The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Just for convenience, from which Nighthold difficult is your hunter set? I want to farm it for my hunter. (in fact i want all of the recolors of this set, it’s the best hunter set of the game by far)

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Of course it is relevant. Blizzard is only going to add “X” number of allied races. Elves have already been covered for both factions. Why add yet another elf race when there are so many other races they could add? They certainly won’t be doing that before every main race has an allied race counterpart, and even then it is questionable. They have already added more races for BfA then every previous expansion combined.

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You asked for High Elves and this was their answer. How could it not be? Why else would they buttpull a similar Elf race out of nowhere… for the Alliance?


Because it’s the faction that the players want to play.

Ahh, a time traveler, a psychic and a developer.




What gives you the idea that we can only have “x” number of allied races? And it doesn’t matter than its “another elf race”. If its popular and desired its a good choice to add.


We asked for High Elves and got something that isn’t remotely anything like them outside of the Thalassian model. If that was their attempt to appease those asking for High Elves, it failed spectacularly.


I disagree. A failure would what LF draenei are. Aren’t they the least played AR? Void Elves as far as i know unless DI overtook them are indeed the most played AR. That’s a sucess, not to you ofc but thats cus you wont accept anything short of the name High Elf Slapped onto an elf model right?

Void Elves are played more than Maghar, Nightborne LF Draenei, HM, they are only .6% away from being more played than pandas.


You’re not understanding.

I didn’t say Void Elves were a failure as an allied race. I like them and as you can see I am playing one right now.

I said they were a failure as an attempt to appease those seeking High Elves.

Otherwise this discussion would have ended with Void Elves. Obviously it hasn’t.

I may like Void Elves but they give me nothing that I am looking for that High Elves will provide. I will keep asking for what I want until I get it or the game shuts down. Nothing anyone says will change my mind.


I’d have to ask just how important the metric of the High Elf lovers is to the overall reception of the Void Elves then.

I mean you are playing one so at some level you are ok with it. Otherwise you’d flat out blanket protest it.

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ive been playing a high elf for years now. :thinking:


As I said before. I LIKE Void Elves. That doesn’t mean I don’t still want High Elves or that Void Elves somehow satisfy my desire for High Elves. They clearly don’t or I wouldn’t be posting here now would I?


Funny… it says Blood Elf under your name.

I suggest you stop trying to be clever. You’re obviously ill-equipped for it.


Because I like to delve into the background and mindset of a race, to understand and feel sympathy for it. But I can’t “feel” the void elves. They are this tiny cult whose major conflict was being willingly exiled because they wanted to dabble with dangerous power. And, since the only void elf NPC is Umbric, we don’t see any mindsets and perspectives that aren’t his. This makes the void elves seem even more cult-like, as if they were all clones of Umbric.

To make matters worse, we never delved into Umbric’s mind. There was never any questline or short-story that showed his inner thoughts or had him make a hard choice that shows his true character. We are left to believe what he says, and he could betray us and show a totally different face any moment.

Any other named NPCs are service providers (vendors, repairers, flight masters) without any story, or the insane group of island expeditions that clearly are on the edge of losing their minds.

What I liked about high elves is that they rejected power. They felt it was wrong and fought against it, and were cast out for that. The void elves are the opposite: they embranced power of the worst sort and wouldn’t stop even if cast out.

At first, I kind of expected the void elves would have learned some humility after they almost fell victim of their power, but seeing them using the Void constantly, I now feel things will go south again, and in a worst way than before.

The void elves lack variety. We don’t see different philosophies among them, different ways to deal with their power.

I see my character as a repentant blood elf that switched to Alliance after Garrosh’s war. She wanted to reconnect with her high elven brethren and was serving under Alleria when they went to recruit Umbric. She was caught in the trap by accident, she never dealt with or had any interest in the Void. To her, she’s cursed and makes every effort to not use the Void unless there’s no other choice. She wants nothing of that corruption, but is stuck in her current state. In essence, she’s a void elf in look only, and would gladly accept a way to be cleansed of this curse.


It couldn’t be more obvious. :roll_eyes:

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I’d say its time to come to terms then with the likelihood that this is as good as you are gonna get. I can’t see them ever putting in grimtotem on the Horde, I can’t see them putting another High Elf Alliance. At least nowhere in the next 6 years. They’ve sampled the elf but now they wanna explore other options who wouldn’t? Those who would i’d say are unimaginative and focusing on options that derive from its source too much.


thats like saying alliance panda and horde panda are a different species :thinking:


Add too many and it becomes race overload. This would diminish all races.

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We will keep asking for what we want until we get it, or until the game shuts down. YOU will have to “come to terms” with THAT. Because this topic is not going away any time soon.

So get comfy. You’re gonna be here a while.


This is the LFR set.