The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

You mean when the trolls went into full-force harassing people that just had an artistic preference?


Wait, we are a handful of nobodies, but we also forced their hand?

Pick one, you can’t have both.

A bunch of nobodies can’t force anyone’s hand.


Don’t be intentionally obtuse, if we look at what i said and split it down the middle 300 of you posting separate threads instead of this neat and clean single mega thread absolutely has the effect i said while staying true to the other thing. Were you even here earlier in the year? Youtubes did videos on the forum meltdown. 300 people for and against capping threads left n right with no order to it will prompt a response.

The vast majority of the players aren’t aware or care about this little pond.

On the topic of adding the Quel’Thalas warfront and having it latched onto the main world, would it be possible? I know their tech has come such a long way, but I’ve yet to see them add any actual content to the continent of the Eastern Kingdoms. I know that past Dev’s said that the need for expansions (waaaaaay back in the BC) was because they simply could not fit content into the world anymore and needed new servers. Dunno if they can add more now, but I hope so especially after the Cata revamp.

Do you understand how statistics work? The forums are not an accurate sample of the playerbase, but still each person in this forum represents a larger player population in the actual game.

How many different people post regularly on forums? A few thousands? What are these 300-400 high elf supporters in comparison to the larger amount? The number is not as low as you people think. Even if we are 3%, we still represent a lot of players in the larger playerbase.


Tells me idk how statistics work then proceeds to make up your stats by saying you aren’t as low as us. You just contradicted yourself. I’m connecting the dots here. WoW is not consisted of Pro-High Elf and Anti-High elf additions. Each group wanting one thing or another is a small subset of the majority population. the majority who would get on just fine whether they get added or not.

Honestly all you have to do to see that im right is the last 14 years of no High Elves. The game has got along just swimmingly and will live and die ONLY by the quality of the expansions it puts out.

Grabmy, most people lost their hope after Ion response earlier this year, even I, for instance kinda lost my hopes.

The people you see here are the die hard High Elf fans, the ones who ll not be going anywhere anytime soon, regardless of what anyone says to them, even the Game Director.

But it doesn’t mean that we’re the only people who wants playable High Elves.


I mean, to be fair as one of those diehard fans, it’s not like I’m defying a game director that said NO. He left the subject open to change, and further devs have opened themselves up to ideas of compromise like adding skintones to void elves.

That’s not to say that people haven’t gone against the company in the past when they’ve ACTUALLY SAID NO to things like classic and flying. I only support so long as it seems honestly feasible. That’s why I never did before Allied Races.

If they can’t because they’re too similar to blood elves minus skin color, then they need to go on and say that, and I will throw in the towel. Until they do that, I will continue to share examples as to why I don’t believe that is an issue and why they won’t close the case.


True. It’s like people claiming that elected representatives irl are the only ones who care about the things they are talking about, and not their constituents.


my original point in what were arguing about is only that each of our groups are smaller then the majority player base. They wont add High Elves because a small group asks for it they will add them because they think its right, it fits and thats where the story is going. You heard them, they plan out there expansions far far out ahead. So right now this could all be moot of the next6-8 years are High elf free or if they do indeed add them.

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You’re right, but dont forget about the Demon Hunter, Class Questlines, Legendaries and Flying.

Things that some people asked for and came later, that’s the whole point of this discussion, some people are asking for Vulpera, other Seth’rak and we’re asking for High Elves, if they’ll come in one year or ten? We dont know. Maybe soon, maybe later, maybe never… who knows?

But people ll keep trying.


Tells me idk how statistics work then proceeds to make up your stats by saying you aren’t as low as us. You just contradicted yourself. I’m connecting the dots here. WoW is not consisted of Pro-High Elf and Anti-High elf additions. Each group wanting one thing or another is a small subset of the majority population. the majority who would get on just fine whether they get added or not.

Who said anything about majority? I said 3% (I based on void elf numbers on max level), is that a majority? No, it’s not.

But it’s a big group of players. The “majority” in this playerbase is composed of a large number of minorities. It’s not wise to antagonize these groups. And, like it or not, the high elf fans are diehard fans. If they were to give up, they’d have done so 10 years ago.


Small group? Your kidding right, have you not seen reddit, mmo champ, Eu forums aswell? And at the rate wow subs are leaving for other games as BFA brings nothing new atleast us “High Elf fans” are continuing sopporting wow trying to make it great.

I’m for all races, we need diversity High Elves, Ogres, Vyrkul, Vulpera, Sethrak & Tortillan seriously add them all give the players more diversity make the world seem richer, full of life, what I loved most about Allied Races is when I joined a PuG in Legion seeing all new races made the game feel more alive!


Most people like cool things.

They’re not necessarily invested in High elves.

Blizzard can make them cool.

All there is to it.


the whole issue of having High elves as a playable race is the fact that they are basicaly a near exctinct faction, they are only a small remnant of the High elves where the remaineder joined the Horde as blood elfs or the Legion with Kael thas

That didn’t stop Void Elves. Ion described them as “an elite crack squad”, there’s also no indication as of yet that they’re creating more as it was a freak accident which created them.

There’s also LF Draenei, which even though they can make more, the character the player plays as is from those we meet on Argus - they say this after you create your character, Captain Fareeya specifically.

Then you have Mag’har, which were only a very small handful from AU Draenor.

If High Elves can’t be playable because of the small numbers, then neither can these.


I know it’s different people coming at different times repeating the same arguments but it does get tiring.

Numbers don’t matter.


Darkspear were going extinct, and I’m sure Goblins where just survivers on a boat, gnomes lost everything aswell, literally numbers and lore didn’t stop them before I doubt it will stop them now…

Blizzard just hate to give players what they want… a huge example was beta literally all the feedback given was ignored and they are “now” trying to fix a lot of issues that were brought up in beta… hence why people calling BFA “Beta For Azeroth” as a lot of problems and issues could have been avoided if they just had listened…

And yes… they should listen about playable races, WoW is bleeding subs, and at an alarming rate, guilds are dispersing, evaporating as many players are moving onto better things.

In all honesty it’s sad, when I played WoW I had a lot of real life friends playing with me, Legion killed it for a lot of them, they came back for BFA saw the same crap and now are invested in FF14, BDO and sadly…Maplestory 2 as it’s more fun and developers are actively trying to address feedback given unlike WoW…

It kills me to see my friends having more fun in a childish game like Maplestory 2… especially over this magnificent game which I’ve invested pretty much 14 years of my life… and in 14 years Blizzard never really took feedback in, they feel like it’s an insult to be told about issues…they think they know best… well look what them knowing best has brought us…

Time to listen to the people Blizzard… time to put your pride aside for once and just listen and respond, make the changes us players deserve, we have supported you through the good and the bad and stuck with you… don’t make me regret my decision staying to play WoW!


That’s what a lot of it is really, but I’d like to think that out of the ten or so constant samey arguments that get posted and answered, at least one or two come back, realize “Oh, that’s actually true” and stop thinking that High Elves are still some fevered pipe dream.


We didn’t post separate threads. If you would go back and read all those spam threads you would realize that more than 3/4ths of them are created by anti people trolling the high elf fans or people complaining about the high elf thread spam.

Like I stated earlier all official community threads are catalogued on our discord and have always been contained to 1 at a time.