The size of Orcs

It depends who you want to believe. The cinematic for W3 shows the humans in very similar proportions. You can do a side by side comparison, and they aren’t that far off. Also, humans in this game are half gorilla.

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I felt truly sorry for the horse one orc got on in the Warcraft movie. The orc was like twice the size of the horse. Reverse the shot, with the horse riding on the orc’s back, and it would have looked just fine.

As a Blood Elf I feel I’m qulaified to inform you that being ridden by an orc can indeed painful due to his large size, but very much survivable. I’m sure that horse was fine.

How the Human was in this cinematic was what I envisioned Kul Tirans looking like. I still like the Kul Tirans we got, don’t get me wrong, but the human in this cinematic looks badass.


Oh I am certain the horse was able to survive as you see it in a later scene. But the horse risked several cracked vertebrae, broken legs, or dislocation of the pelvis from carrying such a load. If I were that horse, I would have thrown the orc off and ran as fast as I could.

From what I can tell, Blizzard scales NPCs based on position/importance in the game. Like the guy when you go into ICC who is 9 feet tall (Tirion I think) or the Goblin laborers who are about 2/3 the size of a normal Goblin in Zuldazar.

Personally, I would love to play a 2/3 scale Goblin lol.



So THAT’S why gnomes are so small!

(Deep down you knew someone would make this joke.)

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i have no doubt that an orc the size of those in game could throw a horse, too.

you ahve to understand, a normal average horse is only around 1000lbs. there are super strong people irl that can lift 1000lbs in strongman competitions.

if the average orc is around 2x stronger than the average human, you have to understand what that means. you know the horror stories of the power of chimps? they’re only like 1.5x stronger than the average adult male. so for a trained adult male orc to throw a horse in a fit of rage? when they have bloodrage as a part of their biology? not a problem imo.

though the warcraft movie orcs were too big imo.


I knew Zandalari trolls were tall but that really puts it into perspective.

The movie shows us orcs at the height of their fel-infused rampage, and fel is known to make things bigger.

Modern orcs are still taller than humans, but not that much taller.

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That chart is missing worgen and goblins. Kinda weird. :thinking:

This always makes me laugh. Kul’Tirans are MASSIVE. They’re literal giants at over 8’ tall.

Can you imagine people being a foot taller than Shaq with muscle mass 4x that of Arnolds?

These dudes would rule the world. A massive, powerful fleet. An insanely powerful mage (Jaina) as well as being adept at magic in general. They’re walking demi-gods.

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Yes, they’re supposed to be huge.

Taurens are also supposed to be much larger.

I believe other races are pretty accurate.

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not really, lore puts them near what they are in game. tauren are around 8ft in game, but in lore it’s 10ft.

the tallest in lore is vrykul at +15ft, which is why they’d be stupid as playable, there’s no way to get their model near enough to that height.

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Orcs are not that much bigger than humans and they are not that much stronger than humans in game. If you watch the Mist of Pandaria cinematic, the human male is only a little smaller than the orc male and they were more or less matched in strength. In game, orcs and humans are not much different in size. Orcs in the Warcraft movie were absurdly large compared to humans. There is no way humans would’ve been able to defeat orcs ever if orcs were that large in lore.

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Movie? Sure. In game… humans look to be taller.

Wow, that was quite a necro. Yeah, you are probably right. I wasn’t really talking about strength, I guess. I was talking about their builds side by side. The game and cinematics (along with other official depictions) aren’t always consistent with how they present the two races.

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No way are undead that tall, they are definitely smaller than humans. I know they’re perma-hunched so unrolling them like that to put on that chart just don’t make any sense.

Also, Goblins?

Orcs are stockier and more muscular than humans in lore but they are not a lot larger in size than humans, I don’t think, at least not like it was presented in the Warcraft movie.