The thruth about Multi Boxers for Casual players

Multi boxing should be completely banned and messes with the economy and is completely antithetical to the spirit of an mmo. Too bad they’ll never be banned because Activision loves its money more than player experience.


another quote from the botter’s multiboxing disinformation playbook.

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Can you image the kind of mental gymnastics you would need to pull to even remotely defend multi-boxers when it comes to the in-games economy?

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right…so do what WE do…stop farming crap that ISNT paying off and go farm stuff that IS.
NO sympathy for you guy…literally none.

Ive made nearly a million gold with engineering on a character I literally just boosted maybe two months ago…just CASUALLY crafting crap.
That doesnt count the pets and mogs and flipping gold.
you sure youre doing this right?


rofl. I’m seriously laughing at you man. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You seriously don’t think the multiboxxers exploit the game? The fact they use third part addons to manage their controls says enough.

Holy hell you’re a joke.

Just because the game can handle that, doesn’t mean they aren’t exploiting the game.

10 people farming one node and not allowing anyone else to touch it? Can’t exploit the game more then that champ.

The cheap goods come at a price of other players being deprived of a means to make gold.

That doesn’t create a net positive affect for the economy.

lol. you’re a joke man. you have to come to all these threads and mock everyone that doesn’t agree with you.

the only one screeching is you.


boxing has been around for 15 years or so from my understanding.
what game ‘spirit’ are you talking about?
and bliz knows if it messes with the economy guy…clearly they dont thnk it is.

huh…my game experience, minus some of their joke decisions about striders and pathfinder…has been pretty good overall.
Sounds like you might want to find another game

I don’t care if you want to hit gold cap or afford long boi. I enjoy the cheap mats, if you can’t make gold, no skin off my back.

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:yawning_face: :yawning_face:

a software tool designed to take advantage of a flaw in a computer system, typically for malicious purposes such as installing malware.

the game literally is DESIGNED to be able to box EIGHT accounts per bnet
boxers are exploiting NOTHING lmao

designed…unlike ESO that ISNT DESIGNED to box.

try harder.

compete for it or find something else.
you can instance farm ALL DAY LONG with ZERO interference :wink:

:yawning_face: :yawning_face:

that’s true. 10 people can do the same thing as a multiboxer. I did it for a while as a 10 man in nagrand to get the rare ore spawns. seems like you have an issue with the nodes

This really hits the head of the nail.


would be nice if they could keep politics out of it…
too much TDS going around, apparently.

yeah…if only monopolies were POSSIBLE in Wow.

yep, you are. LOL

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low post count alt. Checks out.


??? lmao
/10 char

That’s assuming they’re not just some multiboxxers sock puppet. Trying to shill how good for the game their presence is.

Thats quite the assumption.

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lmao of course youre a Trump supporter, that explains the brain damaged posts

Well, I see someone is working for a nice break from the forums.

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the alternative…uh huh :wink:

appears that way…

That’s fine, but just call it what it is. I bought the bruto day one of the expansion. It’s not something affecting me, but I understand why other players don’t like people flooding the market with below market value goods.

exploit: to make use of meanly or unfairly for one’s own advantage

The word means more than what you posted champ. There is nothing fair about multiboxxing, even though all of the multibox apologists like to cry otherwise.

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