The servers population caps and the likeliness of queues

And it was the first major blow to server community. I think most true vanilla fans view xrealm BGs as the first step in the wrong direction that led us to BFA.

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They didn’t die when I spent moths doing them on my journey to 60 in vanilla. Pretty sure I spent a month in my 30s just doing wsg/ab and never had problems. It’s not a bg problem it’s a server problem. Don’t force me into x realm bgs because you’re on a low pop server

lol you don’t speak for everyone. WoW always has people leveling. You can get discounts through pvp. Pvp won’t be dead at low level unless your server is that bad.

Thanks for making this thread OP I have been looking for a proper conversation on server population and its effects on classic.

I think you have skirted around the biggest impact aspect of a dynamic population\respawn timers though and that is world bosses.

There is no raid lock out on them per week, the limiting factor is the amount of times they spawn (In vanilla on a server crash/restart they usually spawned within ~30 minutes of a server coming back up).

With increased server populations this means increased competition and less gear to go around. This can probably be overlooked for Azuregos/Kazzak but has implications for NR gear in the AQ tier.