The true community killer of WoW

The problem is these are the only viable options for pro-rdfers. Its not toxic to try to give people what they want.

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Wanting Classic to be played by players who want to play Classic the way it’s meant to be played isn’t intolerance, it’s a no brainer.

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You can see this by just playing. Players are not that kind overall.

Just look at resource farming as an example, it is a complete cutthroat free-for-all. And look at questing, people would rather swoop in on a flying mount, grab the quest mob and leave regardless of who might be waiting there already. I have seen very few players actually take the time to create a group with the other players around them so everyone can finish the quest, and when it does happen, there are high odds someone outside the group will come in and tag the quest mob first.


This is a huge part nowadays too. The streamer era has changed the landscape of gaming. If you played WoW in 2004-2009 and played it today youd notice immediately the differences in the communities. Back in the day just about everybody was friendly and helpful; nowadays people dont even wanna talk to you if youre not in guild lul


I think the efficiency meta has killed the fun/community. Back in the day I spent most of my time standing around talking and etc. Is it hopium/copium to think that returns? Sure. But I still want to try to fight for community rather than give up.

My last groups we talked about Tom Brady, Prot Paladin mana efficiency, and toe jam. So there were discussions, my last 3 retail groups no one said anything.

Also, the current lfg tool is a weird choice, but it does work. I found uldaman/mara groups for my mage in under a minute (grobbulus horde), so I don’t mind delaying rdf put into the game.


Good point. The Min/Max of everything has changed the game entirely. I don’t know how you get that “toothpaste back in the tube” so to speak.


Streaming for sure killed the community and gaming culture in general. Just one of the many reasons people wanted a game like Classic, but of course they come here to infest it too.


Here I thought this was going to be a thread about diabetes.


Oh they certainly have a lot of impact and a good portion of the blame. Streamers like Asmon create this “Fake” culture that embraced a fake community. This community was hollow though and had no real substance. It was built around fake personas and scripted responses.

That is not community or culture, it is drama and satire.

Bastardizing the game to appease retail-like players is how the game currently declined into the QoL slop that retail is like today… devoid of community.

Sorry, the true Classic community will have to gatekeep the game that they fought so hard to bring back from retail-like players that wants to see the exact same path of devolution.

None of that makes any damn sense.

Case in point folks.

More Us vs. Them mentality right here.

This is a sample of what I was talking about. This propagation of animosity against our fellow players.


It’s not supposed to make sense. It’s just varying opinions, and everything thinks theirs is the right one.

Not anymore, apparently.

Yeah it’s always been the elitist

But what created the need to gatekeep? It came into Classic from day 1 like a festering cancer slowly eating away at the community.

I don’t even think they should design around the current community. Just don’t make major changes. Bug fixes or minor stuff is fine, but don’t remove major features. This shouldn’t be hard, but here we are.

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The answer to that is Achievements and also the big increase in new players.

Fair enough, I can see the appeal there as well. Just release Classic in as close to original as possible including all the expansions.

But unfortunetly the cow is already out of the barn.

Back in original wrath I had a friend. Played a hunter and was a leatherworker. I pulled him into the guild I was in a the time and worked to get him some spots in our raid.

He told me later, that part was never fun for him. He just wanted to wander the land “Cane from Kung Fu” style. Killing things, skinning them and making leather armor. That was the fun for him.

Original wrath, especially it’s final form was really a game for every play style and most of those playing didn’t do what the devs are focusing on. Single digits every raided. Even today, with classic if it’s 10x as much it’s still going to be barely in double digits.

They need to make sure that the other 80-90% are happy or this game will look like vanilla classic. Maybe that’s enough for you.