"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

That is a truth most people wouldn’t be willing to admit. :+1:


The really funny part is that you “need” LFR because you refuse to even help yourself out…

I’m saying your argument is invalid because it is. You cannot assert a nonsensical point and expect it not to be challenged.

And this says a lot about what kind of person you are. I’ve been in plenty of guilds that were drama free and if there were individuals who caused drama they were quickly weeded out. If guild drama is an issue for you, I think you need to do some self-reflection and perhaps examine that the common factor may be internal rather than external.

If this was the case then LFR would have been created back in TBC when only a small % of the playerbase completed endgame raids, not in Cata.

And that’s perfectly fine. Nobody, least of all me is saying LFR is illegitimate. I don’t have time to do normal raiding either, so I use it frequently. But to suggest that LFR didn’t have a negative impact on the game’s community is just…preposterous.

They could start by making elites require small groups again. I’m tired of being able to solo everything that’s not a world boss.

Eh, it’s mainly just an internet and GD thing. Most people in game are nice generally, unless it’s people memeing in trade or something.

Absolutely correct.

Lets get this straight now. I pay 15 dollars a month to talk in the forums, the game is a bonus.


Are you looking to play a much smaller game?

What size game are you willing to play?

(hate to harpoon you)

Since you’re planning on driving away casuals who don’t happen to have anyone to group with, your game will be smaller than mine.

You harpooned yourself.

What would you know about small, Tauren?

How am I driving away casuals? I’ve been inviting people from these forums to activities they say they can never be a part of.

(You impaled yourself on my harpoon, out of ignorance?)

Let’s be honest: grouping up to kill elites was never extremely casual unfriendly. There’s nothing wrong with the game becoming a tad more difficult in the open world. The game won’t lose out on any accessibility because of it. Who cares if newborn babies won’t be able to solo elites anymore.

Vanilla and TBCs open world was dangerous, yet fair. Post WotLKs open world was a joke.

This has nothing to do with making the game more ‘hardcore’. The leveling experience and the open world could use a bit of challenge to spice things up and make it more engaging.

Nope. If it’s harder for players to do content without help (and your description of “a tad more difficult” clearly means “impossible”), then the game is inherently less accessible.

You’re right, it has nothing to do with making the game more hardcore and everything to do with making it inaccessible to people who don’t belong to the right guilds and are willing to limit their playtimes to when those guild members are willing to help them.

Play hard content if you want to play hard content. If you want to force people out of the game by limiting the ability to complete content to elite players with the right connections, admit what you’re doing. Because you’re trying to push casuals out of the game.


I’m talking about having a more dangerous open world, not changing the game into something completely inaccessible where guilds and groups are required for every5hing. You’re blowing things way out of proportion, my bovine friend.

Vanilla and TBC having tougher mobs and a more dangerous open world didn’t steer players away at large. The game kept growing. As I said, most of the open world was dangerous but fair. The Valley of Trials cave was full of corpses, but that didn’t stop millions of players.

Sure, times change and players change along with it. However, people don’t want a boring and tedious leveling experience. While it seems like people want things to be quicker, Blizzard has stated that they made the 7.3.5 changes in part because of what players wanted. The leveling experience can become quicker, but it can also become more dangerous like it was in vanilla.

If you think accessibility was a huge issue, I’d love you to explain to me why vanilla and TBC held 8 - 12 million players in spite of the open world being more dangerous and supposedly inaccessible.

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It used to be pulling a 3rd mob while leveling meant near death. That’s part of what made leveling fun to me, working your way through the enemy encampments. It actually got kind of suspenseful when you made your way deep into a camp, keeping track of mobs patting around you and how long you had before respawns.

Not true at all. It was pretty common place to have regular buyers, as they were more reliable and profitable than the AH. People had friends lists made just for those that could provide mats or other profession materials.

Why do you seem to be so upset about whether or not someone considers themselves ‘elite’ or not? You’re causing yourself suffering for something that does not effect you in any way.

not agreeing as i dont care, theres no way to bring this game back to even cata community

but having lfr as an option made a majority of lower tier players have no reason to put in effort
previously the “casual” audience at least the ones interested would still go out of there way to do normal mode which in turn gave /2 alot of life

now at this point if you dont have the time to raid why bother even pugging you can just do lfr

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You see this is the kind of attitude people want to avoid. This particular guy sticks out like a sore thumb… on almost everyone of his posts he is like this to others. Already been in some squabbles with other posters because of the tude problem. You complain people are killing the community in the game but then turn around and treat people like dog poop, with snarky rude comments aimed at others. No I don’t want to socialize with you. Go make some real friends or for all i care make your internet friends…but get off me.

Forcing people to socialize with these kinds of people will do nothing productive. Just because some of these people cannot find a healthy social life in reality ( We can see why ) should not mean people should be forced to socialize with them in a game. We have a ignore function in the game for a reason, should we get rid of that because it hurts the social aspect of the game? Is this why you push the “We need more social stuff in the game!” is because maybe you are socially inept in reality? That is a YOU problem… that is not normal peoples problem.

You still have your normal, heroic and mythic raids to make your toxic social circle and treat others like trash. When they are done with you, and sick of you… LFR will be there waiting.

I still can’t believe these guys think they can get LFR removed so they have more power to sell more runs and more power to control others… that is quite funny though.

Won’t happen.