The start of a new Golden Age

With Metzen coming back to the fold and Dragonflight being as absolutely incredible as it has been and changing the game up completely for the better, I really truly believe we are experiencing the start of a new golden age of WoW.


Listen I’m enjoying Dragon Flight too, but it’s a little early to be calling it incredible. If they can pump out these smaller patches on a much more frequent pace then I’ll consider it a W but I want to see them keep their word first.


It isn’t too early.
It is objectively good. And they’ve not given us a reason to think they aren’t going to learn from their mistakes considering they’ve learned from the past from what we’ve seen.

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The game is still full of bugs etc…we reported on beta that have yet to be touched, I’m not going to call it objectively good.


This you?

And people wonder why general discussion isn’t taken seriously


Well thats on you.
Bugs happen in every expansion/game launch. And they aren’t gamebreaking. Annoying at best.

But for me and others it is indeed objectively good.

Is that me complaining about bugs still in the game? Yes.

No, it’s on the company who can’t fix their game.


Game is fine. Better than its been in a long time.

QQ elsewhere so we can enjoy things.

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Can’t complain about this game If you stated you enjoy dragonflight

Unless you purposely enjoy bugs and just prefer to complain hot air?

And it can still be better, for example:
-Add regular flying for people who don’t like dragon riding or can’t due it because of disabilities etc…
-Tier set thing should be avaliable day 1 not 6 weeks down the road
-LFR should be launched in full the same day all the rest of the raids open up
-Dragon riding could use more features like hover/break etc…

Again I won’t argue that it’s not good, you’re correct that it has been better than a while since at least MoP imo, but they still have lots to do and more game design philosophy to overcome before it’s “incredible”.

And yet I am.

Guess, you missed the whole string of exploits that happened recently.

  1. LMAO normal flying is obselete and if you complain about dragonriding its a skill issue.
  2. Tier set should not be available day 1 are you joking? You have to be baiting at this point. Im so glad some of you arent in charge.
  3. LFR shouldnt even exist. Wait your turn for your carry mode.
  4. Disagree on Hover, but more abilities would be cool. But not hovering. It isnt an afk mechanic.

I mean I’m happy if you’re happy. But the story was just never that good ever.

People exploiting things for things like professions have zero relevancy to the quality of the content and state of the game sorry to burst your bubble.

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Nice comedy you got going there! Let me guess the game is so great they couldn’t beat the Shadowlands presales…

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Zero relevancy to the quality of the expansion :slight_smile:

Please be negative elsewhere

Again I love dragon flying but there are people out there who can’t do it physically among other reasons hence regular flying should return.

Tier sets are avaliable day 1, the way to create them should be as well as not everyone likes to raid and tier sets should not be gate kept

I agree I hate LFR and want it removed from the game and you can find many of my prior posts stating it, BUT it shouldn’t be gate kept week by week for the people who do like it

Who cares if it’s an AFK mechanic who are you to dictate how anyone else flies around lmao.

Wrong and no I won’t be going anywhere. Take your made up stuff elsewhere!

I’m all for ADA accommodations but I’m just unsure how anyone would be unable to do dragonriding compared to normal flying beyond not being able to auto fly. Besides, it will likely come in a later patch.

Tier sets should /absolutely/ be gate kept. They are generally the best armor sets in the game and need to be locked behind raiding content and difficult to obtain. There is no reason to make gear even easier to get.

And LFR has historically always been a week or two behind.

Because it removes the entire purpose of Dragonriding.

Except it is, this expansion dropped not even 3 weeks ago.

No, it is subjective, as in your own opinion. Subjectively to me, this is a fairly lukewarm expansion. I have no praises to give it, but I also have little negatives to give it.

The reason why my opinion is this way is I have seen in the past what the game has been capable of and this falls way short of the marker. I would describe Dragonflight the way I have in other posts. It feels like Cataclysm to me. Keep in mind, back when I seriously put my effort into this game, that was a condemnation. Now the game being basically similar to Cataclysm is a breath of fresh air. That’s not saying the expansion is good, that’s saying everything else lately has been so bad that this looks more magnificent by comparison.

You can take any 5 and put them in a group of 1s and 2s, they’ll appear like they’re an 8.