"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

If 3am happened any other time of day, I’m moving to a bomb shelter.lol


Really it started at 8p.m and ended at 7a.m in the morning That really did test my patience.I slept all day afterwards.So even though the loot was good the time wasn’t.

I get that, unfortunately the only thing that gets me like that is the o/t chat in trade, like it seems more like suited for general chat, but it all comes out in trade. The only stuff I usually see in city general chat are “hordes attacking halp” and “is this any good” like they ain’t got a guild lol.

Rural general chat usually is silent or people complaining about 120’s killing all quest mobs.Which is fair, 120’s probably should follow lower levels around and ez-pwnt the mobs they’ve(lower level) have attacked.

General chat used to be very lively but as of late it’s like you can hear tree fall in the forest and know exactly where it did land.


Legit af, bro.

Lol I’m being yelled at by a 228 ilevel - okay (though it is probably an alt)

All the problems with a dying community aside, it’s also simply too hard to find people on your server who want to raid, or are at least interested in it. Just from my vantage point, the interest and willingness is the lowest I’ve ever seen. People just don’t want to do it, and if they do, it’s generally easier to just pug it and cherry pick specific pieces you want/need.

There’s no good recruitment system. And there’s no good way to find a guild, either. It’s all just basically random. This on top of the fact there are clearly far less people. Even on ‘full’ servers it can be a ghost town.

I think what would help first and foremost is simply having a better game and characters that are fun to play. Outside of that, making guilds cross server would help a lot. Along with better search functions. Yech. This game is a headache.


CRZ destroyed personal servers, as well as Battlegroups and Sharding as well as Phasing to the extreme. It all needs to go back to a personal servers and reputation, and then you will see a community flourish.


absolutely, merge all the low/medium pop servers and remove the remaining ones, remove sharding (and all the benefits that go with it) and you will have community back. yes people will wrestle over each other at quest hubs etc but that’s just part of an online world. bad things will happen and the players will just have to deal with it the same as they did back before sharding.

give us back single servers with no CRZ and you will see communities flourish. changes to LFR will make no difference whatsoever. I personally think this would bring a HUGE flood of players back! the only thing it will hurt is classic wow and thats because its classic wow’s biggest drawcard

Sure, but not really.

To add onto this:

Truth: it wouldn’t have the effect you assume it would. It would most likely be a negative effect.


When they stopped merging dead/dying servers and added the cross realm everything is when community died. Unless that is undone community will never be a thing again.

Small idea: Bring back tiered sets, they only will drop for raids with 10+ people of the same guild, and only for the guild group. (random pugs would not be eligible)

The need to lead by example and include the community into the discussion before making unwanted and asinine decisions and changes. Possibly polls and such and quit assuming what we want and what will make the game more fun.

I, for the life of me, do not understand the hate for CRZ. I want people to play with, and CRZ accomplishes that. Does it matter the server of the person you see walking around? No. Can you friends list them? Yes. Can you invite to groups? Also yes.

What is the issue?

I was replying to the guy talking about general chat.

Not sure what you thought I was saying is legit.

I thought I was replying to your reply.

I don’t personally feel that your garrison is a guild hall in any sense.
I view it more like personal player housing than a guild hall.

I thought you were responding to me since you quoted my words and made a response to it.

Community has to evolve naturally. Anything forced is harmful.


I totally agree,if the people don’t want to associate they wouldn’t and no one can force people to do so.If you want a community there has to be a purpose and value if not there is none.

But fostering a Player Community is also like growing a Chinese cherry blossom tree. It will grow much bigger, strong, and blossom beautifully it you feed it, water it, and take care of it. If you neglect it and cut off its water and shade it from the sun it will wither and die.

Yes,with that everyone has to do their dues which means they should be the purpose and they are the value to the community ,if people don’t feel they have worth they would leave.Build a structure for a community and then tore it down doesn’t makes the person not feel wanted or valued.