[The Sunreavers] The Shattered Veil - Episode 5: Siren Isle

Rumor has it the Sunreavers will be
patrolling the streets of Dalaran tonight from 5pm until about 6:30pm!


Sunreavers Patrol the Streets of Dalaran

On Wednesday afternoon, the Sunreavers took to the streets on their hawkstriders for a patrol of the city. Lead by Magister Sungazer himself, the route took the group to various points of interest, including Windrunner’s Sanctuary, Krasus Landing, the Violet Hold and Violet Citadel, as well as the residential streets.

Magister Sungazer went over items of history and interesting facts about the city itself, touching upon the unique way the cooperation of humans and elves over 8 thousand years has shaped not only the culture of the nation state of Dalaran but also the very way its magi practice magic.

According to the Magister, these patrols are important to remind the Sunreavers that they not only protect a city and its walls, but rather its people and their way of life. One must understand history so as to ensure the mistakes of the past are not repeated.


Wine Tasting at the Legerdemain Lounge!

The Legerdemain Lounge in Dalaran was hopping on Friday night as the Duskwatch Saberguard hosted their Lounging at the Legerdemain event. A good time was had by all!


The Sunreavers are recruiting now for exciting Dragonflight role-play!

We are a role-playing guild, founded in 2015, with plans to be extremely active role-playing throughout the Dragon Isles in Dragonflight. We are planning active campaigns throughout the isles at a pace that will allow us to fully immerse ourselves in the exploration of each zone.

Additionally, we will be sharing role-play hubs with other guilds and groups we work well with, ensuring role-play opportunities even on campaign off-nights.

We are seeking members who are mature, drama-free individuals looking for a community to be an active part of and are available to role-play from 5 to 8pm server time.

We are looking for Blood Elf/Thalassian characters who choose to align with the values of the Kirin Tor. With the now confirmed 5 year time skip coming, now is the PERFECT time to join, get your character promoted from initiate to their next rank, and establish themselves as a core member of the guild!

Use the QR code or this link (https://forms.gle/AEhC7hzCcx4rmJWLA) to fill out an application, and you will be contacted shortly!

Eternal Sun guide you.

Magister Axiann Sungazer
Guild Leader
The Sunreavers of Wyrmrest Accord

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The Sunreavers offer their assistance in Drustvar

This week, The Sunreavers made their way to Kul Tiras to attend a mid-week campaign briefing with representatives of the Coalition. They learned of a nefarious plot unfolding in the Blasted Lands and of the more urgent need to capture or kill the one named Landers in Drustvar.

Two possible plans of attack were discussed, with the group choosing what they believe to be the most noble and most likely one. Preparations would happen over a few days, with advancement planned over week’s end.

Using illusion magic, the Magister proceeded to conceal the vessel the group had been gathered on, and prepared to send out summons to other Sunreavers and allies to join the Coalition in its effort to stop this very real threat to Azeroth.


Securing Fletcher’s Hollow

Magister Sungazer accompanied members of the Coalition in a planned raid on Fletcher’s Hollow, in the area known as Drustvar.

Many allies came together to conduct the attack, liberating the citizens of the Hollow from their Wickermen and Cultist captors. The group moved first as one, and then separated to free groups of hostages simultaneously.

Dark magic was afoot, and the blood from every slain enemy flowed back to the lead cultist to create and empower an amalgamation surrounding them, making them a formidable enemy.

Still, the battle was won. After several hours of fighting, the allies saw to treating their own wounds and tending to the released hostages. leaving this in the capable hands of the others, Magister Sungazer proceeded to magically cleanse the area of the dark energies that lingered.

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All He Could Do

Axiann sat on a stool in the hangar of a vessel, concealed by illusion magics, anchored near Fletcher’s Hollow in Kul Tiras, of all places. He kept watch over one of his own as she lied on a cot, unconscious from the life-threatening injuries she had sustained during the battle they had just barely won.

Sunreaver Spellbow Fidesa Flamewisp was out of danger now, at least. Healers has tended to her and she was out of the woods, though she had not yet woken from her slumber. The bulk of her armour had been removed, her bow and quiver nearby.

They were coming up on nearly twenty-one months of non-stop fighting. It started when the skies were torn to shreds over Northrend and the Scourge were set loose upon the world. First it had been the Scourge commanders, then the Amani, followed by cultists and Darkfallen.

Axiann rubbed his eyes and forced himself to look away from Fidesa’s sleeping visage. His gaze came upon a wall decorated with several banners: The Sunreavers, The Argent Crusade. The Legions, both the Vol’kar and of the Dawn. And more. The banners of the Coalition.

Together they had come, and together they fought. But the battles were getting harder, and their for has clearly been amassing strength, power and and control for a long time.

‘Perhaps we’ve been played this entire time,’ he thought. ‘Sent chasing scourge and cultists to Northrend and back again, and halfway across the Eastern Kingdoms… while Landers collected his peons and prepared for his dark ritual.’

This line of thinking was interupted by one of the healers who had entered the cabin, turned into a sick bay, to check on Fidesa and the others. He smiled at Axiann as he took the woman’s forearm and checked her pulse. Assured, he nodded and rester her arm back across her chest.

“She will wake soon,” he said, putting a hand on Axiann’s shoulder.

The Magister nodded as the healer left, and his gaze fell back upon the skilled archer. he had not yet lost anyone under his command. It had come close. And he knew some day, it would most certainly happened. And he didn’t know if he’d be able to handle it.

For now, he was relived that this one hadn’t crossed over, and would wake up soon. He sat by her side, as her commanding officer, and waited for her eyes to open.

That was all he could do.


Advancing on Arom’s Stand

Days had passed, and luckily, Spellbow Flamewisp had woken and healed, for the most part, ready again for battle, as had the other members of the coalition stationed at Fletcher’s Hollow.

No one wanted to stay put much longer. There was a restlessness, a need to move and advance on the enemy. Missions, carried out throughout the week, intended to gather information to be used against Landers, had not gone well and two casualties were suffered: one ally was missing in action, and another was dead.

By week’s end, the order to march was given. Magister Axiann Sungazer lead his Sunreavers in joining the march east through the mountains and glaciers. Spellbow Flamewisp and Initiate Dawnforce followed their Magister and were ready for what may come.

By Saturday, the troops had arrived atop the glacier and the eastern coast of Drustvar. After a final briefing, the group split in two and proceeded with the attack on Arom’s Stand. The attack took several hours, complicated by the attempt to down as many enthralled citizens while spilling as little innocent blood as possible.

In the last moments of the attack, a dark relic had been found and destroyed, releasing the vast. majority of ensorcelled civilians from their spell.

Arom’s Stand had been liberated.

Sungazer and his Sunreavers took pride in their contribution to the battle. They also took the chance to rest, while still being vigilant, being now so near to the enemy. It was time to regroup, strategize and prepare to continue their advance on the darkfallen Cultist Landers.


The Sunreavers are currently recruiting!

The Sunreavers plan to be quite active throughout Dragonflight as we explore the newly discovered Dragon Isles.

As neutral, Kirin Tor affiliated Blood Elves, we will help to promote and foster cross-faction dialogue, cooperation and collaboration as we explore and adventure through the Dragon Isles as part of Dragonscale Expedition.

If you’d like your Thalassian character to be in a blood elf, Kirin Tor aligned guild for Dragonflight, please submit an application.

As the time skip approaches, now is an exciting time to have your character join this very friendly guild and establish them as a core member of the unit right before we venture off for a months-long adventure overseas.

Message me (Axiann#5749) on discord for more info!

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An assassination attempt, on his life?

How had he gotten here? Eight years ago, Axiann had been a been a simple Sunreaver Guardian Magus, one of many. Unremarkable. Unmemorable. Visitors to Dalaran could have walked right past him on their way to the Filthy Animal without even distinguishing him from any other Guardian Magi. Fel, even Aethas Sunreaver himself had called him Axiom for about six months.

And now? One of few Sunreaver Magisters left, leader of his own unit, ally and member of a cross-faction coalition working to stop a dangerous cult in their tracks. And remarkable enough, it would seem, to have someone attempt to take him out.

On the mend now, finally strong enough to be up and walk about the coalition stronghold of Arom’s Stand , he had been forced to miss the last major mission due to a head injury. A magus relied on their mind and their intellect to manipulate the arcane and cast their spells, and the blow to his head he had suffered meant that he was unreliable at best, and a liability at worse, and had decided to sit the mission out, refusing to put his allies at risk of friendly fire.

He didn’t remember much. He had gone up to the rooftop of a higher building, to relieve the watcher posted there for a short break as he tended to do. Alone, or so he thought, he took in the rare view of the region of Drustvar, when he was joined by another. He had started to turn to acknowledge the ally when he was pushed, shoved, right over the edge of the rooftop.

He had thought quickly, casting a Slowfall spell right before he hit the ground, but not before hitting his head on a wall-mounted flag mast, interrupting the spell and greatly reducing the effect of the spell. He hit the ground at nearly full speed but avoided breaking any bones, thank the Light.

He had layed there several minutes, unconscious, before the returned guard found him and rushed him to the medical bay.

He was still stunned that, in this world, he we was not only known but seen as a threat. His confusion fueled his resolved to end this cult, its hold on the area and its campaign of terror on the Eastern Kingdoms.


The Sunreavers’ end of year/New Year schedule

End of Year 36, skip to Year 40 (on January 1st) and travel to the Dragon Isles in mid to late January!

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Time to Move On

The Sun wouldn’t rise for a few hours still, yet many had been awake for quite some time.

The Coalition’s time in Drustvar had come to an end. Landers had been defeated, his dark ritual prevented at the heart of the Crimson Woods. While hordes of undead still roamed the west part of the area, local defense forces seemed to have that under control. Eastern Drustvar was now securely back in Admiralty control, and there were no signs of cultist activity in the region.

And so, the cult was on the move, maybe even on the run, it seemed. Scouts had indicated potential activity in the north, in the region of Stormsong Valley, and so that is where the Coalition would go.

A new base had been identified: a farm, containing stables big enough for numerous mounts, large barracks to lodge and feed the troops, and a windmill which could, The Sunreavers knew, could be easily converted into a Mage/Command Tower.

Over the next two days, the coalition would gather their belongings and make the move. The first wave: a support group sent to secure the route and the base itself. Hot on their heals, the rest of the coalition would follow within two days.

Magister Axiann Sungazer, along with a few other Sunreavers, had been awake for a few hours. Supplies had been secured in the caravan, including those the Sunreavers would use to set up defense wards once they got to the new base.

He and his Sunreavers joined the others, part of this first group, as they gathered at the gates of Arom’s Stand, waiting for the order to begin the march into Stormsong.


Setting Up Defenses

The work began after a night’s sleep following a long day’s travel and arrival at the farmstead that would serve as the coalition’s base of operations in Stormwong Valley. Magister Sungazer and his Sunreavers got up at dawn and began working on defenses for the base.

Guardian Magi wasted no time anchoring and charging Blood Mana Crystals, around the perimeter of the base, creating a magical barrier which allows magic to be cast outward from the base, but not inward towards it.

Meanwhile, Sunreaver Spellbows determined the best positions to keep watch and cover the widest areas of approach, made easier by the base’s higher position above the valley.

Finally, Sentinels from the Sunreavers set forth with two tasks: setting up a patrol schedule of surrounding roads and paths to the base, and providing blessings of the Light for the base and its occupants.

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Sunreavers, Assemble!

On Friday, the Sunreavers Magister Sungazer, Guardian Dawnspring, Spellbow Flamewisp and Sentinel Sunrune attended the Coalition Mission Debriefing in Stormsong Valley.

The meeting helped to confirm that the allies had the enemy on the run and somewhat cornered, in the Twilight Highlands of the Eastern Kingdoms and in the Stormsong Valley of Kul Tiras.

The Coalition is currently planning their next move, pressing ahead to stop the enemy, the Underlord’s Cult, from reaching their target at the Shrine of Storms.

The Sunreavers briefly met, privately, following the meeting. During the next attacks, they would divide their forces: Magister Sungazer and his aides would join the Coalition assault, while others would stay behind and defend the base and Tower.

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Mid-Week Report

A few Sunreavers gathered on the balcony of their makeshift Mage Tower in the late afternoon: Magister Sungazer, Sentinel Sunrune and Initiate Dawnforce.

While Sentinel Sunwraith reported on her and her sister’s patrols of the area, Initiate Sunwraith had some serious concerns he had to express regarding events after the Magister was rendered unconscious during the failure of a mission in Sagehold.

The Initiate revealed questionable details the Magister was not aware of. Bothered by what he heard, the leader explained that he would meet with other Coalition leaders and discuss the allegations as soon as their current missions would allow.

The Sunreavers have now been successfully working with factions such as the Argent Crusade, the Vol’kar Legion and the Legion of the Dawn for nearly two years. They had navigated conflict and disagreements before.

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A Sleepless Night

Axiann Sungazer was always up just before dawn. His morning rituals were important to him and included sitting as the Sun rose and meditating on his emotions and how to manage them. These exercises, taught to him long ago by the masters at Falthrien Academy as a way to control the fire within, he had practiced the techniques diligently ever since.

But today, this morning, he was awake much earlier. Unable to sleep, his mind dwelled on the failed mission at Sagehold, and how this week’s upcoming assault on the Cult had to succeed.

He donned his uniform and left the barracks, all but a few night watch guards asleep, and made his way to the makeshift Mage Tower he had made of the windmill.

Sipping coffee, which paled in comparison to that served back home in Dalaran, which he had not enjoyed in several weeks now, he stared toward the Shrine of Storms, lit from behind by the White Lady, low on the horizon.

Even from such a distance, he could clearly see the surge of Void energies pouring forth from the Shrine, reaching into the skies above. Coalition scouts had been sent to scour the area, but they had not yet returned. He hoped they would have information that would help to better plan the mission ahead.

He stood there, long after his coffee had gone cold, staring at the Shrine, his mind racing with possibility and wondering if he and the others would get to return home anytime soon.

Combat Preparations

The newest initiates of The Sunreavers reported for combat assessment with Magister Sungazer on the banks of the pond near the Coalition base in Stormsong Valley.

The trio first practiced their abilities on a conjured Arcane Guardian, throwing everything they had to defeat it rather quickly, taking minimal damage themselves. That damage was an illusion spell, powered by small mana gems that would mimic a loss of vitality and increase in sluggishness with every hit taken.

Then, the group had to work together to defeat a sword-swinging warrior and a fel casting warlock. The group demonstrated non only good combat and defensive abilities, but also a natural penchant for protecting each other and working together to defeat their foes.

Magister Sungazer declared the assessment a success and is confident the Sunreavers will be ready for the battle to come.

OOC Notes:

This was a fun way to go over the D20 system that The Sunreavers and other guilds from the Coalition use, in preparation for this Saturday’s big Coalition Chapter 4 Finale.

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Return of an Old Friend

After a few years absence following a leave of her duties, Sunreaver Guardian Mage Seleestra Evencrown was welcomed back into the order this week after they sought out The Sunreavers in Kul Tiras.

Guardian Evencrown returns to her duties at a time when every sword and spell is needed to help defeat the cultists that have wreaked havoc in Kul Tiras.

A Loss Suffered

Initiate Zakia Dawnforce carried the body from the Crucible of Storms back to the Goldfield base, followed by Magister Sungazer and the rest of the Coalition.

Sentinel Landratheril Dawnspring, a loyal Sunreaver Sentinel, had fallen during the battle with the Eye of I’soreth the Underlord.

Attended to by the Sunreavers present at the base, his body was anointed and prepared as per the customs of the Thalassians, and was allowed to lie in state until dawn, guarded by his fellow Sunreavers until that time that his body was placed in arcane stasis and teleported back to Dalaran, a black Sunreaver banner left where the body had lain.

It rained all that day. As if Kul Tiras itself mourned for the fallen one who had helped root out the cultists and prevented the evil Underlord from making its claim on the land.

Magister Sungazer went off, vanishing over the hillside, needing to be alone. As night fell, and the rain continued to fall, coalition members could see a series of angry fireballs being hurled into the sky, illuminating the clouds and bringing a fierce light to a dark day.


The Sunreavers are in Hearthglen…

Now that the cultists have been routed from Kul Tiras, the Sunreavers and the Coalition are on the move, following their enemy into back to the Western Plaguelands where it seems they have taken root again. Opening a portal to Hearthglen, the Magister lead his people and their allies to their new base.

This also allowed for a reunion: Sunreaver Scout Ashleeran Sunrune and initiate Zaxton Greywords happened to be in the area and made their way to the Argent base. They received an update to the Magister and themselves provided new intel from their time on the roads in the Weald.

Recruitment is open! Click here to fill out a guild application!