The Trading Post for June is all Abuzz

Blizzard: “Here’s 1k tenders. Good luck.”

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Should we really be surprised that the first person to chime in and gripe about free stuff, is posting on a throw-away classic alt?



Look how smug she is. Wearing that Hat that we are denied


I always wanted the The Cindermane Charger. Nice.

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god dang ya blizzard… putting the cindermane charger up there- i was gonna save my points in june, dangit! i still have’nt gotten that magenta cloud-serpent (have had it frozen for a while now)


nah, this month was bad… its the first month where there is no actual new reward, just a bunch of recolors and past stuff that people didn’t got.

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Nice month for some people I guess.
Happy for you guys!

I liked literally nothing this month, for the first time since the Post was added.
On the bright side, I get to save tenders, so there’s that.

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Some good stuff for June. Glad I saved some tender.

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Three mounts? Very nice Blizz.


Thanks for the update, was just starting to Google it to find out. I appreciate the new stuff :slight_smile:

I see Blizz knows people are saving the currency :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Some nice mounts and a few things…

Overall glad I don’t get too easily excited for this stuff lol

This is one of the better months IMO

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Pets and Mounts yes! glad to see old recruit-a-friend mount! More of those please Blizz!

Need better transmog on cloaks and weapons and armor sets pls!

You’ll have to wait until tomorrow and view it on yourself before you buy.

Glad I didn’t spend my tendies for May.

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They really love the vrykul because this will be the fourth month in a row we’ve gotten a vrykul-themed ensemble.


yeah! Charger mount


That bug is certainly a bug, but it’s not a bad enough bug to warrant the CAUTION paintjob.

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Oh nice. Ive got 2500 tender saved. Ill probably get all the mounts and pet.

What we really need is an eyepatch/eyewear slot separate from other gear, though with how little care they give to headgear not clipping with racial features, that will absolutely never be a thing, or at least work as intended.

Anyway, I’m super happy. Suddenly I’m glad to have saved 3000 tendies.

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Well this is… disappointing. Good for people who like mounts I guess. Everything else is actual garbage though. Also a recolored parrot? Can’t put in a little bit of effort this time Blizzard?