The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

They may not be numerous, but they are a big factor in the high/blood elf divide. Once you start censuring and exile dissenters because they spoke against the mana drain, the use of fel, the enslaving of M’uru or the pact with the Horde, other elves would begin to fear the blood elf government. It’s a strong reason for the high elves to not return even after the restoration of the Sunwell.


Name the faction/entity please. Because they are not. This is clear by any recounting of the lore by any and all players that desire playable High elves.

There are two known established factions of high elves in the Alliance: the Silver Covenant in Dalaran and the Highvale in Hinterlands. Beyond those, there are independent high elves in Stormwind.


Excellent, so:
Are High Elves distinguished as their own faction and entity? No.

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Sure they are. High elves are Alliance.

Why do we need to remind you of the obvious?


Not sure what you’re trying to allude to here. Maghar are from many clans. arbitrarily united cause they made draenei all zealous. Blizzard can use only the Silver covenant and that’s enough, or like Maghar, create cause to unite them.

That they have a split diaspora only enriches the potential they may have as an AR. Again, look at Maghar.

I wish people would analyze their thoughts a bit more deeply before putting them to print.


So on record for: High Elves’ own distinguished faction and entity is the Alliance. That honor doesn’t even belong to Humans.

So, nonsensical reply aside, are High Elves distinguished as their own faction and entity? No.

There are two known established factions of high elves in the Alliance: the Silver Covenant in Dalaran and the Highvale in Hinterlands. Beyond those, there are independent high elves in Stormwind.

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That’s actually a very good point.

I’m wondering what the Allerian Stronghold Elves did after BC. Auric seems to be doing stuff but I’m not sure about the rest of them.

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Why are you discussing in cycles? They have the Silver Covenant and the Highvale, and they are Alliance. That’s more than enough faction and identity, like it or not.


Blood elves were overhauled and retconned when they became playable.

Draenei were overhauled and completely retconned when they became playable.

Worgen were overhauled and retconned when they became playable.

Goblins were overhauled when they became playable.

Heck, dark iron dwarves were overhauled when they became playable.

And high elves will be overhauled, maybe even slightly retconned, when they become playable.


Of course it would be enforced, but because as they chose not to return they are considered traitors and exiles, not because they were “officially” exiled. If you didn’t return when you had the chance, if you keep calling yourself a High Elf, you are not welcome back on Quel’thalas, you are an exile

Specially when Vereesa went to found an anti Blood Elf faction, it’s hard to believe she would be called anything else.

IDK man, the quest really makes it sound like only Kirkian survived.

Please, I ask your help.

Something’s happened to my people. Our commander, Ranger Lord Hawkspear, came upon an item of magical energy, and my friends, my family… they succumbed to its seductive power.

They’re corrupted. All of them.

My Ellaria wouldn’t want to live like that, nor would any of my brothers. Please, put them out of their misery. Quel’lithien Lodge is not far; it’s just up the hill, to the northwest.

It really makes it sound like only Kirkian and Renthar survived. Kirss might have left earlier, but truly she only is still around because she is Cristy Golden’s avatar.

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Like HOW hasn’t Alleria gone to fetch them?? I would have think she would have gone to find them even before recruiting exiled Blood Elves?? It really bothers me.


LIterally you were told “The Silver Covenant and the Highvale” lol. Two groups that are part of the Alliance and work closely alongside its members.

Also the Allerian High Elves, currently still living with humans in Terrokar.

We have 3 groups of Alliance High Elves, do you realize that?


I’ve said this once and I’ll say it again, people who are against other people from having fun playing a race they want or been asking for, REGARDLESS of it being High Elves, it could be Naga or spaghetti flying monsters for all I care, are just simple selfish pr*cks, you my friend, @Grabmytotem are a prime example, you are the Debbie downer of your friend group it seems, mr negative? Can’t have a good time?.

Can’t for once you be like “Hey, it’s going to make a lot of people happy then who cares” but not you my friend, can’t have people who have paid to play a game just as much as you be a race they be asking for since 2004, ohh no that’s to much fun, isn’t it?.

Honestly it saddens me every time I read a comment from you, I actually feel sorry for you, feel pity that your life must be that bad you continue to try to make others feel as bad as what your feeling inside and yes… over the Internet…

Why come to a thread, that’s about speculating about High Elves being playable, theory crafting, letting some people actually enjoy themselves during this horrible expansion, making time go by quicker, but no, I can guarantee you wouldn’t walk into a mosque and say “this religion is crap, most people prefer Christianity, this is wrong”, ofcourse you wouldn’t, but hey mr keyboard warrior over here, Debbie downer of the group gotta do something with his time…

Seriously people like you in this game, are ruining WoW, instead of progressing forward opening opportunities for new and old players to come and rejoin WoW, to play races they always wanted… but no… not for you, let’s keep this dying game dying… your right 1000%, we don’t need anything new and innovative to bring subs back, a new race? Hell no why should people get a new race??, yep @grabmytotem you are right!! No one needs to see WoW progress to try better itself.

Have a awesome Thanks-giving with your many cats, because I’d be damn shocked to know that people can stand being around you…

P.S, Let every race become playable. High Elves, Wildhammer, Ogres, Sethrak, Vulpera, Vyrkul, Tuskarr, Hozen and Jinyu, seriously it’s the Battle For Azeroth, it’s about time many races we have helped and called Allies picked a side!


I just wanna apologise to some people who may think it’s harsh what I wrote, but I cannot stand for people who go out of their way to make others feel unhappy, and just because this is WoW makes no difference.

If speculating about a race makes time fly and you enjoy it, then no one should be telling you otherwise.

“What goes in your mouth should be good for you, what comes out should be good for others”

Life should be about bringing joy to others, be it a friend, a relative, or even someone over the Internet who plays the same game as you!


If you believe this than please apply it to all the Helfers who are against Blood Elves getting a blue eye option.


I would, sorry I havnt been in that thread, but I’d apply it to everyone, who are they to deny someone, especially something as small as a cosmetic option, let them talk about it, let them speculate… that’s why forums are here so that people with similar minds and ideas can gather and exchange info!!.

You have no idea how much I’ve learnt about High Elves reading this forum, it’s amazing, just can’t stand the select few trying to stop people…

Like in life, their will always be a select “special” few who go overboard, if they join a thread and say hey, not such a good idea, that’s fine, but you don’t go out of your way and make several posts just trying to dishearten people…


Yes, yes, excellent.

So, there are many groups of High Elves. And by High Elves we mean all the Alliance loyal High Elves.

Please name more various groups, so far we have:

  1. Silver Covenant
  2. Highvale
  3. Various in SW
  4. Allerian

Back to question ‘are High Elves distinguished as their own faction and entity?’

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Implying that request even existed before the High Elf 8.0 debacle and that most of them there dont post about it while explicitly mentioning or implicitly alluding to how much it would trigger the others.

The funny part, of course, being that the last thing pro High Elf people really care about is the blue irises.

And most ironically, the same people posting there have no problem hypocritically ignoring that if they wanted blue eyed blood elves, the void elves are waiting for them.


You don’t even have a point anymore.

Any of those could be made playable. Or all of those could unite and be made playable.

I’ve seen your kind of argument before. Like “no, goblins can’t be playable because they are neutral” or “there won’t be Demon Hunters because their skills were given to warlocks”.

Wake up.


The name of the faction or entity that distinguishes High Elves is…

wait for it


It’s like you’re trying to argue that British people don’t exist because of Americans.