The stigma against twinking never warranted this

Context matters.


i notice you ignored my post. you want the equivalent of mythic raid gear for your 59 that you can buy with gold without effort or anything into gearing like at endgame. and you want to be in the normal queue. you don’t see anything wrong with this?


Maybe some of us weren’t using the BGs just to level, and actually enjoyed PvP?


TLDR : Me want moar ez pks bcuz peepool at org no want dual meh


Then why not gear?

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So let me get this straight…everyone has to wear crappy gear because you’re too lazy to gear your character so YOU can have fun…?

You can literally buy the same gear twinks do off the AH.

Or the other solution you guys have: Increase the ques to day long for one BG for everyone? :roll_eyes:


Because their idea of BGing is going in naked, getting destroyed, then complaining on the forums about how it’s unfair.


nah, destroy twinking, blizz. it would be a good change for once.

seriously, what is fun about utterly decimating low level pvpers and camping their spawn, making sure they can do nothing but wait? you’re just ruining it for others.

and no, gearing to compete isn’t even remotely a solution. have you seen the prices for the rare drops in gnomeregan? absolute nonsense.


Learn how to PvP and that doesn’t happen, though… :man_shrugging:


Why should gear matter that much at that point in the game? It shouldn’t, and especially not in PvP. I always felt that PvP should be about player skill, not how well a player can min/max and theory craft(they have a game for that, it’s called Eve). And if I’m just taking a break from leveling through PvE, and want to enjoy some PvP, why should I have to take that amount of time to prepare for something that gear shouldn’t affect?


i notice you ignored my post. you want the equivalent of mythic raid gear for your 59 that you can buy with gold without effort or anything into gearing like at endgame. and you want to be in the normal queue. you don’t see anything wrong with this?

I’m not intentionally ignoring anyone here, as you can see there’s a lot of things to be said and a lot of fiery opinions to filter through without making myself seem overly defensive.

But yes, I think we all here want the same amount of fun in this game for the amount of money we pay for it. Not only with real currency but with hard-earned gold and farmed items.

But the equivalent of mythic raid gear? No sir, all of my gear was crafted, looted, and obtained by the same means anyone else could. The rest of the stuff like enchants are a product of the same min/maxing everyone else in this game craves at 120. I am not special, I just decided THAT was how I wanted to build my character. And it really does not take much.


Many of the items that make twinks so obnoxious are broken trinkets and effects that must be farmed. It’s not quite enough to just ‘have gear’.

Taking on a couple twinks on hybrid classes who can heal each other is a complete nightmare. Especially given you barely have any CC or interrupts while you level, on some classes.

I say this as someone who enchants all their looms, who tries their best to keep gear up to date (to the point of using the AH) and who has killed twinks before. The really obnoxiously minmaxed ones are a complete nightmare to fight unless you’re also a twink. It’s not impossible, but it’s not fun either.

tl;dr I’d rather fistfight a wall than pick away at a twink’s HP bar again


A lot of people complaining against twinks aren’t even good at PvP in the first place and complain about people who aren’t even twinked. Some classes are just really strong in certain brackets, that’s how WoW has almost always been.

Should we force those classes into their own bracket as well until Blizzard balances them at every level?


I mean it takes 5 mins on the AH to buy mostly greens as we all do at lower levels, and you can use the gearing arguement at end game as well.


This is almost as hilarious as the people who hate doing PvP because they’re too lazy to gear their characters at all. At least they acknowledge that and stay away from it and don’t try and say “Everyone has to BG naked like me!”


you mean farm endlessly or buy gold until you have enough to buy it?

give me a break. it’s not a case of “git gud”, its a case of farming or buying, neither of which are an indication of skill in any way.


I support anti-twinking changes. PLEASE make the game good for newbies again, stop scaring them with 1 shotting!


If you have to buy gold to get stuff on the AH, you have bigger problems, trust me.

I’m gonna take a shot in the dark and guess you’re also the noob who que’s up to groups with 330 ilvl and complains he can’t get into anything.

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i’ve seen twink items for hundreds of thousands or up to a million+

so its farming or buying.


dude what mythic raid gear are we buying…? there are a few boe epics that are okay in some brackets but most of it is trash the drops we farm for hours out of dungeons are better especially now with the buff and hello you can buy mythic raid gear at max lvl