The return of Soon™

“We hope to have fixes in place for these issues before launch, but please note that we can never guarantee when or if any known issue will be fixed.”

Don’t gloss over the ever important final statement of that “hunter fix” post

Reforged and 8.3 won’t be out until 2020 I bet

8.3 will be out or “on the horizon” by Blizzcon. The next WoW expansion will be announced then.

You have definitely never worked in the real world if you think policy makers do not screw up entire organizations by saying “you told us this date so you better make it happen or you’re fired”. I guarantee you Ion lives 24/7 under that pressure.

What people fail to understand is that wow classic is not being viewed as a big ticket item at shareholder meetings. They aren’t gambling on classic being a huge game saving thing. heck, I don’t think they realize how big it is going to be!

With that distinct underestimation, comes a lack of oversight. Activision isn’t focuses on growing wow AT ALL, they’re focused on mobile games. I think blizzard has been given fairly wide range (which is good) in the re-development of classic because of how poorly BFA has been doing.

I didn’t read the hunter fix post as i dont play hunter… i was just trying to help you out.

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No. Activision calls the shots now.

This forum: “How dare Blizzard release Classic in late summer! Its practically finished, they should release it sooner!”

Also this forum: “Bli$$ard always rushes everything out the door because of Activi$ion!”


Haha, yep.

It would be like clockwork.

Fixed :sunglasses:

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C’mon, if there was consistency in that sort of thing, there’d be half the posts in the forum.

I was hoping someone would finally get that.

My new fav blizzard quote is…

“That’s how I like to play”

Correct, but the board of directors who’re beholden to the share holders; they do.

As a result the “Where is my money” aspect of the share holders does tend to push that common misconception.

Blizzard still functions independently. Activision has never involved themselves. They only stepped in recently, and it was about cutting unneeded costs.

BfA is still doing very well. It’s still the most successful MMORPG for anywhere close to the age of WoW, and still considered the top MMORPG. Most of these games are dead by now. And I think it would be a safer bet that Activision is more behind Classic becoming a reality than Blizzard is. Their reason for wanting Blizzard to cut costs was the lack of new IPs. And now you have people making millions off of Blizzard’s IP, but not through Blizzard’s official game. That IS a loss for Blizzard, and their rights are limited without putting out an official server (remember, pservers are an international thing).

There’s just way too much convenient for this to be about anything but securing that money that they should be making off of their game, but instead someone else is.

Would be nice if they had the mentality of “ready when it’s ready”, although a ballpark estimate is nice like “late in X month” etc.

Instead they’re being pressured to rush content (BFA, literally the whole xpac)

I’m a shareholder in multiple companies (my portfolio is diversified). The extent of my involvement is that I get an invitation to their annual meetings (usually banquets in Chicago or New York- once in Richmond, Virginia), and the occasional ballot for electing board members. I’ve never gotten anything resembling a direct line to the product/service’s infrastructure or even decision-making. “Shareholders” as a concept invokes anonymity, people. We aren’t hovering on a phone demanding things from the company we’ve invested in- again, that medium for interaction just doesn’t exist.

The most involved I get as a shareholder is when I meet with my financial planner twice a year and we look at how my stocks are performing. But if they’re doing bad, we sell and buy in elsewhere (I just dumped Coca Cola recently).

Do do… you know… have a specific release date.

Blizzard isn’t anywhere near good enough anymore to say “soon” or “when it’s ready” with that cocky attitude.

They’re lucky to zip their pants up without catching their crotch in it.

For xpacs I believe a specific release date is important, but announce it once the expansion is nearly finished, not months ahead of time and scramble to finish it but patches and such? Nah, those can wait until they’re ready