If Kul’tirans can be fat, my cat can too! xD
Some people are just extremely selfish I guess. Personally I’m happy they told us. Thank you Blizzard for listening to us and ignoring those that say we don’t matter because they’re rude!
I’m in game and Smoochums is back to his fluffy fat self.
<3 TY Blizz
I specifically logged in after the hotfix to unlock that pet vendor and buy Smoochums. Then I did all my world quests with my rolly-polly kitty following me.
Awesome news! Thx Blizz.
Thank you.
Someday I will get Smoochums, and he will nuzzle and kiss me and I’ll be pickled with delight. What do ghost cat licks feel like? I must know.
Damn I’m weird and bad.
Anyway, he’ll be happier because he is his old self.
He’s back!
I’m so glad, that other cat, Not Smoochums, never snuggled on my lap properly.
Neat on the random cat, but any word on the missing blood beast tome?
That was a crime.
The best Blue Post ive seen since BfA was launched. Not there are many to choose from.
Lore commenting on a cat related post?
I’ll allow it.
When are the Blue’s getting their avatars back? Blue posts don’t feel the same without them. And that generic WoW icon is probably the worst temporary replacement they could have chosen. Instead couldn’t they use the Old Forums “Blizzard” Logo that official posts that lacked associated avatars defaulted to?
E,g This Blue “Avatar” https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/17620691992#post-6
Wow, a topic about an issue that Blizzard responded to and fixed. I can’t believe it!
Thank you so much!
Had to look it up. WoWhead appears to have both versions shown. So, the grossly-deformed smashed-in face cat is gone, and replaced by a normal one. Looks good to me.
Thank you so much for fixing this battle pet back to his old form.
Thank you!
The “smashed” in face is what we want. It fits the type of cat he is.