The Thrayir eyes of the siren club

Yeah I’ll probably wait until later tonight. By the time folks get off work and teens get back from highschool is when it generally becomes impossible to even find an empty group let alone make one since most servers have spots taken. :melting_face: The pain of farming new content.

Yeah, maybe if you join the right group that’s on the right server, at the right time, you’ll get a good groove going.

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Yeah. Thankfully I don’t have a lot left to farm. Just two more pieces and then I’m done.

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The worst part for me was the thundering from the runed chests. I was doing it in the normal Isle versus the storm phase (because I read you could), and I opened probably 15 chests with nothing. Then I phased to storm and got the last two I needed in 4 chests.

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Yeah same. Farmed for a while in the normal phase but the drop rate seems a lot better in the storm. The cyclone runekey was also easy to get – I just fished behind the boss that dropped it and I pretty well got it within 70 or so casts (starting from 0 fishing).

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Yep, I heard about the fishing. :fishing_pole_and_fish: I stubbornly joined Zek groups 30+ times until I got it. Took probably 20-30 minutes (not sure exactly).

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Just got it. I’m glad that’s over, now I can focus on other things around there.

it’s just easier right now with the farming groups always going

This isn’t at you, but I genuinely do not care about mounts. I can ride 1, I don’t need 1000. Farming for something like that has never appealed to me, I farmed the 1-2 that I wanted and I use those.

My main point in raising this is mounts do not equal content for some of us. There is nothing to do on this island except kill “rares” to farm currency for mounts and transmogs. It’s unremarkable compared to other patches and games in every possible way.

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I fished up one of the runes and accidentally picked up a few fragments but have not started seriously farming it yet. I suppose I shouldn’t put it off.

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I’m currently working on it. The grind for this is almost as bad as the Bee and Siesbarg. I pretty much kill everything myself on my hunter, it just takes forever for the stuff to drop.

Dang. That’s a lot of mount bugs. Is that all recent? Thanks for putting that all together.