What double standard? Is there evil druids? Is there evil shamans? Are there evil light wielding trolls?
But still vastly important to their culture. Don’t ignore it just because it is a small part of it and the king of loas was a huge part of their culture.
The death of him left a huge wound on them.
Don’t really complain about the portrayal of other religions.
There are.
There are.
Maybe? I don’t know about that one off hand.
Don’t really complain about the portrayal of other religions.
Because they aren’t portrayed as zealots. Maybe that is why.
There are.
Not really. The evil druids we faced in DF literally were more elementalists than druids.
Maybe? I don’t know about that one off hand
Because there aren’t any.
Mate they literally are portrayed as zealots is why they are dead, you don’t complain about them cause you don’t care
It isn’t. There are evil zealot druids and shamans. You just don’t care about them.
Nevermind. I am done with this topic.
I will boil it down for the people.
Western/human version of the light wielders = evil
Tribal version of the light wielders = good
Doesn’t matter they still both worship the light.
I dont know. I dont particularly see anyone saying we shouldnt be screwing over the Scarlet. However I do see complaints that this telegraph “Tyranical Arathi empire of light user” seem passé.
One could certainly relate that to say the Zandalari and how for a good chunk of Cat/MoP they were being set up for a villain bat only for Blizzard to thrown a curveball and make them less monsterous.
There are no zealot druids
And dark shamans I already stated but dark shamans are not liked by anyone in wow. It is frowned upon.
Thrall himself goes after dark shamanistic arts and so do other shamans. Dark shamans are outliers
People don’t seem to understand that within the various religious groups, the evil ones are the exceptions and not the norm.
But they don’t want to hear that.
I already seen what they want to say. The light for the humans is too western religious coded. That undead poster just put human light religion = Christianity for them. So yeah, it isn’t even about the light now. It is about real life religion.
It’s a lost cause to talk about fictional stuff now because they view it as a connection to real stuff. At that point, I am just talking in circles.
They’re called druids of the flame and drust. Dark shamans and primalists.
Nobody likes Light zealots either. But here we have people complaining about or defending them. Hence the double standard.
Druids of the flames are elementalists. Drust aren’t druids, they use death magic. You literally did not pay attention.
Nobody is defending light zealots. We literally only had one faction of light zealots, the scarlet crusade. The problem is you people think anyone who wields the light as humans are a zealot.
I’m just pointing out what people have said, People have made the connection to real world faith before me
And they are wrong as hell. Real world religion doesn’t have literal magic that heals people and fills them with positivity.
Yes, this game is inspired by real world religious practices but they are not 1:1 the same.
Druids of the flame. They’re druids.
They used corrupted druidism. They use the Emerald Nightmare.
Primalists. Dark shamans.
They do though.
Nope. Plenty of light users that aren’t zealots.
That’s like saying I am a druid of alcohol. Doesn’t make me a druid. Just makes me an alcoholic.
That doesn’t make them druids and the druids killed them. So yeah, what is your point?
Sure they are
Literally my point. There is literally only one group of light zealots, the scarlet crusade and now maybe the one dungeon in TWW but they were considered to go against their ways and fell into fear.
if we’re having to cover this ground like it’s novel, do we really expect the lightpilled to grasp our point? you can’t even point to clear instances of druidism without them pulling from a bodily hole some excuse
Light pilled? By the titans.
The fact you didn’t grasp the storyline of the druids of the flame forgoing their druidism for a primalist dragon says a lot. They all left druidism behind to be servants of the primal dragons to regain their immortality.
I am done with this thread. People here don’t even read the lore or played through it.
They are only called druids because they enslaved wild gods/loas to keep their powers and combining it with elemental fire.
It isn’t like saying that because you can’t do druid magic. They can. That’s how a lot of druid orders name themselves. Druids of the fang, moon, claw, etc. they’re all druids.
Devs said they practice druidism. Makes them druids.
And the ones making Lightbound. And the members of the Priory.