The Undermine(d) Content Update is Now on the Public Test Realm

If it gets in the way of class fantasy, it is not good.

These 2pc bonuses need to go the way of the dodo.


Shamans can use staves.

The only weapon types shamans can’t use are

swords (both kinds)
Ranged weapons (wands, bows etc)

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if your here looking for that type of conflict might as well clock out now. the next 2 expansions arent gonna be any different. its pve trilogy of storylines. none of it is pvp faction conflict based.

elemental shamans use staves.

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What’s up with the Pirate nonsense for Rogues? Maybe change the class name to Pirate lol.


so yeah im passing on s2 because my interest was riding on the tier set appearances and since warrior looks like its from wod, assets and all,

nawww dawg

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Almost like one of their specs is themed around pirates (outlaw) and Goblin pirates are a thing.

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thats it im using one just to spite you. on my blood elf shaman.

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And even that one is pretty loose in terms of actual theming lol.

Also, almost no one is playing Outlaw.


Okay listen, tier bonuses both the 2pc and 4pc NEED TO BE CLASS+SPEC Specific ROLE SPECIFIC set bonuses are boring and bland, you tried this in BFA and Shadowlands and it was RESOUNDINGLY DISLIKED, DO NOT REPEAT THE MISTAKES OF THE PAST if you want fun goblin casino themed set bonuses, be creative and figure it out! this is uninspired and just a bad decision

this entire tier set bonus thing gives off Shadowlands vibes and your number 1 goal as a WoW dev in 2024/2025 and beyond should be to NEVER MAKE A THING THAT GIVES OFF SHADOWLANDS VIBES, Shadowlands nearly killed the game anything that reminds me of it makes me less likely to play the game, go back to the drawing board and make 2pc and 4pc tier set bonuses class+spec specific a DK and Paladin should not share a tier bonus

you guys tried this in BFA and Shadowlands and you realized(after nearly 4 years of us complaining about this exact situation) during Sepulcher of the First Ones that trying to remove tier sets was bad so now your trying to backdoor removing tier set bonuses being unique to the class+spec

if you can’t figure out how to make a priest goblin casino themed tier set bonus or a Resto Shaman themed one, go back to the drawing board and try harder

your “developer vision” might think this is cool and thats great, but as you can see from the many responses this is not what many players want

(Reposted from the now locked post)


Class fantasy my balls. Lmao. How’s it get in the way of it. You can literally play any hero spec or build with these sets without being pigeonholed.


Bro you’re smoking crack they look dope as hell.


one mans garbage is another mans treasure as they say

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I feel making it so the tier set is a buff that you might want to track would add to the bloat of some tanks if they are to try to take advantage and change what they do based on the buff.

For a prot warrior it might be easy to do but adding more to track as a blood dk is pushing it a bit when they are already bloated with so many buffs to track and so many buffs generally as you can have 3 bars of buff in combat even when hiding unnecessary buffs.

Making defensives also proc randomly on tanks isn’t really that interesting or practical.

What if the proc simply reduced cooldowns? Time is money, could work theme-wise.


You say that but if taking damage has a chance to proc DRW every BDK is gonna blow their load.

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Adding more to DRW simply leads to degenerate playstyle and that’s opening a whole can of worms on balance as you can’t balance them having sometime a very high uptime of parry. You’d still have more trouble than you already have as it’s buff based when it can simply reduce DRW cooldown if we want to go that way.

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Literally changes nothing though. It’s random proc. No play style change needed. Also you play Sanlayn which is already just fishing for HS spam procs out of DRW windows soooooooooo like?

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They buffed San’layn the rng isn’t as bad as it was early, I wouldn’t have played it early. You’re pretty much guaranteed to maintain your buff nowadays with good gameplay.

The random proc might happen more often when you don’t need it, it’s easier to use cooldown reduction. Moreover if it’s a buff you’d want to track it adds to the bloat like I said.

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Proc happens when you don’t need it? Who cares. Proc happens when you need it? Good! Play the game, nothing changes. Hoping that it procs and it doesn’t, play the game nothing changes. Why are you relying on random procs?

Thinking that you’d have to track something like this when tanks have by far the most rigid, set in stone boring rotations in the game is just, man.

Let’s say you DID have to track it? Alright track it and get good, min max it and see what actually changes at the end of the encounter.

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