"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

Would they, though? Do you have proof of these hypothetical numbers? Wasn’t the whole Cata heroic dungeon nerf based on the fact that when given harder content, players did not rise to the challenge, rather they simply did not attempt that challenge at all? And wasn’t the whole advent of LFR because such a tiny percentage of players were even stepping foot into raids that it literally could not justify the development time spent on said raids?

Seems like kind of a leap, based on Blizzard’s own number crunching, to just assume that without LFR the norm+ raiding community would double in size.

You can’t be serious. Do you actually want to be RL friends with everyone on this forum ? That is the same kind of thing you want for the game. Some people are far better off left to how they want to play, if they aren’t inclined to be social you don’t want to force them into your group play.

Here is a list just to clarify my above post and show people WHY we don’t want to socialize with these people. Putting up with people like this in forums is one thing, but to have to tolerate this in a game where people are trying to relax and enjoy some entertainment is totally another.


No I did not have a problem with guilds.
–My-- spot was always safe, in multiple raid guilds.

I did however see many abuses by guilds, including my own:
Selling guild carries as the main reason for the guild, with members given the choice do these runs for free or leave.
Requiring members to do farming, when they themselves would not. Do it or leave.
Rules like - application by player to test skills…bypassed in favour of leader ‘buds’, who were totally inept and always needed carrying, excluding many better players.
Tryouts where people would just be insulted for their lack of skills during the tryout and later in general/tardechat, effectively ostracizing them from other guilds and thus content; instead of pointing out the areas needing improvement to help them do so.

Toxic behaviour in guild chat and events by leaders and or members tolerated because they were part of the ‘buds’ and the list could go on, and on.
And none of the toxic behaviour of those people mattered at all, why, because these ‘socially dysfunctional kings’ always had one thing to hold above the heads of all, --LFR did not exist.

Enabling socially dysfunctional ‘kings/queens’ to hold any kind of ransom over the heads of a general population of players is bad for any game.
Your definition of and requirements for socialization includes force, the general population of modern western society does not agree with this either. LFR enables people to bypass guilds to see a minimum of content; and then make the choice of who they wish to group up with, who they want to be around, who they want to socialize with.

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"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW”

Well, I suppose we should give them at least some credit for finally, after years of precipitous sub’s decline, identifying one of the major problems with the game. Whether or not they can correctly pinpoint the causes and craft working solutions for that is another matter entirely.

These Dev’s didn’t “build” squat until WoD, and look how THAT turned out.


I dont raid, now I did some raiding in Legion, I had a guild that was ok with carrying me along and a good friend that would basically just say “dont stand in the bad stuff and run away if x happens.” and it was fine. I got some gear and a decent experience. I didnt have the progression experience like they had, 100’s of pulls and trying to get it right etc. I dont have time to do progression raiding, ive got kids a wife etc I cant just be there every tuesday at 10pm to x or whatever.
So I used LFR as a way to learn. I could see the fight and learn basically what happens with a group on my own terms when I had the time. LFR fit my playstyle better, no I didnt know anyone in the run. But it doesnt matter anyhow. The last two guilds I joined bit the dust, 99% of those friends I raided with in Legion, gone.

I dont get the hate lfr gets. But I do see it coming from people who are the ones I probably dont want to raid with to begin with. So many in this game expect nothing less than perfection. Very few foster learning or teaching anymore, or heck even have an ounce of patience. Then when the people who maybe werent up to par go into content like LFR where maybe they can see some content and have an experience as well they get attacked again still.

The community is the problem as to why the community doesnt act like a community.


Its not and they know it.
LFR just allows us to get into a raid without having to spend 2 hours gathering up players.
It has NO bearing or effect on the community whatsover and these haters know factually that is the case.


Ive yet to see an LFR hater posting in here that Id even want to be on the same server with. They apparently dont get it that THEY are the reason why we would want to use LFR and never get involved with them to begin with.


This becomes more true as we look at the fact they can still have their normal, heroic and mythic raids. They can have their community for those. Nothing is lost. This is why I always lean to the fact there is other alternative agendas to getting rid of LFR. It just makes more sense as i see them scrambling for reasons / grasping at straws… making up fibs to get what they want.

What they truly want is to get rid of LFR so they can control others and sell more runs. That’s all there is to it.


The game is fractured further every single time Blizzard makes a move. Raider IO, LFR, Flying, portals, expansions, titanforging, allied races, warmode, faction balance, faction war. Everything fractures this community further. People have a million reasons to be unhappy right (in game) now and little to no reason to really be upbeat. I think some reasons are legitimate and some are not. I dont know what Blizzard could really do. Forcing people to “looking for tank, m+ runs!” in trade chat or whatever wont fix anything.
Giving players the absolute max amount of choice and options to play the game in as many different avenues as possible will result in more happiness across the community.


Out of curiousity, what do you personally, Chaedithas, do for fun in the game?

that’s, honestly the most pathetic thing i’ve read on the forums

I believe that PEOPLE fracture the community with their behavior.
People can choose to be nice to other players no matter what options we have in the game.


This right here is one of my biggest issues with the dev team. That, and them thinking they know what we want better than we do. Which actually kind of works in tandem with their micromanaging since we’re not playing the game the “right” way.


God forbid they design their own game.

Options have been removed over and over because they “know better.” Don’t act like they aren’t micromanaging the playerbase.

Not really. It just feels that way when you take any change to the game as a personal attack.

Personal attack? Is that really your best response? They have straight up said that we don’t actually want the things we say we want. Changes in general aren’t bad. But Blizzard doesn’t manage to make changes without screwing things up. It’s one step forward, three steps back with them.

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God forbid they learn from history and stop ‘mudwimping’ their game.