The Scarlet Crusade should have ended in Legion

Who knows, the Exploring Series has for the most part not been interested in making making major changes to the world. Although the few times it does so(like learning that Southshore is rebuilt/the Kun-Lai villages that sided with the factions are destroyed) was always interesting.

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While that is interesting, the Scarlet Onslaught’s continued existence is not interesting. It is a plot hole that preys on fan nostalgia to hide bad writing.

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Hey you’re the one who brought up how “no other religion would be depicted like this” not me, its not a plothole, anyone can claim to be apart of an organisation that’s how they work


Except they aren’t one and the same; hell, the Onslaught have Death Knights in their ranks of all things. Even the OG Scarlets never did that.

As I mentioned, going back to Northrend means we will likely have further opportunities to deal with them. I would rather see Onslaught Harbors final destruction ingame rather then be a footnote in a book.

Look, considering both groups were lead by a dreadlord(and whatever this current incarnation is probably is as well) I don’t think the Scarlet Crusade wouldn’t have invited Death knights to their cause if not present the opportunity so much so as there probably were not enough death knights/Balnazzar just wasn’t as clever/powerful enough to get them to join the EK ones.

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The fact remains you are the one who brought it up in this thread and ignored the lore facts I presented.

imo that makes it an even greater poetic justice for Death Knights to be the ones to kill off the Scarlet Crusade.

“I wonder if it’d help if the writers made a WoW version of ISIS or the Taliban…”
Oh so you didn’t say this then


There is no lore reason why there can’t be a scarlet crusade, Just saying “every member of the crusade was killed in northrend” means nothing cause anyone can just say they are also the scarlet crusade

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That wasn’t an accusation, and that still doesn’t make me wrong about the plot holes (among other things).

There never has been any plot holes

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No, you’re ignoring them because you don’t want the Scarlet Crusade to be killed off permanently.

What does that even mean, if anyone can claim to be a member of an org then no org can be killed of permanently

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I mean you don’t want them killed off in a way that results in them no longer being in the story.

Mate, all it takes for someone to claim to be a scarlet crusader is to have the cahones to claim to be one, there is no killing them off permanetly. The only deciding factor is if blizzard decides if someone has those cahones

Even if what you said is true, it doesn’t make me wrong about you not wanting them gone or why.

Except it’s not true, because there’s a strict criterion for being a member of the Scarlet Crusade;

  1. Want to reclaim Lorderaen for it’s living human inhabitants.
  2. Worship the Light.
  3. Be human.

Something tells me an Orc warlock in Durotar claiming they’re a member of the Scarlet Crusade doesn’t count.

well 1. you don’t get to decide how i feel about something or why i do, 2. they are an enemy related to the forsaken narratively so i like them being an enemy

and funnily enough no orc warlocks are claiming that, they all seem to be wanting to do first 2 points funny that

The Plot Threads on the Scarlet Brotherhood mention only an Arathi claiming to be heir to Terenas’s Throne through Calia’s Bloodline. It’s only the association with Calia that makes people think the Twilight’s Hammer is involved.

Arathi are in Hallowfall with some members being Evil while others are Good…

The Arathi want Lordaeron and the rest of the Human Kingdoms… The ones in Hallowfall didn’t give up their claim to the Human Kingdoms like the ones in Stormwind it seems and will forge a relationship with Calia to get Lordaeron…

Don’t be obtuse, I was pointing out how your claim

is wrong, because orgs have a strict criterion on what it means to be one.

No you weren’t because its not wrong, anyone can claim to be a member of it, they just wont be taken as seriously if they aren’t a light worshipping human who wants lordaeron