The Squish, Classic, Future

I don’t think they’ll make anything better. It’s really just a question of how much more they’ll screw it up.


See and I keep thinking in the back of my mind that Classic and the success it seems to already have will teach them all a lesson. Sure I might be lying to myself but I really want to believe we haven’t seen the very best WoW can be yet.

The problem you have to overcome with any static level system is power scope. It’s easy to say that gear simply gets stronger, similar to how ilvl increases work, however the way that secondary stats work you would eventually hit break points (and sooner rather then later).

One of the big reasons why WoW has had increasing level caps in the past is that it allows them to reset secondary stat values so they don’t scale infinitely. So at level 60, 20 crit might equal 1% crit chance, yet at level 120 you would need 1k crit rating for example to equate to the same 1% crit chance.

The power scope and reset are part of what I talked about, so they don’t have to do it each and every time. It happens automatically. When you go into content for the current expansion, wearing gear from any previous Xpac (or Vanilla gear) the stat ratings are much less effective, when in the newest/current zones. That said, the highest gear from any prior XPac would still be better than the lowest gear from the new content, but as it works now, eventually the gear from the new content becomes better as the rating on current gear are more effective and the power of the base stats (intel/agi/str) aren’t diminished.

Escalation… There had to be a better way. I mean if you got to keep doing a squish then doesn’t that mean your system is a failure and the squish is the only way to correct (HIDE/MASK) it?

You never have to do a squish again with the system I’m suggesting. Every Xpac has gear Item Level 1-150, which gives you the same power level against it’s XPac compared to the 1-150 gear from the previous XPac and the power level it has in the previous XPac. If you have gear from a newer XPac and are doing older content, you will do increased damage in that older content - there will be a multiplier. If you are wearing gear from a previous XPac in the current Content, you will do decreased damage - stat value/rating will be diminished. When the new XPac comes out, the gear for that XPac will start at Level 1 again. So gear would be like x4 L75 (Expansion 4; Item Level 75). or x7 L75 (Expansion 7; Item Level 75), etc.

And you never level past 60 ever in my system. Each XPac has it’s own leveling mechanism, like Garrison, Artifact Weapons, Heart of Azeroth. The End Game dungeons are raids are locked behind that XPac’s Leveling mechanism versus character Level. Once you get to Level 60, you could pick and choose to do other XPac and level their mechanism if you like, but you don’t have to in order to start the current XPac. You just need to be Level 60 to start the current XPac.