use instead like say 30 Anima. That there is never enough of.

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There are three tiers depending on the level gear. So, you can start out with completing Mythic 5’s, then Mythic 10’s and then the final at Mythic 15’s. Mythic 5’s are pretty damn easy, and as long as your gear is of a lower level, you can use Valor to upgrade. That allows a progression of equipment over time until you are good enough to get the best equipment offered in M15+. Isn’t this how RPG’s work? Better rewards come with harder content, right? They do need to improve dungeon drops quantity and quality, since this waiting until Tuesday is a bit lame. I’m amazed at how quickly some made M15, although I was working on my pathfinder achievements in Azeroth until a few weeks ago so…

Yup,can’t use it,it’s just in my inventory siting there taking data space.

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Bliz should have a vendor sell Anima for Valor points for those of us who do not do M or M+ dungeons. It is a total waste right now!


It’s a specific vendor next to the great vault.

Valor has nothing to do with raid? It’s for mythic plus, which is dungeons. You can upgrade any m+ items to ilvl 200 without any requirements, and to 207 if you time every dungeon at +5. It has uses for everyone, not just “elite powergamers” (I’m not even sure what that refers to). So no, you aren’t shut out from the start.

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I mean yeah?
Valor points is supposed to work in tandem with M+, in a similar way PvP is with honor/conquest.
The only real difference is you can’t use valor to buy the base item because it drops from an actual source where PvP gear doesn’t.

So all this valor points I am getting is useless too me since I don’t run Mythic+ runs…well ain’t that a kick in the head now to me…I’ll be damn if I am going to spend my hard earned gold on top of working to get the valor for runs just to line someone else’s guild pockets…


This cheap rip off from a time better than the one this team made is not the valor system. (juss Saien)