The Valentine's Drake Armor should not be a worse drop rate than the love rocket

Yeah. There’s no way it’s only .08%. I picked up the love saddle the first year it was available, and I got the sweeper this year (WoWhead claims it’s .02%, which is obviously also wrong). I run ONE toon through the dungeon event every day.

People just have no idea how to think about the % WH shows and what might be influencing it higher or lower.

Everyone chasing the Love Rocket is also driving the droprate for the drake armor down because most of them already have it.

It is genuinely bad design to not have event items on the event vendor for event currency. People disagreeing with that just to try and argue or fight are in favor of bad game design whether they can accept that or not.

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As opposed to the insane justification that it is bad design because you believe everyone should have everything?

This fomo is terrible. I have a headache today from it.

I can’t get the rocket or the sweeper and if I don’t I have to wait at least a whole year to try again

They’ve gotten extra bad with the FOMO lately and it just turns off collectors and completionists rather than encouraging them.

Pretty much. My love hate relationship with this game. The collecting can be so fun but also rage inducing

I’ve tried every day this year. Went from 16 tries a day to 2 when I realized how futile it was. I want the Love Armor, and it’s ridiculous that a reasonable amount of effort spread over several years isn’t enough to get it.

Like folks say, it’s not on the same level as the Love Rocket, why is it so rare?

It’s not especially rare. You just got unlucky.

Getting unlucky on a thing which is only available for several weeks a year feels especially bad. At least if I get unlucky with a dungeon or raid mount, I can try as often as I want (depending on how many characters I have) year-round.

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I think I got everything there is to get this year except the rocket.

I got the drake appearance.

I got the broom.

The toxic waveling

The fumigator mask

The heart breaker toy

The flower in the mouth

But no rocket

…now I feel special, had no idea it was rare.

I think without rng the treadmill mechanics can become too systematic and laid bare, but too low RNG isn’t skill or fun (if anything it’s easily argued lack of fun, only weird Stockholm syndrome might be applying to some). So I am very much for a variety of safety net systems, whether they are tokens or growing % mechanicals.

While unlikely (hah, %), it is theoretically possible to fail forever without safety nets. I think that kind of sucks given, at least from my perspective that would clearly not be defined as fun.

This is something I think FFXIV does a bit better than WoW in that for the most part they won’t lead you on. For example the mounts in savage will have a % but also a token safety net. Both rare (ish) yet tangibly achievable, that’s pretty good.

Rocket is too low, nothing should ever be sub-1%, that’s absurd.

Boost on the first attempt per day is a nice compromise but we still don’t know how big that increase is and it’s impossible to figure out. Blizzard wants these things “to be discovered by the community” but existing tools don’t work for that and even if somebody makes an addon to track the stats they have to get millions of others to install it.

I read about it and wanted to get it and promptly forgot about it. I suppose there is always next year assuming I don’t forget again.

It’d be nice if it was just on the event vendor for event currency.

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Need to just put in the shop lol. People can at least after trying buy it with gold.

the armor is so bad trust me
Even if you change drake color, its not any beautiful

Wasn’t there one?l for sale for about 50k? Never mind. Think that was for the Lunar Festival.

I got the rocket like 4 years ago but still haven’t dropped neither the drake armor nor the toy.