The Social Experience

Reposting this here since I’ve been informed by non-mods trying to mod that the Classic forum is only for Vanilla despite no one posting about Vanilla there

And no, this actually isn’t an RDF post. I just wanted to vent real quick about the “social experience” that everyone goes on about. It was fine while leveling. There were a few jerks but they were few and far between.

But once I hit endgame? Hoo boy. Everyone stopped being nice.

Gearscore too low? Hope you didn’t plan on playing the game. I’ve spent the entire duration of phase 1 running heroics to get my gs up and somehow despite every slot being 200 item level, it’s still too low for phase 1 content.

And that’s only the beginning. Not using the right spec? You aren’t playing the game either. You enjoy your own custom made spec better than copy-pasting it from wowhead? You’re not having fun the right way.

Don’t have the right addons? Well. that’s even worse. I’ve been sent death threats. suicide hotline numbers and constant harassment in and out of game on platforms like discord and reddit where people already know which character I play on.

Everytime I try to join a raid, I get so nervous that they’ll find out I’m “not playing the right way” that it feels like my heart is about to jump out of my throat.

It just isn’t fun. I loved this game when I was a kid but as an adult, it feels like a second job that I’m constantly about to get fired from.


What spec are you playing and why are you playing it?

I dunno what garbage server youre on, or what garbage PUGs/guilds youre running with, but ive never come across anything like that before. Come to Atiesh. Only the sweaty loser guilds care about any of that stuff here, and theyre the extreme minority. You can join my guild if you want. We run raids weekly and dont care about any of that nonsense as long as you know the mechanics and try. Even with severely undergeared puggers joining us, we clear naxx 10/25 in less than 2 hours and usually 15 mins for eoe/os(These raids can easily be done with people wearing even just leveling greens). We dont want any of that nonsense leetism in our guild. If you want advise on how to improve your dmg on your character, well offer to help, but theres no pressure to conform to anything. Play how you want. Its supposed to be about fun


Eh I’d disagree about just elite guilds caring about spec and gear.

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“social experience” and “2023 wow Classic” can’t be part of one sentence.


On the contrary, “A social experience doesn’t exist in the 2023 WoW Classic version.” Silly Blood Elf.


oh theres always some idiots trying to run pugs with ridiculous requirements. they almost never fill or finish because anyone who actually knows how to raid lead doesnt require that kind of stuff. For every 1 of those morons, theres 10 other people running quick easy no requirement runs. the fastest runs are the people who just know the dungeon, not some bozo who stacks a bunch of gear score to compensate for their lack of leading ability or knowledge of the dungeon. Ive gone in wearing 3600 gear and made top 10 dps easily in a 25 man that blasted naxx in 1.5 hours. knowing your class > gear

I definitely agree that gs doesn’t mean much. And absolutely class > player. But at the same time you’d rather play with someone playing with an optimal class/spec as there’s more wiggle room for them to do better than a suboptimal combo.

I play unholy DK but not the morb spec

Because morb is boring

I just wanna summon gargoyles, swing a big weapon and blow up corpses.

Friends don’t let other friends morb

post logs.

Yea the social experience in classic isn’t what it was back in the day, mostly a bunch of sweaty try-hards who aren’t very good at the game but like to think they are because they can still do this content.

That is just my opinion though.

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Imagine being named Dragonmommy, get back to retail you god dam weirdo


dragon mommy uwu


I am gonna say its kind of the same.

I didn’t play wow back in 2008/9. I played eve. we took in some wow refugees back then.

it was the wow refugees in groups that had us laugh.

x up in fleet y’all.

they x and join.

so…you just take me in like this. no gearscore?

I had at first had to ask what this was tbh. found out what it was and said well…that’s a jacked up system.

Yes. we can see you are running a standard newer player fit that is not half bad (ship scanning). we need people in the fleet so we’d twist your arm if you didn’t come. coming in when asked voluntarily…gets you extra cool point really.

skill comes in time, Its desire to pvp that impresses more. we can train you to kill ships. but we cannot instill desire to pvp if it’s not really there to start.


I think you’re part of the problem. mate.

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Not my problem. I don’t care about the social experience

And just like that. we move past the thinking stage and enter the confirmation stage.

You ARE part of the problem

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You must have missed the part where I said I didn’t care, but you play on Eranikus LOL


I don’t see how any of that is relevant