The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I think you miss my point. The argument of “Why I want THIS” is always stronger than “Why you can’t have THAT.”

That is categorically not true. Not getting what you want is not a bad thing all the time. Having what you want every time can be very detrimental, and tbh it comes off across as entitled and spoiled.

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Did you read my post? Like at all? I said “I dont go around saying No true anti- would behave as abominably as some of you have said”

I know full well the anti-high elf group has some people that are being downright mean. Re-read that please i think you misunderstood me because i go to say I DONT say that because it would be a fallacy.




  1. a mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound argument.

“the notion that the camera never lies is a fallacy”

synonyms: misconception, misbelief, delusion, mistaken impression, error, misapprehension, misinterpretation, misconstruction, mistake; More


a failure in reasoning that renders an argument invalid.

  • faulty reasoning; misleading or unsound argument.

“the potential for fallacy which lies behind the notion of self-esteem”

Also sorry for assuming you are part of the discord server, your posts and logic make no sense otherwise.

no its not a bad thing.

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You’re conflating and distorting my point. What you’re saying is true, but that wasn’t my point. You are advocating AGAINST, not FOR, something. It’s Blizzards job to decide and be the gatekeeper of what we are or aren’t given. It’s not the same as people advocating AGAINST Azerite Armor for example, because they are actually advocating FOR the old model. What you’re arguing for is literally nothing. Not only is it nothing, but people having High Elves does not impact your character or you playing the game, whereas Azerite Armor effects everyone.


It does but like i said its not something you couldn’t go re-read over in another thread. Whether you choose to dismiss our feelings is entirely up to you. Seeing as i find this act of wanting Helves greedy and selfish i am not holding my breath.


We’ve already got purple high elves, what’s the point of a 3rd blood elf reskin?

Also, they’re supposed to be a rare sight since Arthas killed most of them, but Horde normies have made sure that they’re everywhere, giving them to the Alliance will just make things worse. If they ever do allow them on the Alliance I hope they are behind several layers of grind so very few people can actually play them.


… but why should anyones opinion on what they find as greedy or selfish have any bearing on this discussion? You can dislike or not want something without feeling the need to lobby against it. You’re free to have those opinions, but why share it with people in a thread who are obviously going to disagree? What’s the point? To stir the pot? Maybe not, but it seems like an utter waste of time and effort to me. You’re going to care as little about a pro-HE point of view as they are you’re anti-HE point of view. It’s pointless.


Challenge accepted.


I mean, it is kind of a given that they’d be rep gated like every other Allied Race, so…sure?


What you think of our request is not our concern. You already made your point clear, you don’t need to spam 10 posts in two hours just repeating yourself and antagonizing us with accusations.


I was thinking around the lines of the insane title.

If i have something to say i will respond, thank you. You are under no obligation to respond to any of my posts. So, you probably shouldn’t respond to this one. It was a continuing argument from earlier and that’s just how discussions work, they evolve until their natural conclusion. Then a new one starts.

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I mean they did add Uldum, Gilneas and Twilight Highlands to the world during Cata, they definitely can!

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After we got Void Elves this point got dunked in the trash lol. High Elves are over 10% if the remaining Thalassian population, and it’s REALLY hard to think VE’s are as high as that percentage. That would leave the BE’s with between 65-80% of the whole population given that we don’t know how much of the 15% Kael’thas took with him to Outland stayed loyal to him, became Scryers, or returned to Silvermoon.


And that 10% figure applies only to Quelthalas survivors. It does not account for the diaspora, including Dalaran.


It’s vague TBH. The current page for BE’s states the Scourge attacked “slaughtering almost ninety percent of the kingdom’s population” Which implies we are talking about only Quel’thalas.

The Encyclopedia, from 2006, says “Prince Kael’thas returned home and rallied all the survivors he could find: approximately 90% of the surviving high elves” Does this actually include the HE’s not in Quel’thalas? Is it just talking about the survivors on Quel’thalas?

Moreso, these numbers don’t even encompass the elves latter exiled by Lor’themar -although arguably, MOST High Elves that were exiled died during the Cataclysm -well got withered- So actually the elves exiled exclusively for not wanting to mana suck do encompass a large number of the current High Elves?-

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This is an interpretation I don’t agree, that most of the exiled high elves ended up in Quel’lithien and died there as wretches.

First, because there’s no lore saying that. There’s lore saying high elves were exiled, and lore that says quel’lithien elves are among them, but nothing to restrict both groups as the same.

I find it hard to believe that most exiled elves would remain there. In my mind, the Quel’lithien ones remained there to help any new exiles, but most elves would choose to travel south and seek refuge in Dalaran, Quel’danil or Stormwind.

Second, because there’s no place saying all quel’lithien elves died. Most of those that were in the lodge at that time may have, but there’s at least 3 survivors (Renthar Hawkspear, Kriss Goldenlight and Kirkian Dawnshield), which in turn opens the door for other survivors.

Third, because Vereesa was also called an “exile” from Quel’thalas (in Zul’Aman, during Cataclysm era), and she lived in Dalaran. So, I’d say there are exiles beyond the quel’lithien elves. The Quest for Pandaria story also hints that Vyrin Swiftwind, from Farstrider Lodge, may also be an exile.

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Are you a secret Blizzard developer?


But that’s the thing, Vyrin is the only other High Elf explicitly stated as exiled by Lor’themar. Would there be others? Most likely, but Quel’lithien was the only explicit place exiles gathered. There really isn’t mention of any other larger groups of exiles, only them, so we really can’t assume there would be others. Individuals, yes, but nothing as large as Quel’lithien.

At best some survived, but that’s it. 3 survivors really isn’t much.

As for Vereesa being called an exile; pretty much by that point EVERY high elf is an exile as they chose not to return, remain on the alliance and remain High Elves, I find it hard they would be considered anything else.

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Vereesa is forbidden to return to Quel’thalas, thought, which means her exile is enforced and not just a choice.

Considering the fascist vibes TBC Silvermoon has (mind-controlling dissenters, for instance), it’s my interpretation that most people who spoke against Lor’themar’s rule or the magisters’ new practices would be either censured or exiled at the time.

(And 3 survivors is a lot when considering that, before that event, there were 3 named elves in the lodge).

Trying to blame people for threads they did not make or endorse has got to be the most ridiculous and embarrassing thing I have ever seen someone do on these forums.

That’s one huge leap in logic.

The Exiles seem to be very small in number. There’s literally nothing to suggest they make up a large part of the High Elves at all.

Dalaran likely has some but most of that population has been established.

Quel’danil is kinda up in the air. It could be either or mixed.

Anyway you slice it, the Exiles are not exactly a huge factor.