The TIMESKIP! Let’s talk

I’m both iffy and all for it if that makes any sort of sense. On one hand we as players need a reprieve and it lacked sense that all of these events were happening back-to-back without it. Additionally for races without long-lives this messes with us further with an age scale up we might not even want yet for our characters. It is… Tricky to say the least.


What if your character is old as hell. A certified senior, even.

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They should begin considering writing their will and deciding who will be in inheriting their fortune.

I don’t really mind it.

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I’m quite excited for the idea! :smiley: A nice chance for the world to reset after so many world-ending threats in quick succession.


True, it does allow for a bit of a reset on things.


Azerothian Association of Retired Persons? My NElf is over 12.5 millennia old and doesn’t look a day over 25 :smiley:

I don’t think it’s going to really be noticed, or felt. Unless they retire certain characters or age up others. There’s nothing really going to indicate it.

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I’m mostly for the timeskip. I def think it’s such a good time to refresh, get some air, breath. And as someone once told me when I was deciding how to handle the time skip they said I could always just ignore it, not like people are keeping track of your calendar! They were wise words, so I guess meditate on that! :dracthyr_heart:


Laughs in gnome
3 years means nothing to the dwarves and gnomes I hang around. Me and my circle are already hitting a good pause point for anything serious. It’s just going to be business as usual for us.

TBH I couldn’t care less if the time skip happened or not.


Im ok with the time skip. We had one before in between Cata and MoP. SL to DF will be no different. This will put Saria at age 40 by DF which is a baby by elf standers.

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While this is a commonly repeated claim, it’s not true. Cata is year 28 to 29. MoP is year 30.

It was even (in the Beta) only a few days after Cata, because the Skyfire was the gunship crashing on the turtle and it had done so due to damage from the Deathwing fight.


Wait are you sure? Ill need to look this up, but Im 100% sure there was 3 year time gap between Cata and MoP during the gap Horde and Alliance were still at war.


Why did the gun ship have Horde prisoners?

Nope, there were rumours that there’d be some time skip (which made no sense due to the early Beta story) but Blizzard never said there was. Chronicle since confirmed there wasn’t one.

The implication in the Beta (aka with the Skyfire) was they were taken prisoner after helping kill Deathwing. I’d assume Blizzard realised that villain bat made no sense and hence why they changed it entirely to the Skyseeker.

…admittedly they went on to villain bat the Horde for the xpac, so clearly they have an interesting concept of making sense…

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Time skip?

~laughs in stupidly long lived Draenei life span~

ANyway the timeline is stupid and a mess because they squished it to make Anduin 18 but we know the real VIP prince is Dagran who is still vibing in baby mode

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I always anticipate a time skip with each expansion. This time it alllows me to retire my main and utilize a new one im building.

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I find it to be an interesting idea, and I guess a good explanation as to why my character is gone for so long.

…but I do not have any plans to return to WoW, so in the end I do not think it shall affect me much.
Kind of a pity; it would have worked wonders for my dragon character who needed years of training to become a better healer, as I was straining myself to think of how she could become efficient with such little RP time.

Yeah I don’t think they’ve done this before but I don’t mind it.