The rollbacks should have been in proporsion to the amount of frogs farmed

I gained less than 4000 stam from frogs but was nerfed 35k. I took a week off work and have played 12+ hours a day just to lose most of my progrss on my cloak, this is really saddening.


yup. check my post for screenshots. I gained about 400-700 of each stat from frogs and lost 4000-7000 of each stat.

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Well, yeah, any competent management/enforcement team would have done something like that. Unfortunately we do not have that, Blizzard is unable to do anything properly anymore.

Just ignore any of the forum apes, they also say the false positives are “for the greater good”.

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I’m just worried they will give in again and nerf my gear which I have pumped all my bronze into (im still not ilvl capped)

ngl, I am still surprisey nerfed frogs. Really did not expect them to nerf it with how long it had been in the game prior.

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Its not surprising when you really think about it, Blizzard wants the event to last long for subscriptions, they ignored feedback on an overpowered farm on PTR and it made it to live, people used it and then Blizzard panic removed it, this segmented the players and the people who killed frogs were scapegoated to take all the heat from the angry players who missed out, despite it actually being Blizzards fault in the first place.

Meanwhile they still nerf every farm that gives decent bronze which hurts EVERYONE but a majority are just happy they got the 40k bronze, which is honestly a pittance.

Yep, wish more people would stop and think for two seconds and realise that players did nothing wrong, but they just keep parroting “you are a frogsploiter, you KNEW you were CHEATING, it is a CHEAT even if you did it the past 10 years and it was fine”

I gained a minimal advantage farming frogs, maybe 100K health was nerfed along with whatever minimal secondary stats.

I don’t know if 4K stamina or 100K health or whatever is deemed:

But I am also seeing people not get the bronze quest and not even be nerfed because they sit under the threshold they are nerfing us down to. Blizzard are getting worse, they are so incompetent they cannot even tell who gained an “extreme advantage” and what that advantage even was, because it wasn’t the cloak.

I reiterate, all they had to do was nerf the farms and leave it at that, with a little sticky note in the development logs saying “don’t let this happen again.” Watch as in another week or two everyone becomes superpowered and “froggergate” becomes a distant - embarrassing - memory.

As usual they applied a panic “fix” to a short term “problem” that only has long term effects (bad ones).

The problem is that they nerfed frog farmers without taking account for how many only did it for a little while. They assumed whoever did ‘x’ amount = ‘y’ amount over ‘z’ amount despite the fact there were people who didn’t do much of it. It’s a blanket solution based off a generic assumption that doesn’t even fix the issue properly or half way.

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Somewhere at ActiBlizz HQ there’s a mural of this exact sentence. It’s their core philosophy.

I too wasn’t expecting them to nerf it.

You took a week off work and been playing 12 hours per day… for remix? An LTM thats supposed to be “for fun”? And you think that’s Ok?

Dont worry, in 80 days all your progress will be DELETED.

Judging what someone else does for fun? You seem like an incredibly nice person to be around.