"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

Er. Um. Eh…

ALL the queueable content takes away from the community aspect, it’s been an evolving concept since they first introduced LFD. You’re giving a large portion of the community the ability to queue up with random off server people they will never see again and even if they do won’t remember.

I don’t really know if there’s a way to fix it though. Part of the community aspect was that pvp servers were more popular so world combat was a thing, groups were formed on server and bonds were made to continue regrouping. Raiding wasn’t the end all be all and everything before it wasn’t entirely worthless.

The tool introduced also queuing with people you knew, in fact some people would meet others in dungeons even when queuing who would be friendly and help out. It wasn’t just one way against the community, it also helped the community.

AS someone earlier pointed out, the true death of the community came with CRZ. During ICC and Cata I was still constantly playing with people from my server doing random odd stuff. You meet someone enough you may start to get to know them.

But now you mostly spend time with people on other servers even doing world content. And Blizzard isn’t going to get rid of it.

So that basically leaves guilds. I don’t really know what Blizz can do for guilds.

So the community is probably effectively dead.

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And with that I’ll have to question. Would you not judge the people you wish to do raids and dungeons? If a server were to take care of it’s own we wouldn’t have had the problem of ques .There’s also with this,when guilds and individuals find there not that many left to do these dungeons and raids a few days after tuesday.Those are left to wonder if they should stay or leave when they wish to progress.

Unfortunately this is the truth. People don’t wan’t MMOs with time sinks, social elements, and character building anymore. We are in the age of Battle Royale gaming where matches last 15 minutes, have very little need to socialize, and all the old gaming principles don’t really matter. It’s basically just pick and up go, have the controls down in a 30 minute session, and try to make it as the next big streamer.

It’s basically the “Kids these days!” of game design.

This too. No one wants to put in the effort to find a guild, find a team within that guild, set a time to meet up and raid, take time making sure their character is prepared for raiding, and then spend all night trying to get somewhere in the raid. Not when there are way easier loot paths available and the raid gear isn’t even as good as it used to be. I used to drool over raid trinkets, now they are basically garbage compared to certain +10M versions.

The lightning fast Fortnite queue and game play is where gaming mentality is at right now, that is the standard for an online game. I’m not trying to actually bash those games, but that game type is what is popular right now and MMOs can’t really compete because of how drastically different they are. WoW used to be THE game people would think of if you said “Name an online game.” Now I think the answer would be a BR game.

Eh. You’re talking macro community at that point. I think most people use community in the context of the server community and it doesnt exist in any capacity as it once did.

Not saying blizzard could fix it or there was a way around it, but that it is definitely different.

I love LFD i think it is a great system but should have stopped there imo. Sharding/CRZ, LFR all these systems even LFD took a slice out of communities and if anyone thinks this didn’t do any harm to communities then you are kidding yourself…

Hey don’t generalize casual so much, they make up the largest portion of the playerbase by far, its you who does not want X and its you who doesnt like raiding guilds by the sound.

MMORPG stands for Massive Multi Online Role Playing Game it does not stand for Open World Single Player Game With The Option To Opt Into Multiplayer and this is exactly what WoW has become.

If Blizzard wants to try fix communities and the game, then start making it for MMORPG players again NOT people who do not even like MMORPG’S.

I would love for Blizzard to say who their targeted audience is with 2019 WoW ? I know its not me.

They can fix it, though at this point it might wreck the game. But, not fixing it has been slowly eating the game for years, so pick your poison.

LoL,never wish one of those special flowers just down to earth person.I do socialize and I do know the darkside of humanity’s corners.There will be always two side of a story ,which one would be picked is up to individual not a group.

So then you’re lying and it has nothing to do with time, it has to do with effort. And you want the game to suffer to continue pandering to your lack thereof…

Lack of what? Your opinion is your own as mine.And as for lying you called it prove it.

Ok…“LoL,never wish one of those special flowers just down to earth person.I do socialize”

Your move.

Go plant a seed of discontent in mash soil and see your flower bloom ,i’m sure you would like it’s results.Stop trolling me.


You’re making yourself sound like a control freak who is upset the game won’t force other players to play with you against their will.


I find it hilarious the lack of time comments as to why LFR works for them. DPS players probably spend more time running LFR than they would running with a guild. Those queue times are long.

Lets face it, the gaming genre is flooded with normal people now and most people don’t tend to be social with strangers. The game all of us veterans loved and played was built from the ground up by nerds for nerds. The game was designed with this type of player in mind. Sure, you could be a solo casual player then, but you always were required to socialize a bit in order to see a lot of the content in the game.

A lot of players today view this as an obstacle to their enjoyment and us older MMO vets will never really fully understand this type of player. Your best bet is to play games that encourage socialization and foster their communities.

Final Fantasy 14 has a way better community than WoW as well as Lord of the Rings online. Heck even EQ is still around along with Runescape if you are longing for real MMO communities.

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I don’t understand what you don’t understand. The “lack of time” comments refer to irregular or unusual schedules, players on call or whose live have responsibilities that can’t be scheduled (“Somebody pick mom up off the floor and call her gerontologist. I can’t, I’m raiding.”)

Raiding with a guild does take longer than an occasional spur-of-the-moment LFR you can leave if something comes up. Normal raiding in a guild, somebody’s always late or takes an impromptu break (“Gotta smoke, brb”) And 10 minutes later…


I don’t think this is the case at all. In the old days I met a lot of players that won’t the most social people. One of my best friends was one of them. The thought of talking to people over Ventrillo and having to socialize in order to raid was just not in his comfort zone at all.

But, he didn’t have a choice in TBC and with my help I introduced to my amazing casual raiding guild. At first he was quiet on Vent and he was a terrible tank too, but the guild was patient with him and they trained him and was very welcoming to him despite his lack of chatting on voice. Eventually he become the guilds main tank and made a ton of friends in the guild and it still part of that guild to this day.

It is rather funny too, he is one of the chattiest people on discord now and he often talks about all those years ago how WoW guild raiding helped him become a more social person. If LFR existed then he would have never even bothered with guild raiding.

This one example is one of many of millions of players that have played WoW over the years that have so many amazing stories from the past about their social experiences in the game.

For the record I would be fine with LFR if there were other avenues in the game that forced some socialization among players outside a few harder modes in the game. As it stands today, you don’t ever have to interact with other players at all by chatting, everything can be done with a click of a button. That is a really sad state for a game that boasts millions of players playing in a seem less world.

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I’m not going to argue with you here, because you are just one of those forum people that won’t see the other person point of view at all. I’m sure your rebuttal will be the same tired responses. There are still a ton of casual guilds that have weird raid times and don’t have set raid schedules. This excuse of not having the right schedule doesn’t really fly in the days of modern WoW. You can find a guilds that raid at all manner of weird hours anymore.

People like LFR because it is easy and they don’t have to interact with others. I’m totally fine with that too.

They could start by making a blue sticky asking us what we found fun in this game.

And build upon that.

I’m all about solutions; not adding to problems.

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Maybe if they can stop communicating to their playerbase in overly condescending and passive aggressive ways.