The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

We are talking a lot about a Quel’thalas warfront, but i think it will not going to happen, it have to do about the fact that the Blood Elf and Draenei zones on Azeroth are placed on the same build than Outland, that’s why there’s a login screen between Quel’thalas and the rest of the Eastern Kingdoms and between the Azuremyst Isles and the rest of Kalimdor. It would take much more than just a revamp on those places to Blizzard to implement a Warfront. Blizzard didn’t even bother implement flying in those areas, imagine doing something like this, they are probably to lazy to do it.

Not really?

How to do this. first extend the fatigue and invisible barrier borders for kalimdor and EK. Next copy and paste the zones into kalimdor and EK. After that make adjustments to quel’thelas to make it fit into connecting to the EK. After that all that needs to be done is to update models, textures, and buildings.

Vastly easier than making a new zone from scratch.

Just because the Myst Isles and Quel’thalas zones are in the TBC world map doesn’t mean they can’t be phased out just like any other map in the game.

There would still be a load screen if you are traveling from EK/Kalimdor to the warfront area, but you’ll usually reach Arathi or Darkshore throught portal in Boralus/Dazar’alor anyway. What’s the difference?


Hmm, just that is more difficult. I mean i lost a lot of my confidence on blizzard this expansion with so many incomplete and unfinished stuff they delivered to us, i’m not really expecting blizz devs to have initiative to give that to us. For me better they simply don’t do it rather than delivering us with a unfinished quel’thalas warfront with little or bad lore and no sight of High Elves on it.

Hope blizzard don’t came in with a quel’thalas warfront with a bland generic lore of void elves trying to corrupt the Sunwell and take the kingdom for theirselves. This is extremely uncreative. There are way more nuances in the void-blood-high elf relationship.


We don’t have to give the discussion a rest.

Some of the same talking points keep coming up simply because others keep using arguments against High Elves that have already been debunked (b/c they’re not reading earlier posts). So it has to be thrown out again.

Still in support of playable Alliance High Elves.

P.S: This new thread system is weird. Not a fan of it.


If there is another EK Warfront I have a few possible guesses.

1.) Blasted Lands. Alliance rebuilds Nethergarde, the Horde have the Dark Portal (maghar) and one of the old ogre strongholds), and then there is the coastline. Also an abandoned alliance worgen village to the south.

2.) Swamp of Sorrows. Old Rockard and Stonard conflict. There’s an old quest for it…they could formalize it more and make it into a war front for the zone.

3.) Quel’thalas — but I doubt it. Unless they decide to go full boar, update the zone and include it into the main game. That’d be nice. In terms of strategy it makes sense, in terms of game development - I doubt it.

Regardless, I’m just here for supporting playable High Elves. Based on the storyline, even if Quel’thalas was a warfront, so far, the High Elves don’t want to take back their homeland by force. They (well…some…like Vareesa) want peace with the Blood Elves and to a degree re-unification, but not if that means joining the Horde.
So, for it to make sense, either it’d have to be a void elf led offense or a lot of other story elements would have to fall into place. At the moment, it’s the last remaining Horde stronghold, but it’s also isolated, so there’s not much reason to attack it yet (esp. with so many other war fronts open).

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Still in support of not having death knight eye colored Blood Elves roll-able for the Alliance.


Counter point: making Quel’thalas a warfront would be the perfect opportunity to add it to the main map and update it as part of the main world, with flying included.


Seriously it’s like you found the worst argument and keep running with it between threads lol.


I’m sorry but i can’t see blizzard doing it right, i just lost my confidence on them this expansion, i prefer to wait and expect them to come something good after a long time rather than something rushed and incomplete but earlier.

It’s nice and all to uptade those places as part of the world but the warfront revamped maps are used only on warfronts. Arathi is still the old one if you go there to level on a alt.

But if you go on a max level you also see the Warfront updated map, as well it will be so with Darkshore, as they are the “latest” version.

A low level character would still end up in the “Outland” version of Quel’thalas, as untouched as original Arathi and Darkshore are.


Fine. But imagine blizzard announcing a Quel’thalas warfront for BfA, awesome. But then, they announce and show only void elves and blood elves there. Everything but that, what a nightmare, i’m fearing this might happen. I’m just scared about that possibility, while Ion the Horde is waiting for you Hazzikostas is still the game director this possibility is real.

I want Warfront Quel’thalas regardless of playable High Elves shrug

But still, High Elves, SC ones at least, should be there. But yeah, regardless playable status. Maybe that ends up being the reason why some HE join the VE’s IDK.


I would be up for A Quel’thalas warfront if it meant that Silvermoon would FINALLY get an update. Although I would prefer the battle take place in Tranquillien, as I don’t want another war-torn version of Silvermoon, but a restored, fully-functional version.

I wonder if such an overhaul was to take place, if the entire starter zone for Blood elves would be renovated as to reflect Silvermoon’s restoration.


They don’t even have to phase Silvermoon for the Warfront, they can just make a new instance space and the like.

Like one of the many Dalarans.

To clarify, you can only get to the place by portals now. Just copy the world space, apply edits, and make new portals to the zone.

Low levels will still be stuck in BC limbo and only high levels would see it.

Sucks but Blizzard rarely does new content for low levels.


You think High Elf fans are comparable to the Diablo fiasco at Blizzcon??? You are more out of touch than Blizzard is! In our world, this topic consists of 3 people.

1. High Elf Fans

2. Anti-High Elf protestors

**3.**Thee OVERWHELMING MAJORITY that simply do not give a road apple about either of our two groups. If Blizzard released HE tomorrow or said NO tomorrow the overwhelming amount of the playerbase would keep logging in as usual. Millions would log in and there would be maybe 600 people between us furiously hacking away at our keyboards over whether blizzard was right or wrong.


I think any time they make a big deal of denying something it is really to mask their development of that very thing, so as to surprise the customer.


you guys forced their hand by sending the forums into an absolute ss when ion said no earlier in the year.