[The Sunreavers] The Shattered Veil - Siren Isle: The Siren's Fate (finale!)

The Sleeping City
(Part Two)

The Sunreavers left the Legerdemain Lounge in pursuit of the merchant who was rumored to be heading to Orgrimmar to export more Arcwine. In the streets, they met more civilians seemingly going mad, believe the city was crashing and that the Kirin Tor were the mad magi responsible for the calamity.

The group asked the woman to shelter in her home, and proceeded down into the sewers, joined by Spellbow Felesshi Moonspell and Guardian Anar’theril Autumnleaf, who had heard of the lockdown and had come to help.

The last two arrived just in time to watch the Initiate Flamewisp use a tranquillizer arrow to subdue a crazed citizen with extra eyes. The entire scene was very disturbing, yet the group continued on, ignoring as best they could the feeling of dread as they moved deeper and deeper underground.

Once in the Underbelly, Spellbow Moonspell’s keen eyes spotted a Shal’dorei merchant tending to crates of Arcwine. The Sunreavers approached the man and began interrogating him.

The man answered their questions and even provided official trading identification and permissions. But as the man plead his innocence, large spiders leaped from one of the crates and down from the ceiling, attack the group.

SAs the group fought the spiders, Vindex the shal’dorei also attacked, claiming the Sunreavers were nearly delaying the inevitable. Through concise and coordinated attack, they managed to entrap and bind the Nightborne, and eventually kill all of the spiders.

The battle over and won, Magister Sungazer informed the shal’dorei that he would be detained in the Violet Hold until it was determined what to do with him, escorting him there himself. He then ordered a message delivered to the Kirin Tor to capture one sample spider, but to exterminate the rest, and for the Spellbow and Initiate to destroy all remaining crates of arcwine.

And with those orders, the Sunreavers called it a day.


Not the Arcwine!

This may be the sign you were looking for, my thalassian friend.

Revelations and Promotions

In the morning hours, Magister Axiann Sungazer was joined by Guardian Autumnleaf, Spellbow Moonspell and Initiate Flamewisp in the Chamber of the Guardians to investigate the artifacts collected during their last mission: a spider and a sample of arcwine from Suramar.

Through alchemy, spellwork and firsthand knowledge, the group was able to ascertain and confirm a few details: firstly. the arachnid was a Dreamweaver Spider, native to the Isles, which had apparently been in close enough proximity to the void for it to become marked by it, magically. And secondly, the arcwine was itself intentionally tainted with the powers of the Void.

Before dismissing his Sunreavers, Sungazer executed one more task: the promotion of one of their own. In her short time with the order, Fidesa Flamewisp has proven her loyalty to the order and her commitment to her duty, and has earned the trust of those around her.

She was presented with her very own official Sunreavers Tabard and offered the rank of Spellbow.

Following the short ceremony, the Magister retreated to his office to write and send an urgent missive to the Duskwatch Saberguard, delivered by the new Spellbow:

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Dalaran Lockdown Now Lifted!

On Thursday, it was announced by the Kirin Tor that the lockdown imposed on citizens of Dalaran had been lifted, confident that the latest threat had passed.

The Dalaran Infirmary was a very different place than it had been a few days ago, when every bed, cot and corner was filled to capacity with citizens unable to wake up. Having regained consciousness and passed a general medical exam, those citizens have now been released.

Shopkeepers have returned to their posts in earnest, eager to continue serving the public and earning a silver or two in the process. They seemed glad to be out of their homes and back to interacting with their customers and selling their wares.

Many a customer was also glad to be able to frequent their favorite haunts once more. Line-ups were around the block for popular restaurants and cafés, including the Legerdemain Lounge.


From Bad to Worse

On Thursday, The Sunreavers welcomed valiant guests from the Coalition into their chambers: High Warlord Jan-Mak, Captain Songsear and Champion Summerveil, of the Horde’s Vol’kar Legion, as well as Highlord Raseri from the Legion of the Dawn, of the Alliance.

Captain Songsear offered a briefing to the group. While she spoke. Sunreaver Guardian Anar’theril Autumnlead took notes.

While the battle for Quel’Danas was won and the Sunwell defended mere days ago, it would seem the attack was a diversion with the intent to steal an artifact, the Heart of Aruun.

The artifact having seemingly been used, a dark eclipse now reins over Quel’thalas.

Fanotheril, one of the cult masters, is confirmed be in Zul’aman, protected by a magival barrier of Death, surrounded by an army of undead. From there, he seeks to resurrect Kith’ix, a C’thraxxi.

Another cult master, known as Landers, is suspected of seeking a Titan relic known as the Keeper’s Key in the Drustvar region of Kul Tiras, while Perrin, the third master, has presumably already accomplished her task in the Twilight Highlands.

Meanwhile, a Lich known as Shivertomb, once rooted in Duskwood and now driven out by the locals, has found new purpose with the newly turned Darkfallen, hold up in the Sunken Temple where he uses dark Nerubian relics to raise undead Wyrms.

One prisoner, held by the Coalition, finally revealed a riddle that seems to be of some import:

“Green points the way;
Bronze opens the way;
Blue reveals the door;
Red unlocks the door.”

It seemed the Sunreavers, and the other allies and members of the Coalition, would have their work cut out for them over the next few months.


An Aura of Death

On Saturday, under the continuously eclipsed skies of Quel’Thalas, The Sunreavers travelled to the gates of Zul’aman, in the Ghostlands, to investigate the Aura of Death barrier that had been erected by the Cult and its master hiding inside the ancient Amani city. Present, along with Magister Sungazer, were Guardians Autumnleaf and Dawnspring, Spellbow Flamewisp and Scout Avannaris Autumnwind. Joining the Sunreavers from the Coalition was Calnos, the human warlock.

With them, they brought the Nerubian relics that had been located and acquired during a recent raid of Karazhan. The Magister was acting on a theory that more relics were being used to empower the Death Aura, and that they might use the ones in their possession to connect with, and control, the barrier. They now knew a great deal more about the relics, thanks to the tireless research of Guardian Dawnspring and her Reliquary associates.

The group ventured to the gates, where they came upon the Death Aura, barring the way into the city. Just outside the gates, the bodies of three dead sin’dorei scouts lay on the ground. The bodies were collected, prayer over, and disposed of, lest old friends become new enemies.

One by one, three Nerubian relics were removed from their arcane wards and brought right up to the barrier, only they offered no reaction.

It was decided that one relic should be activated. The warlock, Calnos, knowing the incantations, volunteered. The incantation worked, and the artifact hummed to life. All seemed fine, but for a few moments, until the group lost control.

Within seconds, another force, scryed as being within the walls of Zul’aman and having an elven mind, fought for, and took control of, the artifact. Attempts to secure, deactivate and destroy the relic all failed spectacularly.

Then, the Death Aura merged with the relic, using it to amply itself. The barrier began to advance, descending the stairs and forcing the group to flee. The relic lost and in enemy control, and the barrier protecting more enemy ground than ever, the mission was a stunning failure.

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The Sunreavers are recruiting!

As Summer enters its third month, The Sunreavers are looking to grow and add new members to their ranks. If interested, either reach out to myself (Axiann#5749 on discord) or fill out an application form: https://forms.gle/5nkkEPvWektgqobv5

Our three main ranks/roles are as follows:

Sunreaver Guardians
Primarily mages, they value knowledge of the arcane above all else. They use this knowledge for the protection and prosperity of Quel’thalas and Dalaran. Some members are former Silvermoon magi who are interested in building a stronger relationship between Quel’thalas and the Kirin Tor of Dalaran.

Sunreaver Sentinels
Usually priests or paladins, they wield the Holy Light to heal their allies and smite their enemies. They are essential during active combat assignments. Some members are former Blood Knights who are seeking to aid not just the Horde, but the world of Azeroth in general.

Sunreaver Spellbows
Skilled hunters and rangers, they use the Kirin Tor’s knowledge of the Arcane (and occasionaly the Light) to magically augment their already impressive archery skills. Some members are former Farstriders who wish to improve their skills and broaden their horizons.


The Portal to the Tournament of Ages is Open!

The Kirin Tor Convocation may have come and gone, but there was still work to be done. Today, at the top of the world in Northrend, the Tournament of Ages would begin. For one week, participants from all over Azeroth would come to commemorate the coming-together of factions to defeat the Lich King several years ago.

On Sunday morning, in the portal room of the Tower of the Gardians, The Sunreavers have opened a portal to the Argent Tournament Grounds in Northrend. All allies of Dalaran and the Kirin Tor are allowed safe passage so that they may participate or observe the Tournament.

The Sunreavers would travel there later in the day, ensuring the Sunreavers Pavillion would be ready to house and feed visitors from the Horde, primarily.

OOC Note:
I created this simply to give characters an IC way to quickly get to and from Northrend for the following week.

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The Tournament of Ages has begun

On Sunday August 7th, The Sunreavers were present for the opening ceremonies of the Tournament of Ages, taking place in the Colosseum at the Argent Tournament Grounds.

The ceremony was spectacular, and its organizers should be proud of their hard work and coordination.

Following the ceremony, most in attendance headed to the grounds to explore and enjoy food, entertainment and games.

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I think you can kinda make out Calnos in the upper right hand corner of that first screenshot, see someone in blue/steel armor with a orange glow above them roughly where I was sitting


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Axiann walked by you on the grounds after the ceremony, but he was on a mission. He heard the Silver Vanguard (Covenant) had a booth and he wanted to make sure he was seen.

Tonight, a few Sunreavers took in some performances on the main stage!

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Another Night at the Tournament of Ages

Wednesday evening was a little less crowded, it seemed, than the other nights. Magister Sungazer mused that many were probably afflicted by the after effects of enjoying too much ale. Nevertheless, this allowed one to find shorter lines to most booths, including ones that sold good ale!

As he returned to the Sunreavers Pavilion, the Magister found that he had forgotten about the charity dating auction that was scheduled to happen right on their doorstep. He would not get to sleep early this evening, he mused to himself, as he found another Sunreaver Guardian and enjoyed the show.

The Tournament of Ages comes to an end

On Saturday, The delegation from The Sunreavers, along with a few allies, attended the Closing Ceremonies, which took place in the Coliseum.

The Ceremony made sure to not only honor the many winners of the various competitions that took place throughout the week, but also the hard work and dedication of all those individuals from across Azeroth who came together to make it all happen, and ended with a dazzling fireworks display.

Following the Ceremony, everyone made their way to the final event: The Wonderlight Ball. Hundreds of individuals left the politics of the world at the door and enjoyed a night of music, dancing, food and drink.

The Sunreavers enjoyed their time at the Tournament very much and definitely plan on attending again next year.

OOC Note:
A BIG congrats to the organizers of this wonderful event, and on raising over $25K for Blessings in a Backpack.


Return to Dalaran

On Sunday, following the end of the Tournament of Ages, the remaining Sunreavers from Dalaran gathered the rest of their belongings and prepared to leave the frozen north for home. Magister Sungazer thanked Magister Edien Sunhollow for his hospitatilty, while the latter expressed grattitude for their visit and for news from Dalaran and Quel’Thalas.

The group then travelled via portal to Dalaran, arriving as they do inside the Violet Gate and then making their way to their order hall within the upper floors of the Tower of the Guardian. Expecting their arrival, initiates had prepared a table full of beverages and local snack foods.

Finally, the group decided to head down to Antonidas Memorial Park, where baker Miss Braedyn held her weekly outdoor café. The group enjoyed themselves, and even met a new acquaintance.

The Sunreavers are happy to be home and prepare to return to regular active duty.


Glad to see the Sunreavers had a great time during ToA, and a good rest afterward, too! Wish I could have run into them at Fancy Cakes yesterday, but I ended up sleeping in accidentally. The Sunreavers seem like very friendly folks!

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Thanks, Kahleem!

I can personally vouch for every fellow member: every single one of them is so friendly and down to earth.


It was a pleasure to meet you, Fidesa, Zakia, and Anartheril formally! Looking forward to hopefully catching you all at the Lounge on Friday.

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I for one 100% plan on being there. I’m sure some of the others will too!