The Shadowlands Pre-Expansion Patch is Now Live

still disconnected


It is not Blizzards problem that people took days off on patch/launch days, which always never goes smooth. That part of an argument will always be invalid. Not their problem, the game not working is.

People demanding why they never learn every time, when they are the ones who never learn to expect the game to be broken all day.

IIT: Swaths of people who have never experienced a blizzard pre-xpac patch day. Welcome to the waiting room kiddos


no, it isn’t

Just keep trying peeps. This happens every major pre-patch lol

Glad you have joined the legions of losers that accept failure. Must be a millennial.

dc every second.

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I wish it were live for me except when I try to log in I get player not found

Going to assume queue servers are down since Tichondrius is full but getting DC every time.

You mean Trump voters?

Not that the other side is much better. All either side wants is to take your hard earned tax money to give to their corporate bros.

que servers are not down. there is jsut not that many people trying to log in. Ive seen the que twice and max was 6 people.

This is just Blizzard being unable to learn from past issues, 8 expansions same issue every time, except this time they aren’t even being flooded by log in attempts

Which you yourself are doing by playing this game, and owning a computer, etc.

Blizzard was barely ready for this barebones pre-patch, could you imagine the actual expansion launching today? :rofl:

anyone else missing mog items and mounts? I am.

they deleyed prepath to 15th?

It says Pre-Expansion Patch is Now Live however other forum threads suggest otherwise (a lot of technical difficulties).

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Nah, I’ve just played the game since 06, so I know what to expect on patch and launch days.

Acting like I know anything about programing by complaining that they just don’t know what they are doing and it’s just so easy to keep the servers stable and why aren’t you doing it is not doing anything.


It’s alive, IT’S ALIVE! And filled with un-intended bugs!


How’s that log in working for ya’ll… no? okay, i’ll wait, like i have any other choice…

Hooray, pre patch is more like beta. Most of us can’t play it because constant DC’s. Every log in and you get rejected. Best part, there’s more bugs on top of that. What a waste of time. Were paying ever month and payed a expansion, and this is how you guys treated us. Very mess up. Please fix this already

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