The Secret Bike Crime

ummmm maybe don’t be so FOMO… You don’t have to have the green bike. It does nothing for you. It’s a mount and you can live and play without it. Don’t want to do the grind to get it? DON’T do it… but also don’t come to forums whining about your FOMO and making a fool of yourself.

They do.

Pet Battle players exist too and deserve content.

Hope that helps!

Nah. Just known for dramatic trolling and people keep falling for it.

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Then you don’t get the mount.

Hope that’s cleared up for you now.

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I’m not in a position to be able to criticize others for having a hangup about certain content.

(I’m grateful the devs included a way that allowed me to complete a certain step that could easily have gated me out)

The whole secret thing is hours of esoteric garbage.
The mount is the only reason to even engage, and the mount special is the only reason to keep on after you’ve unlocked it.


I throughly enjoyed the quest/hunt
Last orb was a little rough, but by and large I had a lot of fun running around all the zones I haven’t been to in years. I appreciate all the thought and detail that went into the design

So right now trying RNG with Taptaf, Terky and Wicker Pup,
OMG it is so much fun, SO MUCH SKILL to wait t ill RNG will make first mob miss 2 skills.
It is so advanced.

Git gud bud
You have the correct spells selected?
Pets in the right order?

Git gud?
Waiting for random is getting good?

Are you using the correct spells with the pets in the correct order to counter each fight?
If you are…then
Get lucky?
Negative karma from the forum tears I suspect

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Why are you toxic is the question here (as for many other toxic forum posters).

I’m just razzing you while trying to troubleshoot your issues homie

Your post was toxic

The recommend 3 pets for this can be gathered in 30-45 minutes and shouldn’t be broken because they aren’t SL.

Aight, now level them to 25 and rare up Wicker Pup.

They are, rare and 25 if you would read what author said in his guide, that it is random luck if eye misses 2 abilities.

The toys are not mandatory z you can just make a group.or stand and wait at the alters for someone else.yo use the toy or pet.

The pet battle isn’t too bad either, when I did it I did it with baal, snowfur cub and nelthara, and I just used baal as a sacrificial lamb, and then bewt down the other two bets using nelthara and snowfur cub. It did take a bit of RNG for me to win, given the change ability of the second pet needs to go off on your sacrifice given it blasts for so much of your health. Otherwise just stun them and blast them down.

Good thing I have the Hateforged Blazecycle…

I think there should be more motorcycles and some of them should fly too.

Putting the one you can actually earn in-game behind and few hours of learning to pet battle at “max” level with “optimal” pets… is bad call.

I’m all for people who like to do pet battles and enjoy your motorcycle. It’s a hard pass for me on anything that’s adding to pet battle metrics in this way.

I know that’s what the guide said, I was pointing out that while you can get them in short enough order you still have to level them up and increase the rarity of one.
Doing that is going to take a fat minute longer unless you invest time looking into guides or have spare pet charms to spend on the relevant stones.

I spent pet charms.