The reason you're not feeling the, uh, S2 "changes"

Edit: Redacted. This WAS changed, Wowhead just sucks at making articles.

Big hot fail already. Datamined Cinderbrew Meadery lists nothing for the one actual critical caster in the entire place.

Honey Volley mass slow followed by Rain of Honey is THE WOMBO COMBO THAT KILLS PEOPLE. I don’t trust the designers to know what’s going on in the dungeons they have never playtested. If they can’t start with the single most obvious thing to look at then they don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt.

Oh but the dispellable heal they heavily nerf because its text says ‘heal’ and they did a ctrl-F for that. Even though heals target lowest %hp and that means it will always land on the irrelevant cleave trash instead of the big quadruple-hp mobs in that wing.

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Sorry, that logic doesn’t work though.

Sure, a couple abilities were made to be faster, but a vast majority were slowed down which you would know if you looked through the full list. That’s pretty easy logic to follow right? :yawning_face: Actually, since it’s you, that may not be the case.

Edit: Just glancing through the notes, it looks like 2 abilities had faster cast times compared to 11 or 12 that had increased cast time. Again, you’re interested in being angry, not being informed.


if this is real I wholeheartedly think you may need professional help

I didn’t delete anything, my TL is high enough but I guess the forums didn’t like the link. Here it is again, broken:

edit: in fact it looks like both my messages in here got deleted, interesting

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  • Bone Spear cast time increased to 3.5 sec (was 3.3)

Look at this massive quality of life increase!

Although maybe there is a teensy shred of hope since Withering Discharge shows a 3s cast on live and 4s on PTR. Not on that datamined list because even WH doesn’t know what abilities are important enough to look for.