The Trading Post for June is all Abuzz

I got over 4k tenders w nothing to use em on


Pretty nice selection this month. Well done.


Glad I saved.


I got 2800
Edit: the charger and firelord helm will COMPLETE my destruction warlock mog just in time for them to nerf destro into the ground again.


Ahā€¦ well.

I wonder if anybody else thinks like this, but to my personal preferences this is the weakest month so far :joy: I think the only thing I want is the scarf.

No! Oh! No! Many mounts oh! Iā€™m going crazy I see many mounts!

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The real winners are the ones who got this mount via old RaF rewards

900 tokens I donā€™t have to spend


They should turn green if you have green fire on!


Actually not really big time investment since most of the stuff you do on a weekly baseā€¦like raidsā€¦dungeonsā€¦pet battles all counts towards getting the tenders for the Trading post and the special reward once you get too 1,000ā€¦

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Or, alternately, it means that you get to save up your tendies for a month where the things on offer arenā€™t something that you already have.

Yeah, the Trading Post is going to not be that great for supercollectors, but unless you went hard on Island Expeditions or did the old RAF program this stuff is new for most people.


Where were you when it was a twitch/Amazon prime reward?

Not really.
Took me 6 hours to cap the month of May

Not paying for that garbage.

Two mounts I can buy? Aw man. All my tenders gonna be gone :pensive:


Meh nothing that interests me :dracthyr_shrug:

Guess more tendies for next month though :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

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Amazon gives me good deals on creatine and protein powder.

So I keep the prime.

I order from amazon like 3 times a year.
Meanwhile my mother has a package show up every day

I like that the Veteran Gruntā€™s War Axe is like an HD Corpsemaker.

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I really wish theyā€™d put the Nightborne arcblade up or some kind of a 2h nightborne themed sword. Thatā€™s all I want in this game so my nightborne blood DK can have a weapon :frowning:

If only they would make an hd version of the basic skinny brown rifle. Itā€™s the only rifle where my reload animation doesnā€™t clip through it.

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That bug mount is getting frozen, sorry weird mail set Iā€™m never gonna use.