"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

LFR isn’t for someone who already has a “community”, or who could, to raid with.

LFR is for someone like myself, who has a lifestyle or playstyle that isn’t going to let them be the “champion social networker” that I found being in a raiding guild required back in Vanilla.

So you have it backwards. LFR only makes it so I can be part of a community, which I’d otherwise never see.


Are we talking about the same WoW community that drove a CM into a mental breakdown on the forums during vanilla?


You can party up guild leader and when in draenor, can right click and view leaders garrison and have a crap load of guildies there. Can use the vendors and everything except turn in garrison quests…

Technically, my guild is just 2 people and we both use my garrison so for my guild, it is our guild hall and it’s great for it, imo.

I personally would love a mt guild hall, where it doesn’t make you have to be in a party to access it, but realistically, it’s good enough, for now.

Also, thank you for your courteous and thoughtful reply.

I see how you are using it in that manner.
For me, the guild hall details I listed in my video would go beyond just a physical space to make it something guild centered.

With the Garrison you can’t customize it very much and it isn’t anything really guild specific. You cannot have the whole guild there together unless your guild is very small as you mentioned.

With an actual guild hall, and some of the attributes listed in my video, I feel like it could be more guild/social focused in the rooms and their purposes. I would be hoping for a place that would bring members together for a collective purpose/cause and not just a location.

Some of those things, as mentioned, would be:

  • Collecting guild achievements that can be displayed at the guild hall
  • Guild fishing with rare catches to be displayed or unique in some way
  • A feast hall the gave special buffs to guild members for eating there
  • Arena area where guilds can compete in challenges vs other guilds
  • Arena area where guild members can compete vs each other
  • Armory room where guilds can craft unique cosmetic guild appearances
  • A forge for crafting unique items activate special world boss encounters
  • Ability to craft or build unique furniture to be in the guild hall

I feel like most of these things would be social focused and something a guild can work toward and achieve together which is what I would want to see in a guild hall.

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Get rid of the mechanics that made people leave and add back in the stuff that made people happy.

Get rid of: titanforging, socketing, m+, random pvp drops, personaly loot for guilds, azerite, islands, emissaries, and warfronts.
Add back: tier sets, master loot from guilds, class identities, abilities we use to have, legendaries, and fun raids/dungeons.
Add in: 110 and 120 talents, new abilities baseline that we dont have to talent into.

This is suppose to be an expansion, like taking my wow character and improving it. I haven’t felt any improvement on my character, just lose from 110 to 120. If I was leveling, I wouldn’t feel any improvement between level 90 and 120.

Lol. I will never understand the hate for LFR. My only guess is pre LFR raiders would raid and have a little exclusivity that a large chunk of the population would never see. They felt important. Better than everyone else. Etc…Now raiders see the amount of people doing LFR and somehow think it is taking away something from them. I think they just see the popularity of LFR and just hate that for no real reason. People who want to do heroic and mythic raids still do and people who don’t have LFR as an option. I don’t see a problem.

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Most of the problem with lfr for me is the fact the gear can titanforge higher than mythic gear.

Just to play devils advocate here. LFR changes a certain aspect about raiding, specifically recruiting for raiding. I think a large dynamic that is generalized as hating LFR is actually a pushback that the increase in the number of people that LFR encouraged to try raiding at higher difficulties. Before LFR people had to take a plunge to raid, you didnt get a soft introduction in a random finder.

Now you have this stereotype recruit that wants to join a normal or heroic team and thinks they know the raid. They consider LFR to be useful experience, like their internship in raiding…where as the experienced raiders consider LFR more like a kid seeing what a job is like on take your kid to work day.

LFR has an identity crisis in its lap. Originally LFR was designed as story mode so that people could actually go see the actual boss in that bosses own room. It was a raid simulator and the Dev’s called it as much…but that was in Cata. The devs’ have changed their ideas on LFR more than a couple times since then and changed its difficulty and loot, etc… many times.

But LFR today is easier than its original installment that the Devs at the time were calling story mode, yet todays devs call it a form of real raiding.

They made it easier than ever before but are taking a completely opposite standing on what it means to them…identity crisis. All it’s done is put the player base at odds over it because you can’t play the game for years and years and know something is the way it is and then all of a sudden someone new comes in and redefines the topic but changes none of the characteristics of that thing and then tells you that you are wrong in your understanding of that thing…what recipe for player on player animosity .

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How is LFR the issue? If you don’t wanna do it, don’t. I’m casual as hell and almost have never done LFR.

I dislike LFR not because I want to be the only one to see a raid, but because LFR is garbage. Its no better than watching a youtube video of the fight. Those people who just want to see the raid never actually raid and never have to get better. They then go on the forums and complain about raider IO and ilvl. Its watered down the game immensely almost to the point that there is no point in doing anything anymore.

Why do you care how boring it is to watch on YouTube. I do LFR cause I have 0 interest in normal raiding. I like seeing the zones, boss fights and a small chance at slightly decent gear. Why do you want to take that away from me?

I don’t complain about that stuff because I have no interest in normal raiding and I’m sure there’s a lot of people in same boat as me. Your comment is also pure speculation. I think people complaining about ilvl and IO are normal and heroic raiders that want to move to mythic raiding but can’t.

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Except you can pull up their profile and see that they are always LFR heroes. Raider.io isnt used for raiding.

Ideas ideas ideas

Want more community?

First merge servers so there is more potential for a community.

Then ask what ways you can get people to need to interact, and let the community to foster. This can be asking for mats, doing profession actions that can only be done through the trade window, or creating more reasons to join a guild which really are the bastions of WoW communities.

Then, and most importantly, think of how any of those ideas can negatively effect the game. (this is probably a good practice in general)

I guess I don’t care enough to go through the effort to see what raids forum posters have done or haven’t done. But I have a suspicion you are cherry picking LFR forum posters and ignoring the ones trying to progress in normal and heroic.

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So then they will have to roll back 10 years of changes. They won’t able to take that workload.

And neither is your version of community that relies on the outdated version of slavery that Master Looter/Loot Councils instilled in most guilds. Kowtow to your GM & Loot Council, get good loot. Don’t kowtow to them and welcome to serfdom, supplying the raiders with consumables in the hope of getting included in a run before the release of the next xpac lol.

Or the other wonderful “Community Building” that happened in so many of those old style guilds. GM/Raid Leader “We are doing a run this Friday night and wondered if you’d like to tag along”. Excited guild member not with the “It” crowd replies absolutely and gets everything ready for the run. Things going well until they get to the second last boss where Gm/Raid Leader informs excited guild member “Sorry friend but George/Georgina has just come online and they missed the end boss last run, you don’t mind stepping out so my friend has a chance at the mount drop do you?”

Yeah that’s a “community” we all miss so much, as you can see by the masses marching through the streets of SW and Org protesting lol.

LMAO I don’t see many LFR peeps complaining they can’t get into Heroic/Mythic raids because of IO. I see LFR peeps wanting to keep LFR as it’s the only thing they are interested in/have the time to do.

I DO see many Normal/Heroic raiders complaining about IO and how Group Leaders are only interested in having people running that have ilvl’s way above what the run will drop lol. Interesting really, it’s like the “Hardcore Raiders” want the kudos of the high end run, but at the speed of LFR :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: