The Sacred Flame: The greatest curve ball that blizzard can do

Faith, and willpower. Mostly it is will power. Light also fills you with positive emotions but once you start having negative thoughts and doubts, that affects your willpower or faith and you lose said power.

Rather, the Magisters used arcane magic to drain a Naaru’s power and transfer it to the Blood Knights, granting them abilities. In other words, they “forced” light.
The TBC Blood Knights were indeed deliberately vicious.

Apparently you’re able to bend other magic types with arcane?

I mean established with the fel bending nature magic or titan magic binding elemental magics

Nah, Blood elves use the light vastly different from the dwarves and humans and even Draenei. They literally drain the power to use. When Blood Knights first came out, they were the edgy Paladins. They used the light but the light didn’t give them any positive thoughts or anything because they drained a Naa’ru to do it.

The sunwell now being online with a combination of arcane and light, they draw from that and it is less faith based and more like a Cellphone with a connection to their tower.

Yeah, Doubt and despair filled Tirion’s heart when he was excommunicated. Only after some time as a farmer and a clear head that he realised that the light never truly leaves. You can’t just turn it off, then he stated to wield the light again because he started to not have doubt in his faith any more.

idk where you’re getting this from, but it’s not true. the silver hand’s schism was not an isolated faction breaking off. and the dreadlord did not turn them into zealots, they already were zealots, and notably continued to be well after his removal from the organization. in fact, they were so zealous that they literally wielded the light in undeath, which was at one time what was notable about zeliek.

almost like the childish need for cosmic moral duality to be color-coded for you. what sort of simpleton would need that?

Zeliek was NOT a zealot. He was a Death Knight FORCED into attacking others but his will and faith in the light was so strong he stayed sane. Go look at his profile. Every fight he’s in he is apologizing to us because he is FORCED To attack us. He even tells us to run away.

Also where am I getting it? From the same Ashbringer comic you brought up, the Arthas book and playing as a paladin in the game and knowing how the argent crusade became a thing.

The silverhand did split up. Half went scarlet with the dreadlord and the other half became the argent crusade, who allowed trolls, gnomes, dwarves, forsaken and goblins in their ranks.

You’re a very rude person.

i don’t think you understand the argument being made here. no one is saying the light is immoral, but that it is amoral. that it draws upon one’s sense of morality does not justify its moral objectivity. it’s not a complicated argument, but it seems like it can’t be made obvious enough.

nope, the naaru was actually allowing the magisters to draw from its energy.

Again, you are not understanding what I am saying. I know the light is amoral, it is just an energy source. But the fact is that the energy source has a function that almost never allows bad people to use it. It literally fills people up with compassion, love, pride, loyalty. Those traits are vastly less to go evil than the other sources. That is why “evil” light based users are a rarity, not the norm.

You not understanding me and you being rude just goes hand in hand I see.

Because it was a light based creature, filled with compassion. The blood elves realise that later and feel bad about it. Hence they know draw from the sunwell and feel positive emotions. Blood Knights when they first came out were more like the scarlet crusade. Siphoning the light and being slightly corrupted that they never felt the positive effects of it.

this evidently is not the case, nor was it ever. i think the confusion is this: the light does not impart compassion, but draws upon it. it does not bestow loyalty, it is strengthened by loyalty. and this is pretty obvious from manifold examples, but each time these are brought up, you search, often in vain, for some connection to a different power because it seems impossible to suppose that people can simply be zealous of their own accord.

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well i mean i’d have to find the precise citation but my memory is that m’ure allowed it because it would be easier to bring blood elves into the fold of the light thru its usage.

M’uru has accepted his fate, which Velen has predicted for him.
But I don’t know if you can really call that consent. If he had voluntarily given his energy to the Magisters, the Blood Knights wouldn’t have been plagued with headaches and pain imo.

I think you’re refering to this? Not sure if there is another source.

Somebody didn’t read Arthas or Unforgiven, the story of Nobundo. That was always the case to the point you google the light and every single source tells you what I stated.

It does both. Humans of the church of light thought it needed loyality to draw on it but it is the other way around. You just needed willpower to use the light, since it is an amoral energy source, but it fills you will those feelings. Again, literally in the Arthas novel and Nobundo.

Because it literally never happened in the game via the lore. Lightforged are literally like Naa’rus to the point they can just draw on the light willy nilly, hence the whole term Lightforged or Lightbound. The dreadlords took the slightly racists people in the silverhand, twisted their minds so badly that they felt good doing evil acts. The rest of the silverhand saw what was happening and left and created the argent crusade.

Blood elves used to siphon a naa’ru for their power until said naa’ru fused itself wiht the sunwell to cleanse it and now draw on it from the sunwell, filling them with hope and love instead of the bitterness they felt before.

Zeliek literally was not a Zealot to the point his whole character was Iconic because he was a human paladin soul trapped in a death knight and being forced to attack innocent people but held to his resolve and the light that someone might free him one day, and we did.

It was that and compassion because it knew the blood elves were suffering from arcane addiction. It was sacrificing itself for the betterment of the blood elves to the point it became one with the sunwell. But the way the blood elves were siphoning the light off of it really wasn’t the right way to wield the light and it hurt them to use the light. It made them bitter, headache prone and filled with pain, the exact opposite of what the Light should be doing to a user.

i suppose you might be right. it seems possible to me to suppose that the pain endured by the blood elves was because of the pain they were inflicting upon m’ure, but i don’t have a strong enough feeling about it to make that a serious contention.

this just takes me to the middle of liadrin’s page, would you mind specifying what you’re thinking of?

well, funnily, that’s no longer true.

i mean we were never talking about necessity. but even in the contexts of the arthas and nobundo stories, you’re really just showing more evidence as to the amorality of the light, even in its practice: the light did not instill draenei with compassion for the broken, but rather the broken’s inability to channel the light was what made them outcasts in the first place. and, all this aside, we’re still not talking about what’s moral, we’re just talking about, like, the phenomenology of the light.

idk how you think this applies or is some uniquely exculpatory claim. what are you saying here?

this is downplaying, in the first place, but also do bother to bear in mind that turalyon once had his connection to the light restored throu an untrammeled racism for orcs.

i didn’t bring zeliek up because he’s a zealot.

[citation needed]

The whole questline in BC was the citation. It was a wonderful quest line really and the reigniting of the sunwell was fun. Look how Lierdrian story, she goes on about this as well.

But when Blood Elves first came out, it was looked as the more “edgy vampiric paladins”. They even had special animations for certain spells that showed their more vampiric nature of the light than actual using it correctly.

It was a fun time when Blizzard at least tried to change paladin animations to fit the culture using it.

so in other words, you don’t have something specific. i’m asking you to substantiate a claim you’re making about the intentions of m’ure. do you have such substance?

also, where in the nobundo story are you getting descriptions of the light filling people with emotion? the battle sequence at the beginning?