The Servers Aren't Stressed Enough

They shutdown everything but two PvP servers… :confused: joy…

Okay now there’s a gazillion peeps, so much for my nice chill leveling lol.

I liked the RP server better :frowning:


Server 4 was all fine, then they shutdown it, went to server 15 and couldnt even tag a mob. That was enough for me :slight_smile: Going to do something else

:frowning_face: I am not happy about that either

The level 15 caps means you won’t go into contested zones unless you really want to. Thank you for logging in and helping us with this stress test.


I don’t know if that’s good or bad. I think people are getting tired of the beta dragging on with no further invites so they’re saying fu*k it. Then again perhaps it’s a lack of communication on Blizz’s part. If you weren’t following classic via forums or whatever, you wouldn’t even know about the test.

really sucks to reset again at lvl 6

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Part of the problem is some people are still either at work or on their way home.


It was nice on server 12. I told my friend if it is like this on live I will play.

Made another character on server 3 now and both the human and night elfs areas are too crowded. My friend didn’t even bother.


Super frustrating when i was almost done with the zone quests and because i didnt roll on your chosen servers i had to restart and now i cant even find mobs. Thanks blizz ggnore


To all the people complaining… We are here to stress the servers. Log in and run around. Doesn’t matter about the spawn rates or levels right now. This is a test… not for you, for Blizzard. We want the servers to get off on a good start on launch, right?


You’re there to stress test, not play the game. The realm type you’re on doesn’t matter.

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Testing on a low-pop server isn’t helping stress the servers, even if the mobs for quests are plentiful…

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some people just can’t let their hair down and have fun being silly, such a shame.


If they REALLY wanted to see what the server(s) can take, they’d open the door to everyone, even those without subs. :stuck_out_tongue:


A lot of people are still at work

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I’m on the mass transit home, I’m almost there. Then ganking time!

Was on the RP realm but they shut that down, tried to make a character on Server 3 but logged off after a couple minutes, the dwarven starting area was way to crowded to properly quest things would get hit the second they spawned.


You people seriously do not deserve the game Blizzard is trying to get out for you.

“Because I can’t play exactly how I want, under the exact conditions I want, I’m angry/quitting/whining/etc.”

What do you think a stress test is?