The upcoming Way of Earth nerf is kind of unbelievable

They didn’t nerf shaman enough. Rockbiter should only apply to main hand weapons, and WoE should reduce damage dealt.


Ill admit I think its a bad play to make you sword and board for Way of the Earth. Shamans may have felt tanky this phase but wtih 50-60 they’re gonna need it back in PvP

yea its definitely not in the same slot as shamanistic rage

I’m totally fine with woe nerfs…

But they need to change shield mastery to give mana on dodges, parries, and resists.

It’s silly that talent points that should make you tankier in fact make you less due to significant loss of mana.


It was MM that was gutted day 2 not BM and it never recovered.
Also the premier pvp dps was balance druid after the starsurge buff.


Shaman mains already trying to gaslight everyone and pretend that this very minor, no where near enough nerf is “too much”


hunter did way more damage. druid just 6s cd burst.

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This change really only effects Enchancement SHamans that are not tanks.

Restoration and elemental shamans are likely going to still be using shields and can still benefit from this.

But given the state of Resto shamans, I don’t think giving them a small bone in PvP is really a bad idea.

Sorry you can’t be in giga-tank form while also being the highest dps class in the entire game.


I’m going to deny that. Balance was only the premier pvp dps in gimmick groups with 8-9 Balance Druids and comms to take out players instantly.

In general pvp Hunter was easily the best and most flexible option in P1. Consistent regardless of the number and able to be run in any comp.

If a class needs 5+ of the same spec/class to be the best it’s just a gimmick. Otherwise Balance was barely above average at best.

cant we just delete the class entirely

My shaman never used WoE in pvp because I’d go oom instantly. Also kick becomes melee range so good luck kicking casters. For those who never used WoE, shamans are only getting buffs basically.

Crazy how people complain about WoE when tank rogues also have all WoE benefits on top of their entire toolkit (stuns, blind, stealth, gouge, evasion, etc) :rofl:

Do rogues have to wear a shield now too?

WoE requiring a shield is the perfect fix. It checks the insane threat scaling of Enh tanks, it makes SR the default go-to defensive (SR was never bad, WoE was just better), it gives Ele the tradeoff choice of SR for all-around defense or WoE for heavier D vs melee in exchange for losing a ranged interrupt v Casters and best of all DOESNT nerf Resto defensives at all.

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When shamans cast purge they should get a 100% swing timer debuff like bubble.

Way of Earth has been completely overturned since 1. Double rockbiter way of earth was what every PvP enh was playing, we just didn’t have decoy totem at the time. Then at lvl 40 we got stormstrike, and THEN blizz gigabuffed DW dmg through lava lash buffs and OH dmg buffs, and we became the juggernaut.

Enh has been totally brainless OP all p2, and tbh I’m ready to be a niche class again. It was useful for me to achieve some pretty outlandish PvP goals in the moment, but it always felt like cheating.

I would have preferred some less restrictive nerfs; I think way of earth could have had its scaling hp and lowered by 50%, damage reduction changed to physical damage reduction, and as long as shaman were using Windfury weapon again it would have been at least a choice. We’ll still be able to use it with some gear swapping OOC, but I believe rockbiter is going to get essentially removed as well so it won’t be very useful.

Oh well P3 will be opening up some very interesting build possibilities that I’m looking forward to, we will just have to see what happens.

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Purge resetting swing timer would actually be pretty interesting. Blizzard does not do enough with swing timers and auto attacks, the literal spine of the combat system, and it’s too bad.

Yeah, I can’t believe the level of alliance crying now that shaman are on equal footing. Totally agree with you.

I for one had none of the kit I use in PvP nerfed except I guess lava lash going down a bit. SR gamers unite. And free spellpower? Yes please!
Choice between a very strong lightning shield or a nice instant cast riptide for free healing , scaled by my new spellpower ofc!

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Balance druid was the most sought after dps for premades, whether you had a full stack of them or none.
It’s because they could double up as a team healer with wild growth and their nuke was basically free in a world where teamfights are won once the other team manapool is depleted.
I’ve played a ton of premades late P1 and it’s not even close, every single premade was spamming “LF boomkin”.

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Given how Enhance lacks any CDs to use in defense (aside from the single spell/attack redirect totems) I suspect that they’re going to be too squishy in PvP at this point.

Can’t charge in
Can’t fear/fearbomb
Can’t stealth in
Can’t stun/trap/repentance, etc…

Will have to wait and see, but I suspect that P3 is going to be elemental for PvP because enhance will be 50-90% dead on the way into the fight if they make it at all.

At least we have Dual Talent Spec…