"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

The battleground bots dont help either. Have a few on a side but not the entire team.

May as well bang your head against a wall then try to explain to some people that not everyone needs to play the game the same as them.

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The basic game structures such as CRZ and sharding are against community.

On point.

I’ll have to agree but in part not,though Crz and sharding did interfered with some functions in game such as herbalism and mining it did bring families to play in different realms together.That was a good intent.

Did it bleed some of the people from these realms? Yes,they did but nothing that normally would have done for years,for example guild recruitment .
If you want to build up a community you have first start with the people of the community .

I’m pretty sure that works both ways. You weren’t required to talk to anyone back in the old days if you didn’t want to either…

Maybe that’s reason I have so many headaches.

It’s not “the” cause, but it certainly is a cause. To say it’s not is self righteous and ignorant.

And, as I already said to some other tool, you can not talk to people just as well without LFR as you can with it.

My pots and such went to guild needs first; anything left over was put on the AH. Crafters made gear first for guildies who needed it (guildies provided the mats); anything after that was put on the AH. Scribes kept making enchants and providing them to the guild, as did jewelcrafters with gems; other enchants and gems were put on the AH after the guild’s needs were satisfied. Even had guildies monitoring advancement of lowbie members to make sure they had gear, gems, and 'chants as they progressed, and pots when they joined dungeon runs and raids.

If you didn’t experience that “back in the days” you were in a lousy guild.


Indeed make people that cant raid on regular basis do less social content again. They can just stick it up and team up for wqs or something instead.


No, you need to start with them being in the same physical community and not making it easier to have a community event by beaming in rando strangers from across the globe.

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But would you do this the same way to others in the community other than your guild? A guild is just a part of the whole structure of a community.

How does LFR stop you from being nice? I am confused how LFR is the great Satan?

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You act like LFR is a solo mode or something news flash its not.

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It actually is.

Ahmm,How can this be a physical community it’s a video game.That’s like saying water is the same as earth? Are you saying we should met in person to form a community based on appearances?

I guess the people i talk with or play with in there are just bots then.

Is this willful ignorance?

Servers, duh…

They may as well be.

Doing LFR is beating the game. A lot of us don’t consider it real raiding, but the game still treats it as the end-game. The fact that it rewards lower ilvl versions of the same gear doesn’t really change anything. It’s still the same content with the same rewards as far as everyone’s concerned. There are times where Blizz will create an exclusive boss such as Ra-den in ToT as a little nugget, but they’re never going to be the actual final boss, since LFR intends players to feel like they won.

You beat G’huun, you beat Jaina; congrats hero you’ve done it!
Sure, you can internalize some other goal, such as replaying the same raid in a higher difficulty, or farming rep for an allied race, but after a new player gets jump-skipped to the patch’s conclusion and never had to make friends, chances are they’re going to feel bored and not really know why.

The game can’t build a community when there is a player who never had to make friends, and other players who never gained that friend; and that repeats itself across multiple new players who are supposed to replace old retiring players.


And that’s the only way it’ll work.

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Consider LFR community a part of the wow community just a different level just like normal and heroic .They may not socialize like those that raid harder content where the need to communicate to finish the raid is important ,they still have their purpose.To cut this out would do more harm than good.