"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

Sigh, even I knew when I started this game as a new player this game isn’t one you can BEAT. When you beat a game, the game ends (usually, some games give you options to continue) but this game no where does something flash up ’ game over - you win.’

Don’t assume other people think and act like you do because most people do not.

What the heck happened to that new player for the 120 levels BEFORE he hit max. That is the time he should be joining a guild and making friends. Again this is something I knew as a new player, am I brighter than all the other new players out there ? I hardly think so.

Okay, you have been showing as replying for the last 15 minutes, either you are writing a book or doing a lot of edits but I am done in wow and need to get off here as well.

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The problem is which players who aren’t socializing would’ve socialized if the game needed them to socialize. The problem isn’t the players who are so absolutely asocial that they will not socialize under any circumstances. Sure, the totally asocial players wouldn’t have LFR to lean on anymore, but it actually does more harm than good when the game robs itself of a social community to appeal to an asocial mentality.

When I killed Deathwing on LFR, I got the same cinematic and all the congratulations from the NPCs over how I’ve finally defeated Deathwing and stopped the cataclysm. That’s effectively the closest “you win” message you’re going to get without breaking lore. Blizz could very well give us ending credits after beating the final boss in LFR with how conclusive they make it.

I’m playing Hearthstone lol.

Start by removing the 1000 character limit for guilds; with 50 per server per person now, that’s a silly restriction.

Then add more incentive for groups to do runs. The 750 gold you get only once a week, minus the cost of repairs for the entire group, it’s pathetic. We still have to donate gold to our guild bank just to keep up with repairs. Seems like a dumb way to encourage us to recruit more people, we a few guild members can “farm harder.”

Well said and totally true, noone really wants to deal with them anymore so they lash out at LFR… like it is to blame, but yet the problem is themselves. How can a person even live like that being so ignorant to others and totally blind they can’t see that they are the issue.

It’s true people don’t wan’t your trash community and are tired of your power trips. That is why LFR is so successful.

Key things to understand here:

Casual players don’t want to play with players like you

LFR allows us to avoid you

are sick of you

instead of carpooling (guild raiding) with you to work, they would rather take the public transit (LFR).

Your “community” made LFR… because of how you acted when there was no LFR.

All i am seeing from the LFR haters is that they want that power, that control over others again, so they can dictate who sees the content and who does not.

Thankfully, I can’t see Blizzard siding with you on this one. Must be you.

To say LFR ruins all social aspects of the game is completely %100 false. For one, you still have your normal, heroic and mythic raids… so your community should still be there right?.. OH whats that? It is not there anymore? That is because people hate your community and the way that raiding community acts. They WANT to avoid you like the plague.


Really don’t think LFR is the problem.

I just can’t help but think “What community?” because all I see on Trade chat are people trying to sell runs or gold. Yeah wow what an amazing community. People totally aren’t hanging out on discord instead.

This statement really needs to be clarified .To say that a social community is being rob to form around one set of social mentality is a very lacking argument.


Basically, for every player that doesn’t socialize because the game doesn’t need them to, the rest of the players are being denied a player to socialize with. It’s a web.

Ok,Got your point I agree ,and that person then would feel they have no purpose in the game and would move on to find something better to do.But i would still have to remember there are still those that don’t want to socialize no matter how much it is presented to to them for other reasons.

Yes. The point I’m trying to make is that it’s worse for the game if we cater to the person who will not socialize no matter what, when it results in other players also not socializing because they don’t need to.

There’s players who will never socialize, and there’s players who will always socialize, and then there’s players in the middle who may or may not depending on what direction the path of least resistance lies. Currently, the path of least resistance is LFR, which doesn’t need you to make friends.

People say this is only a game that there isn’t any true value and purpose of people in wow,they are very wrong.Every day we see toons running doing their dailies and hanging around SW and org. Each one is not just pexals of meaningless arrangements there are people behind them each their own individual wants and desires.

If we see people with a value and purpose then is see each being a part of a community that we share these meanings to each other wether they see them or not.still at the end we are hold something in common.

I don’t think a single sane person here would genuinely want to return to the days of sitting in Orgrimmar/Stormwind for hours trying to find a tank and healer.

I get the feeling the people calling for the removal of LFR/LFG probably never played on a new/low pop server back in the day. Where on a high pop server you had more of a selection of players to choose from which made it easier to avoid jerks, on a low pops server you were pretty much forced to tolerate them if you wanted to see raids. The high end guilds, well at least on my original server, pretty much held a monopoly on end game content and would quickly black list players who fell out of favor with them. This led to a lot of extreme elitism and a more hostile atmosphere towards new players on my old server.

So to sum it up, a non-lfg/lfr system only really works when you’re already on a well populated server.

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The difference being; now we do not have to to tolerate guild drama, bad or controlling behaviour just to see/participate in content. We are more free to choose who we wish to socialize with, spend time being around.

You saying “Your argument is invalid” shows a lot about what kind of person you are, whereas I will say “I will agree to disagree with you”.

Have a good one. :sunglasses:

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Along with every other cross-realm system.

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You have to remember that LFR people are a different degree ,these are mostly people who can’t spend time to socialize due to family,work ,and profession,or even handicapped.Not saying they wouldn’t it is just almost impossible for them to that’s because we live in a fast pace society every notion now is based on “Get it done ,get it now” mentality.

The game when i started was slower paced but even that didn’t totally give to immersion with the community in some cases it was the opposite it drove people away because they viewed you a stranger,you weren’t part of this long held community (server) and when the merger came it just drove it home even more.

Exactly, there was plenty to do without getting too involved with other players. Well, until you hit level cap anyway. Then I’d just level another alt. Funny I’m quite asocial IRL, I’m an introvert and I’ve been burned enough times by “internet friends” I actually prefer the fact that on PvP console games no one can type because it’s all trash talk anyway. Great game the MMO, many many good players who remain silent or even help out, but communication is always a double edged sword.

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Sometimes. Depended on the other player. If we had to use General to get someone to fill a slot on a run, whoever got the invite got treated the same as a guildie on the run. If we saw a lowbie out questing and having some difficulty, quite a few of us would “inspect” and offer to help, even make some gear they could use if we had the mats. We’d make sure they hit the mob first before jumping in to help.

Not all the time, though. If the other player acted like a complete [censored], we’d stand there and watch him die.

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I’d point out as well that the people who didn’t experience raids prior to lfr and do so now also tend to group up with at least 1 person it seems and do lfr with them, so its not like everyone that does lfr does it solo, there are those who do group with their friends for a casual and relaxing time.

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Many players have always played WoW as a solo game. Being able to level to the cap solo is a key part of why it was so successful.

Nowadays there are so many other quality games to play, forcing people to be social will just lead to them moving on to something else.

If I had a choice between playing a different game or being forced to interact with some of the people in this thread, I’d jump ship in less than 24 hours.


Well said!

Agreed, but it’ll do till the current dev team gets replaced or wises up and admits they don’t really know what the players want and starts listening to what the players want out of WoW(within reason). I’m betting the former will happen before the latter, either way, I’d be happy.

Semper Fi! :us: