The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Please update your lore. Thanks to chronicles we know there is the potential for there to be more high elves than there were surviving blood elves after the scourge invasion.

This is thanks to chronicles volume 3 with dalaran being evacuated and it being stated only 90% of the kingdom of quel’thelas was killed and not the race as a whole.

We don’t have any actual numbers because blizzard doesn’t give official population numbers for anything in warcraft but it does leave it open for there to be the potential of far more than previously thought. Likely in the tens of thousands.


Yes, there were so many threads that the entire front page was just High Elves this and that from day 1. You can’t blame your own bad behavior on Anti’s like we are the boogey man for everything naughty the pros are accused of. I’m fairly sure if you ask around everyone would agree it was at the very least a mix and at the very worst mostly pro-people who were understandably upset because in their eyes Ion figuratively said funk you.


again we did not create those threads. We can’t control people. Don’t blame those threads on us when we did not make them.


Not our problem if Blizzard can’t handle PR. There were multiple threads because there was multiple people reacting to the way Blizzard did things. You don’t throw a spark into a gas tank and then act surprised when it explodes.

And that reminds me: we’ve been discussing this for a whole year! The first “Void elves, high elves and what it could have been” thread was made by me in november 2017!

If Blizzard had payed attention to what people were discussing in the first void elf threads, maybe the entire fiasco that came later would have been avoided.

That’s what a company gets by making something without feedback of its costumers.


Yes… you did. You cannot exclude the more unsavory members of the pro-high elf people just because they did something wrong lol. Pro-high elf people made countless threads. That’s the reality.


It is your problem, you are not absolved of bad behavior cus of the lack of anothers. What a silly way to justify bad actions. Note i’m not saying blizzard hasn’t handled this poorly. They should either say they are coming,m not now but most likely in the future or say no not at all. However, again that does NOT absolve anyone to do stupid things.


I only answer for my actions, pal. Responsibility over others’ actions is on their own shoulders. Don’t be silly.

We ask for what we want and will keep asking. You are just annoyed because we are asking for something you don’t want. Deal with your own issues.


again most of those threads were not made by pros. I disinctly remmber most of those high elf threads were along the lines of “lol ion said no so shut it helfers” as their title.

To say pro high elf people made those threads is saying that anti’s are pro high elf.


It’s quite simple really.

Are there High Elves in the game? Yes.
Are High Elves labeled as their own race in the game files? Yes.
Are High Elves relevant and are they included in current content? Yes.
Are High Elves distinguished as their own faction and entity? Yes.

It’s real simple. They are a potential Allied Race and cannot be excluded, like it or not, because of these factors. Anything else that says “Yes” or “No” is just noise. That is why this discussion is still being had. If they weren’t relevant or made absolutely zero sense, this entire movement would have died in the first thread on the first page. It’s sustained because it has merit. What is sustaining the anti-HE crowd is not that High Elves can’t be added because of “XYZ reason,” it’s sustained out of Blood Elf fanboy/fangirl fear that it IS possible, and in fact even LIKELY. Otherwise they wouldn’t have anything to talk about. Why are they fearful? They are afraid that Blood Elves are going to feel watered down by adding High Elves. Which is odd, because the Horde’s identity was watered-down when Blood Elves, and later Nightborne, were added - two clean, non-bestial, non-primal races. They look more at home in Alliance cities than Horde ones.


say what now? This just in I am responsible for the actions of others. I guess I am the reason why we had ww 1 and ww 2 because other people did it so obviously it is my fault.

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Wait, I had to sign over my free will if I decided to support High Elves?

Yeesh. Always read the fine print, kids.


No more XYZ. We have enough XYZ. You just got XYZ. XYZ is basically the same as QRS. The only thing that makes XYZ different from QRS is insert something small and irrelevant . If you get XYZ, its stealing a race spot from QRS!

Am I doing it right?

You anti-High Elf folks DO realize that the point of Allied Races was to give us more flavor and choices, no matter how large or small the difference, right?

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Then dont try to absolve others? You speak for yourself but say “not our problem”.

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I’m talking about a few others in this thread. If anything, we were working actively to keep the subject contained in a single thread.

Most of those threads back then were from random people that do not come regularly to the forums, but were attracted by Ion’s ill-thought answer in that Q&A.


right… k i think were done here. You have a happy thanksgiving.

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I could go on about why we don’t want you to have them but honestly some people have exhausted me with their reasoning and i’d just be re-hashing the same talking points. Maybe later when i’ve regained some strength.

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They are pro High Elf People, they are part of your camp, I dont go around saying No true anti- would behave as abominably as some of you have said do i? No because it’s a fallacy but thats what im getting from you here. It’s as if you are trying to separate the discord people from others. You cannot because you are one and the same. Some of you just gave a spit enough to coalesce onto a discord server.


You’re trying to lump people into categorical groups instead of seeing them and their actions as the individuals they are. How about judge the merit of the individual and the individuals argument, not by group or affiliation. There are irrational and rational people on both sides. Let’s not paint with such broad strokes.


I think you miss my point. The argument of “Why I want THIS” is always stronger than “Why you can’t have THAT.” Your energy is better spent advocating for something you want then against something someone else wants. If you don’t want it, don’t play it. I won’t play Kul Tirans because they upset me personally from the lore retcon side, but you won’t ever hear me advocating AGAINST them. Instead, I’m out in the forums and youtube pushing for Classic Warcraft races like Forest Trolls, High Elves, Ogres and Vrykul.


Your message is so funny. First, you try to lump everyone together and point out the discord server, while I never even got into that discord server to begin with.

Second, you make it sound like making a discord server is something bad. There’s nothing wrong with it so long as it’s not used for coordinating harassment, which, AFAIK, it was never used for.

Actually, I remember back then that the ones harassing people on the Discord server were anti-helfers, who would take screenshots of people venting their frustations in a private place and make it public.

Finally, you say that “no true anti- would behave as abominably as some of you”, but who is the one who made three posts in a row not to discuss the issue at hand, but acuse the other camp? Who’s the one “spamming the forums” while not furthering the subject of the discussion?