The Truth about WoW

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Yes the wq tied to anima are a joke , I haven’t reached level 2 on any but 1 covenant , how do you even get 5k anima , maybe if I didn’t use the mission table I could

OP, i think it’s time for you to take a break because you don’t seem to enjoy playing World of Warcraft anymore. The game have changed, you may not like it: but stop with the conspiracy
 there is none.

What part of my post was conspiracy?

If you have a completely individualist view, sure. But then why are you playing an MMO? The allure to logging in used to be the mystery of interacting with the community - friends, guild, and beyond. Now? Other players are disposable obstacles rather than the feature.

Which is code for ‘listen to me and obey’.


Yet their way of conducting business has shifted distinctly into the gutter. One doesn’t have to look much further than Warcraft 3 Refunded to see their poor practices first hand.

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I quite enjoy the game. I’m simply pointing out that this has been every single expansion before. People are jus bored of playing the same game for 15 years. That’s all the game hasn’t changed much the players have

The weeklys. World boss, some WQs give 250. (they ALL should give 250)

It’s not. The player base has changed to being spoon fed entertainment and are really not capable of making their own challenges. There are tons of things to do, just no one wants to do them, mainly because there is no shiny carrot to be gained.


Consumers should also have moral standard. If you support a company with “bad” morals then you condone such behavior.

This is what I think as well.

There have always been grinds. But suddenly grinding in the maw is bad gameplay.

There have always been loot scarcity in earlier expansions but suddenly it’s unacceptable now.

Dailies were a chore , wqs are a chore.

bis talent trees vs bis talent trees conduits etc

People will always complain

What about all the players who had the original copy of Warcraft 3 and where forced to upgrade to their new broken hub in the re-release?

It is normal at this point in the Xpac to become a grind, 9.1 will add a decent amount of new content and 9.2 will most likely be a big content drop that paves the way to the next Xpac. I am passing my time working on an alt, but if that is not fun for you then go play something else, or focus on life outside the game.

this is the sad truth here. Then they complain the carrot’s too much of a grind when they try and do it

My Vanilla day. Log in, farm SM and RFD for gold, or farm Yetis for leather. Log out.

My BC day. Log in, transmute my cloth, farm elementals for mats until my timer said “stop” (I always time gate my farming). Log out.

Wrath day. Spam for daily heroic to get badges. Do the weekly raid once a week. Log out.

Cata day. Spam heroics for badges, run LFR, log out.

MoP day. Run heroics for badges. Run dailies for rep. Log out. Patch hits. Run new dailies for rep, skip the old ones.

WoD day. Run Tanaan Jungle for 
 whatever it was we ran it for. Log out.

Legion day. Do WQs for Emissary. Run Invasions, gather shards for gear. Maybe run LFD for whatever it was that they were dropping (i.e. not gear). Log out. Argus launch. Get new currency for gear. Log out.

BfA day. Run WQs for Emissary. Do whatever currency du jour was. Get gear. Farm stuff to run Visions. Get gaer. log out.

SL day. Run an M+ once a week for the vault. Log out.

You’re right, SL is different!


In my opinion, if a game becomes a “chore” to do, I just find something else to play.

most truths are but half-truths

That’s not bad morals, its updating a client.

If you support a business, especially financially, that you believe has horrible morals then you do, in fact, condone such behavior.