"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

Seriously. You make it sound like it’s all about forcing other people to play with you. Or forcing them to do things they hate, because it’s good for you to force people to do things they hate, and it makes them like you.

WoW is not a therapeutic method intended to force people to become more like you. You need to accept that it’s okay for people to exist who don’t want the same things you want and don’t value what you do.

There’s a lot of people out there who are perfectly fine with you making different choices from them and having fun differently.

And then there’s people like you whose main goal in wow is to force strangers to do things they hate.

Do you really love the game if what you want is for it to be designed to make people hate it?

LOL, “I don’t see your point of view at all”. Um, look in the mirror sometime. There is no advantage to wow to force people to do things they don’t want to do.


Meant to reply to this sooner. The response is most certainly not out of fear. Its out of simple logic. Sure there will be some people who enjoy Classic that’s a given. However Classic will not do as well as what people make it out to. Simply those who were around when Classic was first released and played then have grown up and I’d wager their lifestyles may simply prevent them from playing it. Hell even I remember grinding out reps in WoTLK from BC and look back thinking how did I manage to sit for so long and do that without being bored out of my mind.

Main point is Classic while initially will have a decent amount of people playing I’d imagine those that stick with it will be very few in the long run, it will have a huge fall off in other-words. There is a reason WoW kept evolving over the years and its because what once worked in the past as model won’t work well today.

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I don’t know. It is a tough call. I mean to get to go back and play an official version of the game before it was ruined in the eyes of many might be more popular then you think.

I hope it has it’s own form of success and maybe is reflected in future game changes for current WoW. Lets be honest. I hate this appeal to everyone and everyone gets a prize game system. Reason I don’t currently play.

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You say that as if what it evolved into is working today.

I think BFA was designed to milk users for services not to be a great game.


Oh don’t get me wrong, I will even myself be trying it out probably for a week simply cause I’m a Wrath baby and missed out on Vanilla. That said I have no desire push myself past that week also because while I may not agree with how BFA has been handled so far the amount of concepts and QoL changes overtime still makes current WoW an overall better experience imho.

BFA itself hasn’t been handled well (I chalk that up to the Team A/B theory) but look at Legion. Legion was by far a great expansion imo. Sure people didn’t like Legionaries but it had individual class storylines among other things. World Quests and M+ were both features to come out of it that imo were done well.

I hate that people miss the point of LFR for raiders:

  1. We get practice in the worst case scenarios ever.
  2. We get augment runes.
  3. We get to teach others how to play the game so someday they might become raiders if they want.
  4. We get goodies if there is a hero’s call.
  5. You get the satisfaction of carrying a 25 man raid with 10 people. Nothing is as awesome as healing through a massively failing pull and winning.

LFR is my gym. It is also how I learn to play other healing classes so I can work with them in raids well. Maybe it is different in our shard - I’ve had like one or two bad ones out of 100 or so.

What kills it for me is when people leave after one wipe because they didn’t get an insta-kill. Seriously, do you know how many times heroic and mythic guilds wipe? 100s of times sometimes. However, we keep going and maybe LFR is helping people learn to raid. It makes me a better player.


1- Sorry, slap fighting a wet paper bag is not “practice”.
2- So?
3- See # 1.
4- Whoopty do, and in fact, makes the problem worse.
5- Carrying what? LFR is special ed training wheels for blind people. You have to TRY to fail. And, if by some unholy miracle you do screw up, they’ll nerf it until you don’t.

If LFR is your gym, pre-K must be where you keep your mind sharp. If it makes you a better player, you are an unbelievably poor player. If you need LFR to learn your class, you aren’t paying attention…not to mention ignoring the other myriad places where you can ans should learn. Also, how are you learning anything? Almost no one in LFR is at the proper gear level to be doing LFR, which means what happens in there is even more skewed than the normal uber EZ-Mode it should be.

And I’m not talking about the people in them, I’m just talking about the system of LFR. It’s stupid, and counterproductive. It removes content. And it bloats gear. Fun fact about LFR gear, if you’re wearing it, you’re wearing the worst gear in the game. If that’s all you ever wear, you’re not actually progressing, you’re simply riding along as the floor goes up.

I agree ,it is a way of progression even if it is chaotic at times.

Oh,do you want one . i’m sure everyone here would give you a star :thinking:

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I’m sure you have a collection…

A relevant question is:
What proportion of the player base in each expansion raided normal and above?

I’m under the impression LfR was brought in because so few players raided the raid content was being under-utilised. It seems to me people who LfR these days are people who would not be raiding at all without the LfR option.

I LfR because I cannot be online to raid regularly. Some LfR’ers simply can’t play well enough to be wanted in guild raids. Some get tired of acquiescing to the mini-Hitler types who get off on the power-trip of being gate-keepers to content. Some are simply loners who can never comfortably be part of a group.

I know some second-rate raiders, the ones who pose as elitists in the forums, (I’ve never known top raiders to care enough about LfR’ers to bother putting them down,) would like to see all the above leave the game, thinking that would make WoW great again, not caring that their “solution” would simply destroy the players base and kill WoW for good.


Stop trolling me,your opinion is noted.I’m agreeing Halushai understanding of why LFR is good for the community.

Wait just a dang second here. WoW was a social game once and it’s players like you that whined non stop for a lot of these silly changes over the years that changed the game into it’s soulless non community state today. No one is trying to force you to do anything, we are just pointing out that when people leave their comfort zones they actually might enjoy new things.

I would never ever ever ever want or play with someone like you. My guild actively weeded out players just like you and honestly this game would be better off with many of the anti-social players that have taken over as the main players now. I’m so tired of reading this dumb posts from players like you acting like people that miss the community aspects of the older version are some kind of tyrants trying to steal away their fun.

There is a reason why this game is having huge retention issues, is because they streamlined out almost all the reasons to socialize. Sure you could always solo in WoW, but your types were a very small minority of the player base. I don’t care anymore though, my sub runs out in a few days after being a subscriber for almost 14 years. I’m just done with retail because the community that is here now is just a bunch of whiners and anti social gamer’s.

You are not wrong but that is not the question being asked in this thread. The question is has LFR/LFD CRZ and Sharding had a negitive impact on communites in WoW?

Ofc they have.

Then the question is do Blizzard want to fix communities bad enough that it would alienate a large part of the playerbase ? Is it worth it?

All the people in here thinking that it didnt have a negative impact on communities are kidding themselves.

Um this isn’t true at all. Most Mythic raiders that stream and make youtube content regularly make fun of LFR and loath it’s existence. This will fall of deaf ears though.

LFR was a mistake admitted by the very person who came up with the dang idea.

I don’t understand why this one system is so universally defended when people regularly complain about so many other aspects of the game? GhostCrawler has talked a great length as to why he though LFR was a mistake, but so many people on these forums just live in a bubble. I think they actually like to spend more time arguing here about LFR than actually playing the dang game.


Maybe some are living in a bubble ,yet the game has Lfr and lfd if you do get rid of it what then the elists would cheer with joy that it wouldn’t be a challenge any more,because now they and only they can sell their runs.

This is garbage. Blizzard will never remove LFR or LFD. Its like flying they tried to get rid of it and people went bonkers and they settled for pathfinder. Its very hard to remove something once given to the players.

I ask you this if Blizzard did make WoW 2 do you think they would add flying or Lfr to it?

I said “if” they do “not " do it”. It is not beyond them to remove anything in this game wether we like it or not.

No ,they wouldn’t if I heard right.

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WoW still is a social game. Just as in 2004, 2019 is full of choices. Casual players have chosen to not play with you.

We’ve heard this song and dance before. We have already played that game, and we have chosen to not play it again.

Asocial. We casuals are asocial, not anti-social. You are antisocial, as you are actively disrupting the social order have created for ourselves, and wish for us to join your social circles. We were/are asocial towards you lot. You are antisocial towards us. Learn your terms.

Now, with that being said… If your guild actively removed players like us, why do you care what we do with our playtime? We’re not playing with you. We’re not bothering you. We’re not even seeing you (praise be to sharding technology). Why are you even here, involved in this conversation? Do you miss our pretty faces and shining personalities THAT much?

Because players like you, are wanting exactly that.

Socialising has always been optional. Always. Not everyone raided, or even cared about what purples you players had back in 2005. We solo types, were a larger pool of players than you think. Just because you played with the same 200 or so players, didn’t mean the other 2,800 on the server played like you did. Or even cared about how you played.

Good, then go away and stay away. Classic is coming for you and you will be able to create your wanted fiefdom in no time flat. Or, you can go play Everquest 20th Anniversary. Knock yourself out kid.


You think lfr is the disconnect?

Look at how you all talk to each other in these very forums.

None of you actually try to help each other out.